Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface


Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

I have an RBR750 and i'm seeing the same issue.  I can ping the IP of the router and internet works (although it DOES slow down over time) and devices can connect to Wi-Fi.  But either on Android or iPhone I can't connect via the phone app and I can't connect from my PC (directly wired to the Router) IP or orbilogin.    


This has been working fine for a number of months, I updated it fairly soon after I got this and have not updated again.  Only thing that fixes the issue for awhile (days or a week or two) is rebooting the router.


I have a gigabit xfinity connection and I normally see between 750 and 940Mbps speeds.  Right now I have not been able to access the Orbi for almost a week and the speed tests are going down lower and lower.  Right now the best I can do is 200-250Mbps down (iPerf).  A few days ago it was round 350-400 and a few day after it started we were at around 500-600.  And yes I have not rebooted b/c I wanted to see if there was a slowdown over time.  If I don't detect this and do a reboot it gets so slow that my devices can't connect to anything on the internet.


Just to isolate this issue the last time this happened I took out the Palo Alto and it happend three times (this is the third).  The other two times I connected to my old Eero unit and ran that for some days with no issues.


Firmware:  V3.2.16.6_1.4.4



Message 76 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Can try updating FW to see:



If this does not resolve this problem, please contact NG support to let them know. 

@Nnyan wrote:

I have an RBR750 and i'm seeing the same issue.  I can ping the IP of the router and internet works (although it DOES slow down over time) and devices can connect to Wi-Fi.  But either on Android or iPhone I can't connect via the phone app and I can't connect from my PC (directly wired to the Router) IP or orbilogin.    


This has been working fine for a number of months, I updated it fairly soon after I got this and have not updated again.  Only thing that fixes the issue for awhile (days or a week or two) is rebooting the router.


I have a gigabit xfinity connection and I normally see between 750 and 940Mbps speeds.  Right now I have not been able to access the Orbi for almost a week and the speed tests are going down lower and lower.  Right now the best I can do is 200-250Mbps down (iPerf).  A few days ago it was round 350-400 and a few day after it started we were at around 500-600.  And yes I have not rebooted b/c I wanted to see if there was a slowdown over time.  If I don't detect this and do a reboot it gets so slow that my devices can't connect to anything on the internet.


Just to isolate this issue the last time this happened I took out the Palo Alto and it happend three times (this is the third).  The other two times I connected to my old Eero unit and ran that for some days with no issues.


Firmware:  V3.2.16.6_1.4.4




Message 77 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Has anybody had the issue resolved?
My rbk852 if fully up to date and I still lose access after a day or so every time I reboot the router...
No access on app or through a browser.
Message 78 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Can try updating FW to see:



If this does not resolve this problem, please contact NG support to let them know. 


@Dbensette wrote:
Has anybody had the issue resolved?
My rbk852 if fully up to date and I still lose access after a day or so every time I reboot the router...
No access on app or through a browser.


Message 79 of 168
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Hi @Dbensette


We are currently looking into this as we are not able to reproduce the issue. May we please know if:

- Did you enable Anywhere Access (Orbi App) and/or Remote Management (GUI)

- Do you have any specific custom settings configured such as address reservation? Or Are seeing an issue with default settings?

- Please send me a private message with the Device Serial Number by clicking on this link 


Community Team

Message 80 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

@kevinroy1974 wrote:

Hows the firmware holding up now @FarmerBob1 ?, it must be 48hrs since the last post has it continued to allow you access to the admin interfaces ?


Many thanks



Kevin! Sorry for the delay. The FW is working great even at this time in a WAN/LAN Router capacity. Especially with IPv6 active.


You'd never know that the RBR access issue is still on going even with the latest version of the App: If I am going to get in, it'll happen on the Detect Device page. If that fails I'm not getting in any how!! No issues with the RBSs whatsoever. Am getting ~940/940.

Message 81 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Unfortunately I have an RBK753.  I was asked to post in this thread b/c even though it was a different router I was having the same issue.  I did get a PM from Blanca and have provided some additional details.


Since my original post I have rebooted twice.  I could have done it more often to get the connection speeds up but at this point I don't bother until it drops below 3-400Mbps (after a reboot I'm back up to 940ish Mbps) I think my next step is to put these into AP mode and use either my Palo Alto or Ubiquiti routers and see if that fixes the issues. 

Message 82 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Has a factory reset and setup from scratch been performed since last FW update?


@Nnyan wrote:

Unfortunately I have an RBK753.  I was asked to post in this thread b/c even though it was a different router I was having the same issue.  I did get a PM from Blanca and have provided some additional details.


Since my original post I have rebooted twice.  I could have done it more often to get the connection speeds up but at this point I don't bother until it drops below 3-400Mbps (after a reboot I'm back up to 940ish Mbps) I think my next step is to put these into AP mode and use either my Palo Alto or Ubiquiti routers and see if that fixes the issues. 

Message 83 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Hello everyone,


I am a french user of Netgear devices and I experience the same issue.


