Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle


SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

I just purchased the Orbi Pro SXK80 (comprised of the SXR80 and a single SXS80). Since I have owned it, I have been doing work on the house and have had to flip the breaker at least once a day.

This router hasn’t successfully recovered from a power-down on its own a single time. EVERY SINGLE TIME it gets stuck with the magenta LED. I have had sporadic results with powering down the modem for at least 10 seconds, and waiting 2-5 minutes after the modem is up before powering on the SXR80. Many times I can’t get that to work either. This is ridiculous - I’ve never had a router fail to come back up after shutdown, let alone one that retails for 2-3x any of my previous routers.

I contacted support one of these times and after an hour on the phone, our 5th power cycle attempt worked. We of course mashed on a couple buttons along the way (releasing & renewing leases, making sure MAC was default and DHCP was enabled, etc.). We even did an exercise where we did a loop back test which really made this thing cook (couldn’t hold a signal for long than a minute or two). My case number for that exchange was 44576041.

My modem is an Arris SB8200 cable modem. Current firmware version in the SXR80 is

Hoping that this last ditch effort here will reveal the secret to getting this thing to work, otherwise i’ll be seeking a replacement or heading elsewhere.
Message 1 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

Already considered that a cable modem can require several several minutes to start-up, to negotiate down- and uplink, and receiving the carrier configuration? Before doing so, these cable modems offer an "own" local network before configured, a router can pick up this config (like a computer used for troubleshooting), and you won't be able to reach the Internet - cumbersome this won't "change" after the modem is fully deployed.


With the mesh systems, there is additional complexity involved what might again require a stacked/delayed start-up. 

Message 2 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

For a product that touts being capable for small to medium businesses, having to manually intervene at all is almost unacceptable. Could you imagine if these were actually installed all over the house with the wall mounts it came with? Would I literally need to get a ladder out to power cycle these manually each time there was a power outage? Where is that in the marketing?

All of that aside, I’m following the instructions as they are laid out in the troubleshooting section in the manual on page 160, and it hasn’t been able to reliably get me back online. My modem consistently comes back up (all LEDs show solid) within 1 minute every single time. As I mentioned earlier, I wait 2-5 mins before even plugging the Orbi Pro in, and it still fails. It never resolves automatically. If I let it sit overnight it will not resolve.

The Insight app continues to show the previous IP it had prior to turning off the power. It’s not until I poke around in the web UI that I see
Message 3 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

I called into support again (case 44595082) and spent an hour and a half on the phone. definitely one of the worst support experiences i have ever had. they refused to entertain the idea that the unit was defective. they claimed that they couldn’t replace it without first having a computer hardwired into the modem. this is a completely unrealistic ask in these times - all of our computers don’t have ethernet jacks (macbook pro, lenovo thinkpad). their only advice was to find someone who had a computer with an ethernet jack! what a joke!
Message 4 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

Just wanted to post to try to provide some help as I have been dealing with frustrations with this router as well, but I still think it has potential.


Have you tried doing a factory reset on them all?  I know it will be annoying, but it resolved some major issues I was having after playing with settings that likely caused my issue.  I got smart after that one and started backing up my configurations as I added more and more configs.  That way, if you find yourself with the Orbi acting wonky again, you got a back up to get you back up and running fast after another reset.


I recommend you do that and then make sure to start backing up methodically as you work on things.  You'll be happy you did!


The Orbi Pro 6 I got does still have some issues (wireless devices showing up as ethernet connected when using ethernet backhaul) that I hope will get resolved, but otherwise it is a pretty powerful feature set for an entrepreneurial crew who don't have dedicated IT!  The VLANs are great, but I do wish the documentation and nuances of the set ups could be covered better in the documentation. 

Message 5 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle



they refused to entertain the idea that the unit was defective. they claimed that they couldn’t replace it without first having a computer hardwired into the modem.

Kindly understand that NETGEAR Support (or any technical support service) needs to exhaust all troubleshooting steps in order to confirm if the device is really defective.  


Also, how would you know if you really have internet connection through your modem that is provided by your Internet Service Provider?  The only way to check it is by connecting a PC or laptop directly to the modem using an ethernet cable and check if you can go online.  





