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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!


Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Hi Everyone,


So I've had countless issues with my Orbi RBK50 where I've been frustrated, called support, sent a number of support messages, with no response. Support even initially asked me to take it back to the vendor as they believed it was a hardware fault. I take it back, get a replacement, only to be in the same position with the exact same issue. I was at the point where I was about to send my Orbi system back again, with only a day remaining before the 30 day return policy expired, and thought I'd give it one last try.


To reiterate my issue, I have a modem/router provided by my ISP (Shaw in Canada) that I've disabled the WIFI service on, and primarily use the RBK50 system for wireless throughout my home. I had airport extremes running my WIFI prior to moving to the Orbi system with no issues at all except for coverage. I had my modem/router set to modem with the extremes and thought it should be easy enough to make the switch. In doing so, I replaced the ethernet cables and forgot I had set IP passthrough as a port on the modem and this is where my problems started. I obviously didn't reuse the same port and had internet dropping issues on both ethernet and wireless ever since. The only way I found I was able to resolve my lack of internet was to reboot the RBR50 that was connected to my modem which would only last for a few hours before I needed to "rinse and repeat". I finally gave up, reset my modem back to a modem/router and the RBR50 to AP mode and BANG! I ended up with stable service.


Now as it was my last day of the 30 day return policy for my Orbi, I figured I'd give it one last go. I configured my modem/router back to just a modem, this time setting my Orbi's MAC address for IP passthrough, and the Orbi back to Router mode, and BANG! I have stable service again!


So for those having instability in your Orbi service, check and ensure your ISP can provide you with a secondary address so you can use the Orbi as a router rather than your modem and you won't have double NAT! And to Netgear support, please take note of this and ensure their support teams are asking the right questions as they're literally attempting to get us off the phone as quick as possible with minimal actual support processes.




Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 1 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Hello Shanwa,

Thanks for your detailed experience in resolving a major issue through trial and error.  Would you mind, writing a step by step process for someone new who is trying this, so that he/she doesn't have to go through the same trouble you went through. Key things I got from your note are this:

1. Ask the ISP to provide a secondary address

2. Turn off the Wifi on the incoming modem

3. Connect the Orbi main unit to the modem and set it up as a router.  (I am not clear on the MAC address set up etc. - can you elaborate)

4. Connect the two satellite units (in which mode).

I am sure there are more details than above.  Do you mind taking the time to elaborate on this based on your experience.



Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 2 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Yep for sure!


Either ask your ISP for a secondary address so you can then allow IP passthrough on your modem or bridge your modem/router depending on the configurations it has. Disregard the mac address setup, as this is dependent on your modem/router and its capabilities along with what your ISP can do for you. Here's a good community thread from my ISP on bridging/IP passthrough.


My satellites just connect to the RBR50 without issue. There's no need to set any configurations on these as they should just obtain settings from the RBR50.

Message 3 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!



Thanks for the comments.  I am experiencing the same problem.  I have Comcast/Xfinity which uses a modem/router (M/R).  Comcast set the M/R for bridge mode and I connected my Orbi.  It works beautifully for a while, but then experiences the same drops that you mentioned.  I've read over your comments, including the link that you provided, but I'm not clear on what I need to set in the Orbi. 


I think I'm at the point that you mentioned in the following statement:


"Now as it was my last day of the 30 day return policy for my Orbi, I figured I'd give it one last go. I configured my modem/router back to just a modem, this time setting my Orbi's MAC address for IP passthrough, and the Orbi back to Router mode, and BANG! I have stable service again!"


Comcast set my M/R up in bridge mode.  I assume that should mean that the M/R is acting as a modem.  In addition, the router information page shows the Orbi is in router mode.  I don't see any options, however, for setting the Orbi's MAC address for IP passthrough.  About the only setting that seems to be related is the one that specifies that the Orbi get the IP address dynamically from the ISP and that is checked.  I'm probably just overlooking it, but any help in locating the setting would be greatly appreciated.





Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 4 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

This is NOT the solution for the disconnecting issue. I don't know what they did with the last update, but I would no longer buy this... it's terrible with multiple disconnects dally, making my home control items not work correctly... I need suggestions for what to switch to now please? I have had this system for a little over a year, and it worked great up until a few weeks ago... NETGEAR can NOT seam to figure out how to fix it... it's a lot of $$$ wasted
Message 5 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

I would NOT recommend the Orbi. I have had mine for over a year (and it used to be awesome), but a firmware update 6 or more weeks ago has made it junk. It disconnects multiple times, day & night. The disconnects mess with all my home control items(tired of having to reset some of them). And the satellite is in the bedroom, so as it cycles back to reconnect, it becomes a very annoying night light. At first it seemed like a problem with my ISP, but I quickly figured out it was my Orbi system. Netgear doesn't seem to be in a hurry to fix the firmware either. And there is no way to turn off the automatic updates and/or roll it back to one that worked. I am frustrated, especially for what it cost. I am trying to figure out what system I should change to? Suggestions appreciated. Thanks.
Message 6 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!



