Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

NETGEAR Employee Retired

Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT


Join us on Thursday, March 25 at 10:30 AM PT for an exclusive Orbi WiFi 6 Live Event. We'll discuss how upgrading your network to the Orbi WiFi 6 Mesh System can help support homes in need of better WiFi coverage, the fastest speeds, and support for more connected devices than before. Whether you're looking to build out the smart home of your dreams, need a more stable connection for your video conferencing needs, or want a lag-free 4K/8K streaming experience, we have an Orbi WiFi 6 solution for you!


Tune in and you will be entered for a chance to win an Orbi WiFi 6 Mesh System for your home. We look forward to seeing you there!


Register for the Orbi WiFi 6 Live Event

Message 1 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Instead of promoting users to upgrade to the Orbi AX. Maybe Netgear should be promoting to fix the DNS server/ firmware first.

Message 2 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

@energie wrote:
Instead of promoting users to upgrade to the Orbi AX. Maybe Netgear should be promoting to fix the DNS server/ firmware first.



Agreed.  Stop promoting faulty products until a resolution is found.  These things cost people hundreds of hard earned dollars with many not working out of the box.  It's tantamount to buying a Bugatti Veyron and finding a lawn mower engine under the hood.

Message 3 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

How does that affect performance? Sorry, newbie here
Message 4 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

I don't believe it does. Mine works well for performance. 

@artsoto23 wrote:
How does that affect performance? Sorry, newbie here


Message 5 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Here is an anology: You can have a Audi Q8 (car), good car and potential good performance. If the engine every now and then breaks down. I don't think you can say the performance is good. We call that: bad performance.

Message 6 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Seems like you trying to compare apples to oranges. 🍊 

Message 7 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

No it seems like I am saying this router is performing "very bad" because of serious issues with the DNS server / firmware. 


Netgear needs to fix the DNS server / firmware.

Message 8 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

The impact to performance is that when DNS is having issues, you cannot access the webpages or content you'd desire at high speeds, let alone any speeds.    Sometimes going through and "refreshing" the page will result in the query working well but you'll see several that have to resort to rebooting their Orbi AX.    A process that can take over 15 minutes for all the sats to synch back up.


That would be described as hardly "performant".   Also the current solution is to use a third party router and then use the Orbi AX in an AP only mode.    This prevents the ability for it to use NetGear Armor, another significant advertised feature.


If I wanted to use a third party router and then just use the APs, I'd have gone for Nethawk AP's hardwired at points in the home. 

Message 9 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Would have to give more information on your configuration and settings to see what all is happening with your system. Some are effected by this DNS issue. Others are not. I saw my first DNS issue this past week after the time change since having my Orbi AX installed 2019. DST was not enabled on my system at the time nor do I use Armor or Traffic Meter. After enabling DST on my RBR850, I have not seen the issue again. Performance is as expected. My system also had a power bump on the same day that I saw the DNS errors. Others mentioned in the Orbi AC forum that Traffic Meter was a known problem that NG found to be a cause for that system. Not sure if this applies to the Orbi AX system as well. I haven't used TM at all and I haven't seen any DNS issues on my RBK50 system, with DST enabled. 


Overall, Users that are having problems with there Orbi AX systems and this DNS issue, should make conctact with NG support. Forum help can only do so much. 

Message 10 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

@FURRYe38 are you working for Netgear, you really sound like a broken record trying to give positive praise to a broken product.


It has been confirmed, and reconfirmed (and reconfirmed x100) that the DNS server / firmware has a bug. This affects all users that use this router in Router mode. It is not settings related. It is not hardware related. It is firmware related. This has been confirmed by login in to the router with Telnet.


The end result remains: Netgear should fix the DNS Server / Firmware.

Message 11 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

It is settings related in that in certain cases it's a particular setting that creates the issue/problem, BUT bottom line is it's a firmware issue in that the setting (or combination of settings) that SHOULD work, DO NOT work correctly.


That being said, ALL tech products, including ALL routers experience some kind of firmware issue with every release/update. I give you EVERY Windows update ever.


The differentiation comes with how each company handles the issue(s).  Do they dismiss the /customer/problem(s), or do they acknowledge the problem(s) and take immediate action?

