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Wax 220 Wi-Fi stability issues

Recently upgraded from a unifi USG-3P and AC-lite access point to a pfSense router and a WAX220. Now we have constant dropouts on the wifi, (like the phone left the wifi and we are on cellular. Sometimes reconnects itself sometimes we have to pick our ssid again) and our phones frequently just turn their wi-fi off by themselves, so we have to go into the phone's settings and switch Wi-Fi back on.

I don't think it's the router bc I put the AC-lite AP back out and disconnected the wax220 and everything works beautifully.

Location: a small 2-story home with a single ceiling access point in the center of the 2nd story. Pretty sure no point in the home is more than 35' from the AP.

Backstory: My ubiquity AC-lite was fine, but I wanted to upgrade to ax/6 in anticipation of fiber coming to my neighborhood. Got a switch and a router with 2.5G ports on them, and a Netgear WAX220.
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