Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem


RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

RBR850 in AP mode
After updating to (rbr850 and rbs850 s) lost CONNECTION (wireless) to my two satellites (RBS850). Tried wired (backbone), works. Switched to router mode all fine (wireless and wired)
Also when in AP mode, when RBR850 is connected to the main router (pfsense) via the internet port, it gets into a loop of dropping the wifi (RBR850 WIFI appears for 15 sec then drops and then appears and drops and so on)
When the router is plugged in any other Lan port of RBR850, wifi of RBR850 is stable.
Tried factory reset, fixed ip, ax off, daysaving off, metered off, in all combinations)
Also sync in router mode and fixing the addresses of all 3 to what they are in ap mode. This seemed to work for 5min and then lost connection to satellites. (always with router going in to lan port of rbr850 not internet port as this drops wifi)
Message 1 of 25

Accepted Solutions

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

And xcelebric on this forum

View solution in original post

Message 4 of 25

All Replies

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

I have this problem too. I couldn't log in the fiber modem. But I could log on the rbr850 and rbs850.  After several minutes, then it is ok.  Then after a certain time, it fails again.

Message 2 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

Thanks to furynutz over at reddit I managed to revert to a previous firmware.

Message 3 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

And xcelebric on this forum
Message 4 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

As for the auto update, my rbr850 is on AP mode behind a pfsense router and I have blocked internet access to the rbr850
Message 5 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

Good to hear.

I'll check my system out today and see if this happens on mine. Now that I can configure the system from being in router mode. Smiley Wink


Be sure to save off a back up configuration to file for safe keeping. Saves time if a reset is needed.

@Xmk123 wrote:
As for the auto update, my rbr850 is on AP mode behind a pfsense router and I have blocked internet access to the rbr850


Message 6 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

OK, got mine set up in AP mode (v4) behind a D-Link router with it's wifi radios disabled. 

RBR set for a static .85 IP address.

RBS are both wireless connected and have a reserved IP address ON the D-Link router. 

Manual channels 1 and 40. CTS 2347, 40Mhz only, Guest Network disabled. 


Wired speeds thru RBR in AP mode to D-Link router to CAX80 modem:


I'll let this run for a couple of days and see how it goes...

Message 7 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

Channel correction. 11 and 48 on the RBR.


Update: My RBS850s seems to be reproducing this boot loop issue. I'm seen 1 RBS that i'm in sight of reboot after about 3-5 minutes with BLUE front LED on, then it goes OFF for a few seconds then turns back ON and pulsates WHITE for about 20 secones then back to BLUE. 

Going to factory reset tomorrow and re-check this. 

Message 8 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

When you do the reset try a 30-30-30 and see if it doesn't "set" the FW better? That's what I did for my reset in .223. I have left things.

Message 9 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

Good it works. 

Message 10 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

So your on v223 currently in AP mode? 

@FarmerBob1 wrote:

When you do the reset try a 30-30-30 and see if it doesn't "set" the FW better? That's what I did for my reset in .223. I have left things.


Message 11 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

v223 in Router Mode after a 30-30-30 reset. Things have been relatively smooth. I'm still recovering from the Home Automation implosion that resulted from the last RBR failure. 

Message 12 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

I plan on factory resetting the RBS with a button press then turn them OFF. Then use the ERASE button on the RBRs web page to reset the RBR. 

Message 13 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

So factory reset the system today. Bad behavoir seen on the RBS and syncing while in router mode. I could not get the RBR into AP mode as it would revert back to the main model section screen on the browser after selecting Ok on the information popup window. Tried two different computers and browsers. Not good. Sent to NG for review. If nothing happens, I'll revert to v3. Smiley Embarassed

Message 14 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

So after yesterdays failure of configuring AP mode after doing a factory reset, I had unplugged the entire system and left it alone for 24 hours. I came back today and the request of NG to collect logs on what I had seen yesterday. Well, today, after pluging in the RBR and RBS, the RBS synced correctly to the RBR in router mode. Yesterday, had seen 1 RBS connect at 2.4Ghz and the other said it was "out of sync". Today, both synced at 5Ghz and status remained GOOD.Yesterday the web took me back to the Router/AP mode page and could never get the RBR to apply the AP node, Today I attempted to configure AP mode on the RBR and after selecting OK, the web page reported it was rebooting the router. Several minutes later the RBR was in AP mode, then the RBS began to blink WHITE then after than turned BLUE and then OFF. The RBS have been so far working for past 4 hours and I have yet to see the RBSauto  reboot or the front LED come on as I did the other nite. 


