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slower than expected readyshare upload speeds

I just replaced my 5 year old R8000P router with a new RAXE500. it seems to be working wonderfully, except for one minor glaring issue. I hooked up an external USB 3.0 HDD to use as a backup drive for my system's ReBit Pro backup software. setting up the drive and software was literally child's play. the issue comes when my system goes to communicate with the drive over the network. My system is connecting to the router at 1Gbps. While my modem is plugged into the modem, I am seeing network speeds equivalent to that of my Internet download/upload speeds i.e. 10 Mbps down, 1Mbps up. Without the modem plugged in, I see speeds to the drive as 30Mbps and higher. is this normal?


AC4000 WiFi Router (R8000P) 

AXE11000 WiFi Router (RAXE500) 

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