Message 12 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Please make a new post in the Orbi AX forum outlining the problems your having with your and lets see if we can gather some information and suggestions. 

@SeaRefractor wrote:

The impact to performance is that when DNS is having issues, you cannot access the webpages or content you'd desire at high speeds, let alone any speeds.    Sometimes going through and "refreshing" the page will result in the query working well but you'll see several that have to resort to rebooting their Orbi AX.    A process that can take over 15 minutes for all the sats to synch back up.


That would be described as hardly "performant".   Also the current solution is to use a third party router and then use the Orbi AX in an AP only mode.    This prevents the ability for it to use NetGear Armor, another significant advertised feature.


If I wanted to use a third party router and then just use the APs, I'd have gone for Nethawk AP's hardwired at points in the home. 


Message 13 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Why should @SeaRefractor make a new post. The problems are outlined in the following thread:


Message 14 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Orbi is a good product... but it could be better/great/best if there was a higher degree of clear communication and effort from their engineering staff to not only resolve existing issues, but to make the product better.


I think the frustration shown in this post is because there is a sense that Netgear is investing in public relations/sales that may be better served invested in product refinement and communication with their user base (through their own community forums!?)  A great product sells itself.  A good product takes a salesman/saleswoman.


Of course we dont know what Netgear's plans and activities are because Netgear elects not to share any plans (other than new product releases) even with the folks who are using and advocating their product.  Simple example:  "New Device Notification" -- what is that?  Why are they putting it in there?  Who knows?  We have to interpret very limited release notes and guess what -- if anything -- the future holds for a very expensive product which we invested in.  DNS issues?  Who knows if/when they will be resolved.  Interoperability with other models of Satellites?  Forget it.  It's been years of hoping and waiting.


There are indeed existing issues with Orbi firmware that, for some users, cripples their capability.  I would be irritated if I were one of those who felt like Netgear was singing the praises of a less-than-perfect product and investing in PR rather than fixing the issues at hand.


That being said, I like my Orbi and hope that it keeps being improved.   Like everyone else, I dont think the pace of resolution, communication of plans, and capability development are on par with the consumer cost.  They could do better. 


Why have a Community if the communication is only one-way?



Message 15 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

@energie wrote:

Why should @SeaRefractor make a new post. The problems are outlined in the following thread:


In addition, I paid another amount for "ProSupport for Home - Extended Warranty and Support".    So far the answers for my issues have been from the community forum than from this service.    However, if it's determined to be a hardware failure, at least I'll have the ability to RMA and receive replacment hardware.


Actually, not complete answers, but at the moment work arounds that have helped and prevent me from having to use a third-party router.


Items enabled when possible:


1. Configuring DNS settings to not be DCHP on devices (that I can control) to point directly to my chosen DSN provider (OpenDNS for myself, but you can determine your fastest DNS from Steve Gibsons excellent DNS Nameserver Benchmark tool https://www.grc.com/dns/benchmark.htm.).


2. Configuring NTP to an NTP server that is not NetGear's and ensure DST is enabled.   See https://www.ntppool.org/en/ for the NTP Pool project with a very large load balanced set of NTP servers.   I'm currently using the one for North America.


Between the two of these, I'm pretty solid now.   Prior to the NTP setting, my DNS would still fail for devices (some TV's for example) that didn't have a provision for a DHCP IP address but a statically set DNS server.   It's important to note, when the DNS issue was occuring for me, and it appears for others, the dns server on the Orbi AX router would try to resolve the IP addresses and fail as well as the fully qualified domain names (FQDN). 


I believe that all of the suggestions that have been used as a potential work around (IPv6 was mentioned in some threads) should be compiled into a single post thread and stickied for customers that need to find these work arounds.   The only workaround that some finally found was to use a third-party router and put the Orbi AX in AP mode.    The disadvantage to that, is you loose a significant portion of the features that are built-in to the products pricing.   Namely, Netgear Armor and when it is finally released, the new Netgear Smart Parental Controls (now that Circle is not avaialble on the AX platform).


I do also want to point out, as @FURRYe38 has recommended in each thread, that everyone that has an Orbi AX setup and happens to have active phone support to open a case.     Apparently, while cursory glancing in the forums, the engineering team isn't here very often.  Eveyone that can submit an actual support ticket and experiencing the issue should do so.   It needs to move to the top of the list and apparently is not despite all these threads we bring up the DNS and/or NTP issues.