Seems that a power OFF or complete pull of the power adapters for a period of time after the factory reset seems to have cleared the bad state that the RBR and RBS were in. The system seems to be running well now in AP mode, I'll montior this for next few days to see if anything re-appears. 


Anyone seeing this odd behavior, Reset or not, pull the power adapters for at least 1 minute then plug back in as one additional step. 

Message 15 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

Speed testing with a wireless mac book pro connected to one of the RBS i'm near is pretty good too. RBR is set for 25% power output as well:

Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 9.29.50 PM.png

Message 16 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

Sounds like a good reason for a 30-30-30 Reset.

Also I just happen to stumble on this:

How often should you reboot your router . . . 


Message 17 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

Shouldn't need to reboot routers every so often, if thats the case, there maybe other problems. 


I'm curious why the reset didn't work well...

Message 18 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

Well updating this post. After the reset then leaving the system powered off then caming back to it the next day and setting up in AP mode, has been stable since. Have not seen any RBS issues or reboots. I presume a full power OFF, maybe 5 minutes max should be tried for those of you seen odd RBS rebooting or sync issues on v4. This information was sent over to NG for review. 


Good Luck. 

Message 19 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Well updating this post. After the reset then leaving the system powered off then caming back to it the next day and setting up in AP mode, has been stable since. Have not seen any RBS issues or reboots. I presume a full power OFF, maybe 5 minutes max should be tried for those of you seen odd RBS rebooting or sync issues on v4. This information was sent over to NG for review. 


Good Luck. 

Two Qs:


- "The Erase Button on the RBR" - where is that?


- re: Connecting the the RBS Web Page and getting the connection error.  This is still happening for me, on the beta and previous release - I have not upgraded to this latest version yet, but will this weekend.  I notice it seems to only happen if I access the Connected Devices page.  I have not done that in several days and the Status page still loads and works fine.  Have you not seen that issue?





Message 20 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

@bullm00n wrote:

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Well updating this post. After the reset then leaving the system powered off then caming back to it the next day and setting up in AP mode, has been stable since. Have not seen any RBS issues or reboots. I presume a full power OFF, maybe 5 minutes max should be tried for those of you seen odd RBS rebooting or sync issues on v4. This information was sent over to NG for review. 


Good Luck. 

Two Qs:


- "The Erase Button on the RBR" - where is that?

Advanced tab/Administration/Backup.


- re: Connecting the the RBS Web Page and getting the connection error.  This is still happening for me, on the beta and previous release - I have not upgraded to this latest version yet, but will this weekend.  I notice it seems to only happen if I access the Connected Devices page.  I have not done that in several days and the Status page still loads and works fine.  Have you not seen that issue? I have not. I use MS Edge and Opera GX browsers when working with the RBRs web page. I just did a ERASE (factory reset) last week and after leaving the RBR and RBS OFF for 24 hours and back ON, system has been solid on v9 FW. Mines in AP Mode currently. v16 is being offered and will be loading this up this weekend. 




Message 21 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

So updated my 8 series in AP mode to v16 beta last Friday manually. After loading FW and system was back online. I powered everything OFF for a few minutes then back ON with the RBR first then RBS. No Factory Resets. All is working and stable in AP mode. 



Message 22 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

So getting things back to a working point in .223 and leaving it, I see what happens when you don't keep an eye on things. You get violated. After I wrote a huge post that was half disgust, half humor and posted it. It did post. Come to find out the issue that I was posting about was when the RBK system was being force fed v4.6.3.16_2.0.51. That just added to my post not posting. But then it would have been wrong. I would have been writing about a supposed full self-shutdown and it wasn't. It was the update. I was trying so hard to stay in .223 until a rev came out that was halfway stable. That's what I get for trying.


Although things have been as well as it was in .223. Even with the forced update which is a "Dirty Update". Now with that said, I jinxed myself and everything will fail monumentally this afternoon. It won't matter much except it'll cut off Amazon Music Ultra from the Mothership and I won't have music while I trim back 225 feet of 6' high Evergreen bushes. Yup, we're goin' full party mode in the South 40 today. Hopefully that will calm me down enough that when the RBR fails it doesn't end up in the 40' dumpster my neighbor parked along the party yard bushes.

Message 23 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

Factory reset the RBR and RBS. when you see the front pulsating WHITE, Power OFF for 2 minutes on the RBR and RBS. Leave the RBS OFF. Walk thru the setup wizard on the RBR. If you see odd issues.

Message 24 of 25

Re: RBR850/RBS850 Firmware problem

Same exact problem!

Message 25 of 25
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