NETGEAR Community Team

Message 6 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

@DaneA certainly, but the crux here is that this mindset requires consumers of a wireless router to own machines that have this capability. i personally haven't had a computer that has an ethernet port in 5 years - that expectation is virtually obsolete. i personally don't have the time or feel it's particular fair to ask me to borrow one or purchase adapters just so i can test the product.


that said, i'm all for troubleshooting each component as at the end of the day i just want it to work. to be fair, there were other issues along the way that we encountered that also pointed to either a defective unit, or a lack of understanding on the support side on how to proceed. some of these were:


- after factory reset, the router randomly chose to "unfactory reset". one of the strangest things i've ever seen - i did the factory reset, connected to the default SSID (ORBI79), etc. and then randomly the connection drops and my old SSID reappears. even better, it had somehow cleared my admin credentials, so i couldn't access the settings from the web browser. i had to do another factory reset.

- it begun doing some strange behavior immediately after factory reset (didn't configure anything yet after reset) where i could access Google, but accessing other websites failed due to certification validation failing.

- support didn't even know what the prompts were on the setup process, so i was spending time educating the agent on what steps were possible at each step of the process. the agent often told me to "proceed past" particular steps that were mandatory according the UI. it was clear they had no idea how to configure this thing when things went wrong.


FWIW, level 2 support reached out separately and indicated they had a firmware upgrade that they felt would help fix my issue (even though i already had latest firmware), which makes me think that i should only ever contact level 2 support if i really want fix my issue.


i've gone ahead and returned the units and repurchased another (same exact model) because i think it's worth the second chance. but there really isn't any excuse for my experience so far.

Message 7 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

I'm really curious here and perhaps I have to do more testing but do not want to rock the boat due to my initial experience. I too was not happy with this exact issue. 

I upgraded from the residential AC3000 RBR50 to SXR80. During initial setup it took many reboots of the S33 modem and the SXR80 until I had WAN connectivity where the RBR50 came up with WAN on the first try. 

Not sure if it's the 2.5Gb negotiation as this was the first time I have had 2.5Gb on both the Modem and Router. The Ethernet Cable is Cat6A and tested to be wired correctly.


It finally took but I am very concerned with upcoming summer storms and the SXR80 not automatically obtaining WAN without intervention. 

Message 8 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

This seems to be a similar issue I have, whenever I power down the router, circuit breaker, power outages or just unplug the router, when power is restored the router doesn’t seem to turn on. No light shows up on the status bar, stays black. To get it back to work I have to unplug device, wait a few minutes (5-10m) and the plug the device back. Then I see the status light blink white and everything is back to normal. It does get the correct internet connection at that point.
Anyone have similar issues? Any way to fix it?

Thank you,

Message 9 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

Yes.  After hours with tech support I gave up.  Sent it back for refund and bought a new unit and set that up all over again.


better, but this forum shows how many flaky issues remain.

Message 10 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

And with the new unit you don’t have this issue? Unplug and plug back, and the router starts correctly?
Message 11 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

Yes, as simple as that for that problem. 

others remain and I hope that firmware updates fix them versus making them worse.  Netgear has for much more than a decade been my go to networking solution, but recently early adopters have become little more than beta testers.  This product is 6 months old.  We should be past this.

Message 12 of 24
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

Hi Community! 🙂


If anyone is still experiencing this type of issue where the router cannot recover properly after a reboot. There is a beta firmware available that will resolve this issue. Please check this community thread.


Thank you!





NETGEAR Community Team

Message 13 of 24

Rif.: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

Hi, I’m an owner of a SXR80 (plus 4 SXS80) also with the firmware,I have the same issue of the user jcharnet.If I unplug the router from the wall outlet, I have to wait also hours (with the device unplugged) before to plug it again and finally see the white light on.This is an absurd behaviour for a device business oriented!Is there a fix to solve the problem?Or also a workaround to recover fastly the situation when, for example, a power outage happens?

Message 14 of 24

Rif.: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

If anyone still seeing the issue after the firmware update then please send us the debug logs taken from local UI.

We will investigate further and provide a feedback.




Message 15 of 24

Rif.: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

@pierpox72 wrote:

Hi, I’m an owner of a SXR80 (plus 4 SXS80) also with the firmware,I have the same issue of the user jcharnet.If I unplug the router from the wall outlet, I have to wait also hours (with the device unplugged) before to plug it again and finally see the white light on.This is an absurd behaviour for a device business oriented!Is there a fix to solve the problem?Or also a workaround to recover fastly the situation when, for example, a power outage happens?