@FURRYe38 I appreciate your efforts as a moderator and know that you can only offer what limited information Netgear is willing to pass on to you.   I hope you understand my frustration is related to the product and the support team, not the community forum moderators and volunteers.



Message 16 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT



Yes I fully understand your frustrations and postion. Yes, we here in the forums can only do so much in troubleshooting to the point where users need to follow up with official NG support. In most cases any mfr's engineering team is not active in community forums that I've ever seen. Even the official NG moderators are in here only on a limited basis and will come in when tagged or notified of problems seen in the forums. It's How most Mfrs handle there forums seems like. NG isn't the only one. Forums seem to be the first line in support and troubleshooting for free. In most cases problems can be solved. However after thats exhausted and the problems are still there, then of course, users need to make contact with the next level which is support ticket or phone support. 


Since the time change and I did finally see this DNS issue, after enabling DST on my RBR, been solid since. I also use the IPv6 6to4 DNS method as well. My ISP doesn't support native IPv6 however 6to4 seems to work well. I think over all there is a issue that NG needs to resolve so everyone can enjoy there systems. NG IS aware of this. 


Glad you were able to get ahold of support and start something with them. Hopefully this well all be fixed soon. 


Good Luck. 

Message 17 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Check the threads, you can (if you're technically inclined to do so) hop under the hood via telnet, and manually configure the DHCP server to hand out your DNS server of choice, rather than the Orbi's broken version of dnsmasq.  It's quite easy, but unfortunately won't persist between reboots.


Hopefully Netgear will fix this issue soon.  I'd also love it if they would simply make setting DNS servers of your choice an option in the DHCP settings.

Message 18 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Tech pro checkin in ; I know how to work with hardware + networks. ORBI Is the worst WiFi 6 mesh wifi out there. Do not buy Orbi.


I switched from a working perfectly fine Ubiquit UniFi - to a constantly failing DNS checks Orbi system.


$1000.00 of regret.


Thought this problem would go away. Turns out the Orbi DNS problem was going on for 2 years before I purchased my router - and is still going strong today.


Do not buy an Orbi Mesh System.


It sucks.


@Ngearvictim wrote:

Check the threads, you can (if you're technically inclined to do so) hop under the hood via telnet, and manually configure the DHCP server to hand out your DNS server of choice, rather than the Orbi's broken version of dnsmasq.  It's quite easy, but unfortunately won't persist between reboots.


Hopefully Netgear will fix this issue soon.  I'd also love it if they would simply make setting DNS servers of your choice an option in the DHCP settings.

Mmmm ... no they won't. Netgear has been sitting on this issue for 3 years. There's a resolution out there.


Did netgear fix it? Nope. Should we need to make ephemeral fixes every time we reboot our routers? Nope. 


Do your duty and write bad reviews everywhere, create bad publicity, drive down sales. Make it hurt for Negear till they fix the problem.


That's the only way the Orbi DNS issues get fixed.

Message 19 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Message 20 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

@FURRYe38 wrote:

You can try this:


I found the fix. 


I'm going to buy an Eero Pro 6 to replace the Orbi. I've heard it works - AND The manufacturer actually SUPPORTS IT.

Message 21 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Good Luck. 

Message 22 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Yep, I've been depending on luck to get the DNS to work properly on this expensive paperweight for the last 6 months. I should have returned it when I had the chance.

Message 23 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

Or, you could just use the fix.  It doesn't stop you from leaving well-earned bad-reviews for Netgear, but in the mean time, your DNS will work.

Message 24 of 51

Re: Live Event - Orbi WiFi 6: Upgrade to the Best in Mesh WiFi | March 25 at 10:30 AM PT

I'd be happy to try that fix... but I already tried it a couple months ago.

I've tried everything. TL;DR: Orbi is junk.

They want me to RMA this router now, send me a refurbished one (with the same defective firmware) that's worth less on Ebay than my non-refurbished one. No thanks.

Hard pass on that.


Oh. Did I mention that the wired backhaul cuts my network speed in half? I forgot all about that.

Message 25 of 51
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