
Netgear r7800 - control de accesos


Netgear r7800 - control de accesos

Resulta, que tengo un netgear r7800, y siempre ha funcionado bien, pero desde hace un tiempo, llevo peleando a ver si consigo saber por qué me pasa esto.


La cuestión, es que, tengo el control de accesos activado y así filtro por mac, todos los dispositivos que se conectan a mi red. PERO cada vez que reinicio el router por cualquier cosa, el control de accesos SE DESACTIVA y tengo que volver a activarlo manualmente.


Tengo un amigo que tiene este mismo router y esto no le pasa, con la misma versión.

Ya he probado a restaurar de fabrica, a cambiar de versión de firmware, a poner opendwrt para volver al firmware de stock, por si se hubiera quedado alguna configuración colgando, etc. ya no se que mas probar.


Alguna idea de como se podría solucionar esto? 



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Re: Netgear r7800 - control de accesos

It turns out, I have a Netgear R7800, and it has always worked well, but for some time, I have been fighting if I know why this happens to me.


The question is that, I have activated access control and thus filter by Mac, all devices that connect to my network. But every time the router restarts for anything, access control is deactivated and I have to activate it manually.


I have a friend who has this same router and this does not happen, with the same version.

I have already tried to restore factory, to change firmware version, to put OPENDWRT to return to stock firmware, in case some configuration had been left hanging, etc. I don't know what else to try.


Any idea how could this be solved?


Thank you

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Re: Netgear r7800 - control de accesos

It turns out, I have a Netgear R7800, and it has always worked well, but for some time, I have been fighting if I know why this happens to me.


The question is that, I have activated access control and thus filter by Mac, all devices that connect to my network. But every time the router restarts for anything, access control is deactivated and I have to activate it manually.


I have a friend who has this same router and this does not happen, with the same version.

I have already tried to restore factory, to change firmware version, to put OPENDWRT to return to stock firmware, in case some configuration had been left hanging, etc. I don't know what else to try.


Any idea how could this be solved?


Thank you

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