I solved the problem by putting the Orbi in Access Point (A/P) mode.


I got involved in a detailed thread that covers the entire process.  See the following link:




Since I put the Orbi in AP mode I haven't had a single drop.




Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 7 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

AP mode on the Netgear is not a panacea, and should not be used if your upstream modem is in bridge mode.

In my own network, I have a dedicated firewall gatway that acts as my primary router behind the cable modem. I have the orbi router connected to this, but I still choose to use router mode on the Orbi for various reasons. I could choose to use AP mode if I wanted to, but I'm not at this point. Point being, I run the Orbi in router mode, and it works just fine for me. The only unexpected drop I ever had was when the power cord was accidentally pulled out of the wall.

Message 8 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

the problem is coming from Android Oreo devices... I verified by turning off wifi on my phone(Oreo 8.1) last night, haven't had any issues with Orbi... Netgear still has to come up with a fix for their end, because no way should a client be able to disrupt and REBOOT a router!

Message 9 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!



Thanks for the update.  That may very well be the problem that I expereienced as I had a Nexus 5X when I installed the Orbi.  Unfortunately, I didn't see anything about this issue before converting to AP mode so I didn't have the opportunity to confirm that turning off the Nexus WiFi would solve it.


Following is a link that has a lot of commentary on the problem:




I include it as there may be some helfpul ideas about how to adjust their phone settings for those who want to operate the Orbi in router mode while using Oreo.  I'll just keep my system in AP mode for now.  It's working and I'll wait until Google and/or Netgear figure out how to solve the problem.




Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 10 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Since I can't use my Pixel 2 XL or my Nexus 6P on wifi with the Orbi(obviously with current issue) I started using my old Note 3 to play games on. Well it also makes the Orbi system REBOOT every time it wakes up! I wish Netgear would just refund me for this junk system because it doesn't seem like they will ever fix it?

Any suggestions anybody?

Message 11 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

I installed teh Orbi a couple of weeks ago. I love the fact that now I have strong WiFi coverage but the rebooting and or constant disconect is driving me nuts Unfortunaltely this solution above does not work. Ive tried Everything. I still have a few days to return it. 

NetGear is going to end up with a pile of these things if this is not resolved.

I am evaluating the Velop from linksys and I think this is the way to go.

If someone comes up with a solution please communicate it soon.

If not Ill return next week.




Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 12 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Ok. I am not wasting more time with this product.

It is clearly not a good netgear product.


Returning it today. I installed a google WiFi system and it is working perfectly.


If you can return the Orbi do so.

Message 13 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Not true. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 8, which uses Nougat 7.1, and I have spent 9 useless hours on the phone with support about this connectivity problem. Everyone is having this problem. Look on eBay at all of the Orbis up for sale. They are trying to blame it on Google phones. The support people even mention it when you're on the phone with them. I have Roku, Fire TV boxes, Apple devices, Android phones, and they ALL experience the constant internet dropping of these high priced lemons. They know it's a hardware issue, but they keep you on the phone for 3 hours at a time trying to get you to try the same ole crap, over and over again, and never offer to do any more than send you the another replacement lemon. Worst purchase that I ever made. Only time that I have ever felt like suing a company for ripping me off.
Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 14 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

I agree with others - this is not a solution

This is a configuration problem in one instance but does not solve the underlying random disconnects on the Orbi system

Disconnect have nothing to do with Android or Google devices - I have none of these

The disconnects are not just WiFi and affect hard-wired devices

I have the latest firmware V2.1.4.16

Disconnects are random in nature, random in length and nothing I have tried resolves them - rebooting manually only allows you a brief period of minutes to access he interface and the internet before the system locks up

If you leave it and wait what you will find is that the timeout function logs you off the interface at which time you can log back in briefly

This implies to me that it is interacting with the web-based interface that is causing the problem 


The unit is unstable and unreliable making it non-functional in any setting home or business

Until this is resolved it is a very poor choice as a router and wifi solution


Model: SRS60| Orbi Pro Tri-band WiFi Add-on Satellite
Message 15 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Just to add my 2¢.  I ran into the same problem when I suspect AT&T pushed an update out to its UVerse modem router and it reset its internal settings.  Although I have in the past run my Orbi system in Acces Point mode as a device on my UVerse internal home network, I find it much better (and had it setup) to have my UVerse modem/router put the Orbi router into its DMZ.  This effectively allows the Orbi router traffic to pass through the UVerse modem/router right to the internet and even get its own Uverse IP address.  You will need to make sure the firewall settings are ON for the Orbi as the UVerse modem/router simply passess all of the internet traffic right through.  I had not had the dropping problem for many months, then it started abruptly and lasted for a week until I moved my Orbi router back into the DMZ of the UVerse modem/router.  I have not had the dropping internet problem since and that has been a couple weeks now.

Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 16 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

When ISPs push FW to there modems, the maybe problems of the FW clearing out previously used configurations so for users with these kinda of modem configurations, keep an eye on the modem. DMZ is a valid solution and does work well for adding a external router such as the Orbi router to a modem/router combo that can't be fully bridged. Glad you checked the modem and got it re-configured again for the Orbi. 