I need to restart manually (unplug, plug the routeur) every day because I can't connect to the interface of my ORBI routeur.


I reported this issue throught the netgear support website. After days of discussion, I receive a phone call from a nice personn from the Netgear support, Rose. I spend 1,5 hour on the phone.

She took control of my computer with Teamviewer and do some screenshot of the interface.


After some detour in the interface, we decided to test something : we delete all IP reservation I made previously and reboot the routeur.


She ask me to check the situation everytime I can.


I hope I will help to figure out this problem very annoying.


Have a good week end, a take care.



Message 84 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Thanks for letting us know. 

Message 85 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Mine lost access again today, this is the longest the access has stayed after a reboot. Its been about 3 days since I rebooted to router last.

Message 86 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

I should add that while I do lose access to the the interface through a browser and through the app, the net gear Armor does keep giving me notifications on my phone through the app as pop-ups and badge counts on the app. It’s just when I open the app, I can’t actually access the router still....
Message 87 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Please do a factory reset on the RBR and this time, do not enable Armor then see if this happens again...

@Dbensette wrote:
I should add that while I do lose access to the the interface through a browser and through the app, the net gear Armor does keep giving me notifications on my phone through the app as pop-ups and badge counts on the app. It’s just when I open the app, I can’t actually access the router still....


Message 88 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Add me to the list of people this is happening to. I have an RBR850 with two satellites.

The interface not loading is the most obvious problem, but there are other signs of flakiness that go along with it. I can’t add new HomeKit items, and existing items stop working. Rebooting the router resolves this also.
Message 89 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Just FYI all,


Since I did a manual update of the firmware,  the interface has been stable for over a week now!



Message 90 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Good News, did you factory reset after the update or just continue? 

@sas123 wrote:

Just FYI all,


Since I did a manual update of the firmware,  the interface has been stable for over a week now!




Message 91 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

No factory reset or changing reserved IPs etc.  It was just a  manual update to that firmware which was available on Netgear website but was not available when router checked for new firmware.


Message 92 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

This was recommended to me previously and I've done it twice now to no avail.  I have been told that there is new firmware ( but I can't find it (and when I check on the router it tells me that there are no new updates).  

Message 93 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

I try this method and after downgrading then manually upgrading, I haven’t noticed amelioration. Indeed, one day after this action, no access to the system again.
So, after the advice of Rose (delete IP reservations and reboot), the system is accessible since 2 days.
I check every 3 hours approximately I can access to the system (I am in coworking situation).

I let you informed of the situation.
Message 94 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface


@Nnyan wrote:

This was recommended to me previously and I've done it twice now to no avail.  I have been told that there is new firmware ( but I can't find it (and when I check on the router it tells me that there are no new updates).  


Message 95 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Ok, thanks for letting us know. 


I'll recommend for users who update manually to new FW, after the RBS and RBR have been updated. Power OFF all units for 30 seconds then power back ON the RBR first, then RBS. Should be good after that. 

Message 96 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Ok, thanks for letting us know. 


I'll recommend for users who update manually to new FW, after the RBS and RBR have been updated. Power OFF all units for 30 seconds then power back ON the RBR first, then RBS. Should be good after that. 

I do that everytime I do a "Dirty Install" or any install. The last being the manually. Maybe even longer since the time it takes me to "tour" the RBR and RBSs takes a bit of time. Also leaving the assignment of WiFi credentials until all is back up and running. Then another Power Cycle, but still no RBR access after the last Power Cycle last week only garnered couple of days of connectivity. Seems to be the norm for me.

Message 97 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

Still wanna get my hands on your Orbi. Smiley Wink

@FarmerBob1 wrote:

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Ok, thanks for letting us know. 


I'll recommend for users who update manually to new FW, after the RBS and RBR have been updated. Power OFF all units for 30 seconds then power back ON the RBR first, then RBS. Should be good after that. 

I do that everytime I do a "Dirty Install" or any install. The last being the manually. Maybe even longer since the time it takes me to "tour" the RBR and RBSs takes a bit of time. Also leaving the assignment of WiFi credentials until all is back up and running. Then another Power Cycle, but still no RBR access after the last Power Cycle last week only garnered couple of days of connectivity. Seems to be the norm for me.


Message 98 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Still wanna get my hands on your Orbi. Smiley Wink

You are quite a forward kinda guy. Nothing until I get a "Socially Distanced" Dinner, Drinks (LOTS OF DRINKS) and Dancing. Then we'll see . . . Smiley Tongue

Message 99 of 168

Re: RBR850 - no access to interface

UPDATE : So after returning my rbk853 to amazon, I got them to replace them with another set. This is now over a week ago, I set them up exactly the same as the first set and guess what, no issues at all, working fine never been off no issues. admin working on mobile and on direct Web browser.

I have a suspicion the reason netgear can't replicate this is that there's a batch of ones with issues out there.
Will update with any issues next week but after a week of perfection not expecting to be saying anything tbh.

Message 100 of 168
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