Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

DGN2200 DHCP Address Reservation


DGN2200 DHCP Address Reservation

I have a DGN2200v4 that has serious DHCP issues.
I am unable to alter the DHCP range
I am unable to perform address reservation. repeatedly comes up with Failure "The IP address should be within the DHCP range" even when I try to assign router assigned address

I have upgraded the firmware, both automatically and manually and still no success.

Contacted support, they advised to device is faulty and I need to replace device. Did this, same issue with new one, contacted support, they advised to replace device. When I explained I had already replaced it, they advised, that series of modems is faulty and I should by a more expensive model.

The support officer told me the problem was being worked on and the solution would be released in a couple of days, then advised a couple of weeks. Spoke to his supervisor who advised the problem would need to be reported to Netgear support people and the problem would take at least a couple of months.

Why does Netgear issue a faulty product model onto the market and then advise customers to upgrade to a more expensive model???

with my older modem, I could edit the backup config file and reload it, but this modem the config file is encrypted.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and found a solution to it??
Message 1 of 6

Re: DGN2200 DHCP Address Reservation

The support officer told me the problem was being worked on and the solution would be released in a couple of days, then advised a couple of weeks. Spoke to his supervisor who advised the problem would need to be reported to Netgear support people and the problem would take at least a couple of months.

I would listen to them and make your decision accordingly to either replace it or wait

Has anyone else experienced this problem and found a solution to it??

You are not first on posting these issues. Tons are out there.

I would suggest to setup static IP on device itself and specify outside the DHCP 🙂
Message 2 of 6

Re: DGN2200 DHCP Address Reservation

Thank you,
Message 3 of 6

Re: DGN2200 DHCP Address Reservation


Firefox 31, same symptoms. Found this post, was about to give up.

Swapped browser to IE .. currently at V11.0.9600.17207 ... and it worked and can reserve IP addresses.

Another minor quirk is that in IE the MAC addresses are rendered in upper case and in FFX they are rendered in lower case. Hence it is reasonable to assume that someone in their wisdom has used a function set and style constructs that are only available in IE, and Netgear have only tested against a subset including IE but excluding FireFox.

I have not tested in other browsers such as Safari or Chrome.
Message 4 of 6

Re: DGN2200 DHCP Address Reservation

Thanks rogerc. Have spent nearly an hour trying to figure out what i was doing wrong before resorting to Google.

Astounding that Netgear can't be bothered to get their interface working in the very prevalent Chrome or Firefox browsers. Amazing too when I know it would take a developer less than an hour to fix it! Seems like Netgear just don't give hoot, either that or they are breathtakingly arrogant. I'm not wasting my time like this again. My next router won't be a Netgear.
Message 5 of 6

Re: DGN2200 DHCP Address Reservation

Thanks rogerc. Have spent nearly an hour trying to figure out what i was doing wrong before resorting to Google.

Astounding that Netgear can't be bothered to get their interface working in the very prevalent Chrome or Firefox browsers. Amazing too when I know it would take a developer less than an hour to fix it! Seems like Netgear just don't give hoot, either that or they are breathtakingly arrogant. I'm not wasting my time like this again. My next router won't be a Netgear.
Message 6 of 6
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