Enjoy. Smiley Wink

@AllOuttaBbleGum wrote:

Just to add my 2¢.  I ran into the same problem when I suspect AT&T pushed an update out to its UVerse modem router and it reset its internal settings.  Although I have in the past run my Orbi system in Acces Point mode as a device on my UVerse internal home network, I find it much better (and had it setup) to have my UVerse modem/router put the Orbi router into its DMZ.  This effectively allows the Orbi router traffic to pass through the UVerse modem/router right to the internet and even get its own Uverse IP address.  You will need to make sure the firewall settings are ON for the Orbi as the UVerse modem/router simply passess all of the internet traffic right through.  I had not had the dropping problem for many months, then it started abruptly and lasted for a week until I moved my Orbi router back into the DMZ of the UVerse modem/router.  I have not had the dropping internet problem since and that has been a couple weeks now.


Message 17 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Hi, I’ve been experiencing the dropped connection issue ever since I temporarily switched to Uverse (against my will; the tech did it while installing AT&T phone service).

I’m back on Spectrum now. Could you explain how to put the Orbi into a Spectrum Arris modem’s DMZ? (I didn’t know what a DMZ was until I googled it, so please try to dumb it down for me.) I have the modem in Bridge mode & the Orbi in Router mode, at the moment.
Model: RBR50| Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi (Router Only), RBS50| Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi (Satellite Only)
Message 18 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

@livefastdieold wrote:
Hi, I’ve been experiencing the dropped connection issue ever since I temporarily switched to Uverse (against my will; the tech did it while installing AT&T phone service).

I’m back on Spectrum now. Could you explain how to put the Orbi into a Spectrum Arris modem’s DMZ? (I didn’t know what a DMZ was until I googled it, so please try to dumb it down for me.) I have the modem in Bridge mode & the Orbi in Router mode, at the moment.

If your modem is in bridge mode and Orbi is in router mode, then leave it.  There's absolutely no reason to change to DMZ mode if your router supports bridge mode.


Message 19 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Okay, thanks for the info. Is there anything else I should look at, that might explain the constant disconnects? If the problem was AT&T firmware, why doesn’t resetting my Orbi to factory settings resolve the issue, now that I’m back with Spectrum?
Message 20 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

The Orbi should either be:


1.  It's own firewall and router with its own IP directy to the provider (DMZ).  It should not be routing behind the Spectrum router.  It should only use the Spectrum modem for its internet connection.

2. A wireless access point that takes the Spectrum routers LAN and extends it using its wifi mesh capabilities.


in my case, it was in the wrong mode in 1.  (It was routing behind the AT&T router) and was dropping connections.

Message 21 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Sounds like you got it working then. 

@AllOuttaBbleGum wrote:

The Orbi should either be:


1.  It's own firewall and router with its own IP directy to the provider (DMZ).  It should not be routing behind the Spectrum router.  It should only use the Spectrum modem for its internet connection.

2. A wireless access point that takes the Spectrum routers LAN and extends it using its wifi mesh capabilities.


in my case, it was in the wrong mode in 1.  (It was routing behind the AT&T router) and was dropping connections.


Message 22 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

I believe I have it set up as described in #2, “A wireless access point that takes the Spectrum routers LAN and extends it using its wifi mesh capabilities.” I’m still dealing with frequent dropped connections.

Should I switch it to #1? And if so... um, how do I do that?
Message 23 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

(And if there’s anything I should screenshot that might help you determine what’s going on, let me know. I’m so frustrated. I’ve been trying to figure out what’s wrong for months.)
Message 24 of 33

Re: Orbi dropping internet connection finally resolved!

Sadly this is not new and not unique to you either. I would encourage you to review this thread 


With 557 replies to date

TL;dr The orbi system for many people works as advertised but for a subset of users it is unstable, disconnects both wireless and wired connections at random and no amount of resets, updates, changes to the settings will resolve it.


The only "working" solution appears to be forcing a reboot of the whole device every 24 hours. Well-intentioned people on this forum will weigh in with questions on your configuration, suggested changes to settings and even going to Netgear support to start an RMA (be warned this is a *huge* time drain, 3 hours in one instance, thanks to the offshore call center and support that is limited and refuses to acknowledge the flaws in the stability of the system that dates back to 2017). I've tried it all and never resolved the problem and was refused a return for a refund on my "business" class Orbi system as I had foolishly failed to troubleshoot and confirm the functionality within the 30-day return window. Which for an intermittent problem that you might not notice especially if you are predominantly using wireless where dropouts happen and can go unnoticed for weeks.


When it works its great, but if you need a reliable network you are better off finding an alternative industrial-grade solution - depending on your tech expertise I can personally recommend Ubiquiti Amplifi for simple easy and reliable Msh network with some limitations on speed


A full-on Ubiquiti Unifi system but it is a significant technical lift if you are not networking fluent (but there is an outstanding support forum and Ubiquiti technical support)


Good luck

Message 25 of 33
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