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Ready Nas104 Data Dead


Ready Nas104 Data Dead

My Ready Nas104 is reporting Data is Dead as I pulled 2 drives out while it was online.

I placed the disks back and powered it off and back on and got the message remove the inactive volumes to use the disk 1234



Then I deleted the volumes data- 0 and data. With that done i think all my data is lost on these new disks

This issue happened on my new disks which were all sync'd, with that said I still have my original disks that were taking out 1 week ago Disk 1, 3 and 4 is there anyone who can assist or recommend what options I might have have.


Thank you 



Message 1 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Current state.JPG

Message 2 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Unfortunately deleting the volumes was exactly the wrong step (despite the suggesting in the web ui).


Now that the volume is resyncing, there isn't much you can do - the data is lost.


You could try RAID recovery software (ReclaiMe) but the odds of getting your data back are very low.

Message 3 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Hi Stephen, thank you for the response, i also have the 3tb original disks that I pulled out a week ago. Disk 1, 2 and 4 is there any way that this will makemit easier? And the NAS might pick up the original volume settings?
Message 4 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

If you pulled all those drives at the same time with power off, then you should be able to simply insert them all (just them) with power off and have access to the data when you power on.  If you pulled them and the NAS ran at all between those events, it's going to take a lot more and may or may not be successful.


I'm going to go a step farther than @StephenB .  When you destroyed the "extra" volumes (which were parts of the original the NAS could not properly link together), you absolutely destroyed your data.  There is no recovery from those drives, period.


Next time, come to the forum before you do anything.  We likely could have helped you when all that was wrong is the volume was dead.,

Message 5 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Thanks Sand Shark, so are you recommending i power down the NAS and put the original drives back in and remove all the x4 new ones?

Message 6 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

@gtadevos wrote:
Thanks Sand Shark, so are you recommending i power down the NAS and put the original drives back in and remove all the x4 new ones?

Yes.  Then boot the NAS.  If you removed all the original disks with the power off, then you should see your data (although the volume will be degraded).


If you removed the disks with the power on, then the volume might not mount.  Let us know if that happens.

Message 7 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Original Disk In the NAS Today.JPG

Message 8 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Hi Stephen and Sand Shark

This is today after placing the original disks back in. I will leave it this way and take your advice once you are online.




Message 9 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Looks like you removed the disks with the NAS powered up.  Did you remove them all at once?  


Can you download the full log zip file from the logs page?


If you like, I can take a look at it.  You'll need to upload it to cloud storage (dropbox, google drive, etc), and then send me a download link in a private message (PM).  You send a PM using the envelope icon in the upper right of the forum page.  Make sure you set the link permissions so anyone with the link can download.



Message 10 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Hi Stephen

The originals were taken out powered off as I had to replace them with the new 6TB disks one by one over a few days.

Let me grab the logs and send across



Message 11 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

@gtadevos wrote:


The originals were taken out powered off as I had to replace them with the new 6TB disks one by one over a few days.


Meaning that you powered down, and replaced one disk.  Then powered up and resynced?  Then repeated that process until all the disks were replaced?


If that is what you did, then the original disks are not in sync with each other - and probably won't help with data recovery.




Message 12 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Correct thats the process i followed.
Message 13 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

@gtadevos wrote:
Correct thats the process i followed.

That makes recovery from these disks very problematic.  You do have snapshots enabled, and it is clear from the logs that snapshots at least were being written and deleted from the disks during the process.  That would make the RAID array out of sync.


FWIW, the data volume status in dmesg.log is 





[Thu May 16 16:01:25 2024] md: md127 stopped.
[Thu May 16 16:01:25 2024] md: bind<sda3>
[Thu May 16 16:01:25 2024] md: bind<sdb3>
[Thu May 16 16:01:25 2024] md: kicking non-fresh sda3 from array!
[Thu May 16 16:01:25 2024] md: unbind<sda3>
[Thu May 16 16:01:25 2024] md: export_rdev(sda3)
[Thu May 16 16:01:25 2024] md/raid:md127: device sdb3 operational as raid disk 0
[Thu May 16 16:01:25 2024] md/raid:md127: allocated 4294kB
[Thu May 16 16:01:25 2024] md/raid:md127: not enough operational devices (3/4 failed)



I'm not sure why sdc3 isn't listed - though it is likely that it got marked as a spare during one of the disk manipulations.


Raid recovery software (or a data recovery service) might be able to get some of your data back.  Unfortunately I'm not seeing any other possibility.


Message 14 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

For Raid recovery software is there one that you have used that is worth using?

Message 15 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

@gtadevos wrote:
For Raid recovery software is there one that you have used that is worth using?

It's not something I've needed to use myself.


You need something that supports both BTRFS and linux software RAID.  ReclaiMe is one package that several folks posting here have used with success.  You can download it, and see if it can recover anything before you purchase it.  (You would need to purchase to actually recover anything).


You'd also need a way to connect the disks to a Windows PC (ReclaiMe runs on Windows).  Likely you won't have enough SATA ports, so you would need some USB adapter/docks.  There are some out there that support multiple disks.

Message 16 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Hi Steve,


I found this Post as well do you think this is an option to try?


Solved: Re: Recover Destroyed Volume - NETGEAR Communities 

Message 17 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

@gtadevos wrote:


I found this Post as well do you think this is an option to try?


Solved: Re: Recover Destroyed Volume - NETGEAR Communities 

No.  In that post the volume was working/mounted when it was accidentally destroyed.  In your case it wasn't.

Message 18 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

The steps I listed in my final post there might get you back to where you were before you destroyed the volumes, but there would still be work to do to ressurrect the BTRFS volume.

Message 19 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Hi Sand Shark,
Thanks, I am not very familiar with Linux etc are you able to provide step by step instruction and commands i can try?


Message 20 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

@Sandshark wrote:

The steps I listed in my final post there might get you back to where you were before you destroyed the volumes, but there would still be work to do to ressurrect the BTRFS volume.

Not with the original disks.


Maybe with the set that was installed when @gtadevos destroyed the volume.  But I think all that would do is prevent the resync from completing. 

Message 21 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Hi @Sandshark Sand Shark and @StephenB Stephen, 


I'm thinking that the drives that were attached when the was volume destroyed cleared the data.


1. Try and restore all the data on each drive individually

2. Should I Start with inserting all 4 drives in a 4x usb drive bay repair the Raid First?

3. Then try and individually restore the data on each drive.

4. I have also placed 2 spare 6TB drives in a RAID 1 XRaid config in the NAS and rebuild it.

5. Then was planning to do the steps in the post once the data is restored.


Let me know your thoughts or Ideas, would be good to get the steps as well.




Message 22 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

@gtadevos wrote:


Try and restore all the data on each drive individually


There's no way to do that.  RAID creates a virtual disk that the file system is installed on.  The data is "striped" across the disks (so a large file will have some data blocks on each disk).


If you want to try RAID recovery software like ReclaiMe, you will either

  1. need to enough USB/SATA enclosures to connect all the disks.  A 4-bay docks will work, or possibly two 2-bay docks.  4-bay docks sometimes have hardware RAID - which you don't want, as it will get in the way.
  2. need to create disk images of all the disks on the PC.  That requires enough storage on the PC to hold all the disk images (but you only need to connect one disk at a time to make the images).



Message 23 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

Should i base the scan to look for the deleted files only on btrfs?
Message 24 of 32

Re: Ready Nas104 Data Dead

@gtadevos wrote:
Should i base the scan to look for the deleted files only on btrfs?

Not sure, but of course the files are deleted.


The puzzle is that the NAS likely created a new file system on top of the old one.

Message 25 of 32
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