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Create Better Wifi (802.11xx mode and Channel) as Group Settings that can be applied to AP's

I have a network that has 3 x WAX610 (which by the way are missing from the model dropdown on this forum) and 3 x WAX540 (which we still use).   We have a lot of radios and may even need to have some more.


However, all the Radio and SSSID have to be managed at the "network location" level and are then shared to each AP.   We have one set of SSIDS and one set of Radio settings for 802.xx (irrespective of the AP device capability) which are rolled out.  This can cause a problem as all the same SSIDs have to used which you may not want to expose to some locations, and all the radio channels have to also operate the same which you may not want, and indeed may cause problems on older devices, which makes buying new 802.11ax devices redundant if you have to set them at 802.11g


For instance we have issues with some devices connecting to the WAX610 when its in 802.11ax mode but work fine on the WAX540 when its in 802.bg mode, but if we set that mode then we lose the advantage to the other devices running on later model that can take advantage of the WAX610.


So having this all WIFI data configured and fixed across the network sounds great, but makes it impossible (unless you disconnect the devices from Insight) to give each AP its own settings for the purpose you intended it for.


But there is an EASY solution!


It would be much better in each "network location" to be able to create a Wifi Radio Setting, which controls the radio channels, and another which controls the Wifi SSIDs, just like they do now...and have these saved as pre-defined group presets, so you could have 


Radio Settings (ie channels and frequencies)

- Front Entrance

- Fast 802.11ax Main Floor

- Slow 802.11bg Main floor

- Outside


SSIDS (name, fast roaming, wpa etc)

- Front Entrance

- Internal

- External


And then in each of the APs you have then referenc the pre-set group settings you've created which are then deployed to be used on that AP


AP1 - Foyer

Radio: Front Entrance

SSIDS: External


AP2 - Main Floor 1 (WAX610)

Radio: Fast 802.11ax Main Floor

SSIDS: Internal


AP3 - Main Floor 2 (WAC540)

Radio: Slow 802.11bg Main floor

SSDIS: Internal




As you can see from the above example, this would give greater control to allow different APs to exist with specific (radio channel, 802.11x mode, and SSID) settings to how you expect them to be used with the clients and still all be managed centrally and WITHIN insight instead of outside.   The only way around this is to create a different location which complicates the management immensely and defects having a consolidated view of your network devices.