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Connecting Netgear A6100 to Korg PA700
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Connecting Netgear A6100 to Korg PA700
Hello everyone and thank you for your service !
I have been trying to use a Netgear A6100 to connect my DAW (Studio One) to control / receive from my Korg PA700.
I followed those steps :
* I downloaded and installed the driver (standalone)
* I connected the Netgear to my computer, and proceeded to the WPS WIFI joining
* Then I unplugged the Netgear from my computer, and plugged it to my Korg PA700.
However, at that step, I don't know what to do (the Netgear doesn't lit up, and I am not sure how it should be recognized by my computer / Studio One).
I am not sure, in the end, this product is adapted for this purpose. To be honnest, I got it from a relative who didn't understand how to use it either.
Thanks in advance for your help ! Have a great day.