Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Please tell us how to uninstall Netgear Genie on Mac OS X


Please tell us how to uninstall Netgear Genie on Mac OS X

It may be a useful tool for some but I found it very ugly and annoying and have always preferred to use web console for router configurations all these years. Also disconcerting the install didn't even recognize Netgear as a legitimate developer, which follows w the question why not?


Please instruct how to completely remove from system. I have dragged to trash but assume installer put tidbits in other folders/settings.


Thank you


MacBook Air, OSX 10.11.2

Message 1 of 2

Re: Please tell us how to uninstall Netgear Genie on Mac OS X

You may find this link helpful in what you want to do. Some apps do completely uninstall and remove themselves though.


Message 2 of 2
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