Ugh, this is NOT what I needed to see, after coming here to try and figure out what the SXR80 default IP is.... and after upgrading the satellite to firmware literally less than an hour ago. 


Backstory:  Power outage during the recent "heat dome" event in the northwest, lasted several hours into the evening (less than a day).  When it came back on, everything came back up.... but the Orbi router (in AP mode) and satellite (wired backhaul) both had the lovely magenta light, even after multiple power cycles, and the Insight app shows it as "offline" as well.  Everything connected via ethernet to our switch works fine, and wireless devices work fine, so I left it until I had some time this weekend to muck around with it.


What I've found so far:

  • The SXS80's IP got reset to (what I presume is it's default)
    • The username and password were not reset, however.
    • The SSID and WPA2 key were not reset either.
    • Updated to firmware, in hopes that kept it from happening in the future, and shut it down while I went to work on the SXR80.  Crossing my fingers it comes back up quickly, after seeing the messages here.
  • The SXR80 is a complete mystery at this point.  I've power-cycled it several times, and tried accessing it via the custom IP it's supposed to pull from our DHCP server (reserved).  No luck.  Tried accessing it via orbilogin.com/.net - nothing.  Tried accessing via and, and again - no luck.  I'm using a Surface Pro, hard-wired into one of the ethernet ports.
  • I was trying to avoid doing a factory reset, because getting the darn things set up was a nightmare - and I really don't want to go back through that again.  It looks like there may not be any other choice, though.  *sigh* 

And yes, I'll be backing up my settings (again) after all this is finally resolved - but if I have to do a factory reset and restore from backup settings after every power outage - well, that's not a very business friendly device, IMO.

Message 16 of 24

Rif.: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

I have this exact same issue if I have a power outtage. It's absolutely infuriating. I upgraded from an Orbi RBK853 which never had this issue if I lost power or unplugged the device. It's driving me nuts. I'll spend 30-60 minutes after the power comes back just trying to get the thing to work. Same symptoms. It'll like work for a bit, then not work for a while, then work again, then not. Even the hard wired ethernet ports have the same behavior (my computer is plugged in physically to the satellite which is plugged into the router for ethernet backhaul). I'm also on Again, I had 0 issues with power outtages with the Orbi RBK853.


This isn't the most recent log but I don't want to go test turning it off and on again and waiting another 7 years for it to come back online. There seems to be some issues with syncing to the router, at least from what the log looks like: ( is my SXR80's static IP, it's in AP mode connceted to my pfsense hardware firewall):


[admin login] from source, Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:35:30
[Config Sync] Satellite 94:A6:7E:XX:XX:1F configuration isn't synced. re-syncing., Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:24:47
[Config Sync] Satellite 94:A6:7E:XX:XX:A7 configuration isn't synced. re-syncing., Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:18:38
[Time synchronized with NTP server] Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:18:25
[Config Sync] Satellite 94:A6:7E:XX:XX:A7 configuration isn't synced. re-syncing., Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:18:07
[Internet connected] IP address:, Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:17:56
[Internet connected] IP address:, Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:17:52
[Internet connected] IP address:, Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:17:52
[Internet disconnected] Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:17:39
[Internet disconnected] Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:17:05
[admin login] from source, Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:16:59
[Time synchronized with NTP server] Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:16:08
[Initialized, firmware version: V3.2.6.100] Saturday, July 03, 2021 18:16:03

Message 17 of 24

Rif.: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

Man, I WISH it'd only been 30-60 minutes to get it resolved.  I'm up to the 3-4 hour range, and have lost track of how many factory resets and power cycles I'm up.  Had to take a break, as I was getting close to losing my temper. 


Additional observations:

  1. Following a factory reset, I can generally get most of the way through the manual configuration. 
  2. Automatic config isn't an option if you want to use the setting for port 2 at 1G, vs the normal Internet port.  Why would you use the slower speed port?  Because that was required to get the ethernet backhaul setup during the initial nightmare marathon config - not sure if it's still required with  (This has now reached a new nightmare level, btw - surpassing that of my in-laws)
  3. There seems to be an issue with how network detection is operating.  A few times now, I've gotten a message that there was a "conflict with my ISP's settings, and your LAN 1 IP address has been reset to" 
    1. For the record, I had the LAN 1 IP set to 194.168.X.X, and the DHCP address issued to the router for the "Internet" port is 192.168.Y.Y. 
    2. Sometimes that sticks, and sometimes it flips back to the assigned IP - seems to be random. 
  4. Putting it into AP mode is as far as I've gotten - once it starts processing the swap, you're pretty much done being able to do anything until you start the factory reset dance all over again.  I've never gotten the admin portal to come back up, no matter what IPs I've tried - not the 10.0.0.X range, not the default, nor the custom assigned IP.  DHCP server shows a lease for the correct management IP, but the page won't load & there's no response to ping / tracert.  And yes, that's while direct attached to it with a known good cable.

I'm literally done, at this point.  Typing all this out, and thinking about how much time I've wasted following the troubleshooting steps from the manual, adding the tricks I've picked up over the years, and scouring the forums - I'm done messing with it.  I may give it another 30 minutes or so tomorrow, but otherwise - it's going back in the box, and our old reliable Nighthawk will be back in action.


If that happens, I'll also be updating my Amazon review.


Message 18 of 24

Rif.: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

Addendum:  About halfway through this debacle, the Insight app informed me that I had deleted it from my location.....  Yeah, I did no such thing.  The Insight app is a whole 'nother issue - but at least it's not as bad as the Logitech GHub!  Smiley Very Happy

Message 19 of 24

Rif.: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

Actually I solved my problems using an APC for each device,no power outage no trouble.I can say  also that SXR80 is used in AP mode and in this fashion I never had problems about IP addresses,the router correctly receive its ip and distribute the other ips to the satellites.It never lost its configuration also after hours that was off...

Message 20 of 24

Re: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

apologies as it’s been a while since i checked in - i finally got to the point where i had to send these units back; basically never worked.

since netgear refused to claim the units i owned as defective, i repurchased the same exact model to give them a second chance (your welcome netgear). turns out i have never had an issue with these units - they’ve worked perfectly.

despite getting into calmer waters on my end, i feel strongly this thread needs to remain open. clearly others are experiencing similar issues, and customers should not have to go through the tumultuous experience i did to get up and running.
Message 21 of 24

Rif.: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

I've actually got each satellite connected to a power strip. Unless by APC you mean like one of those back up units that can supply power for a while in the event of an outtage (my strip brand happens to be APC haha)...that sounds like a neat idea that I just might have to try. I actually don't have an issue w/ not getting an IP (I have the MAC address of the router set to a static IP on the firewall: the router just simply gets that IP via DHCP). The problem is the connectivity. All the same symptoms everyone in here reported i.e. magenta, periodically working for a bit then stopping etc. Seems like it takes roughly 30-60 minutes for everything to 100% fully shake out and stop having issues in this situation. The router and satellites don't have any internet connection for a long period after an outtage. Yesterday it was about 20m. The hardware firewall itself comes back up in 90 seconds. During the time when the Orbis lack a net connection (I can connect to the router's static IP most of this time time btw, it just shows no net connection), if I directly connect to an open port on my physical firewall I have a network connection. It's really weird that after an outtage, besides taking a while to just get a connection, when I do get one, it'll last for a bit, then periodically stop connecting, then come back, etc. It's like there's some long period where maybe the router and satellites are just having issues syncing everything or something (idk just spit balling). Next the I have an outtage I'll do more in depth tracking of the colors and everything as well as logs and follow up here. It's summer in Pittsburgh so that means any minute now my power will go out in a storm.


I should mention I just got these (router and 4 satellites) roughly 2 weeks ago directly from Netgear's site. After initial set up following the instructions I immediately upgraded to the latest firmware and then did my configuration. Not sure if that makes a difference or not.

Message 22 of 24

Rif.: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

You cannot say you solved your problem by having backup power, meaning you will never turn off the router! That clearly is not a solution. Netgear needs to fix this. I returned my router and got a new one. My first tests unplugging worked so far. Hopefully it remains this way.
Message 23 of 24

Rif.: SXR80 Can’t Obtain IP Reliably After Power Cycle

Yes it's a workaround!However,having a UPS to protect your devices it's also a right practice.

Message 24 of 24
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