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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: How do you use your ReadyNAS?

NETGEAR Employee Retired

How do you use your ReadyNAS?

Memories are important whether it be special times growing up, meeting a partner, having kids, a family holiday... you name it.


In this digital age, our electronic memories are becoming more important, whether it be family photos/videos, important personal documents or work files.


The ReadyNAS is a great solution for protecting your files and we'd love to hear how you use yours and how you backup your data (we have a range of backup options available - http://kb.netgear.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/29788/~/readynas-backup-faq )

Message 1 of 3

Re: How do you use your ReadyNAS?

I have only had my RN202 for a short time so I am still moving a lot of my files to it but here is what I am using it for:


Music - There are two primary users in my home and we each have our own music libraries on our laptops.  Between us there is a lot of duplicated albums.  I am building a master music library that eliminates the duplication and also has all of the appropriate metadata and album art.  Once this library is completed we can delete much of the music from our laptops and reclaim that space.


Videos - I am using the ReadyNAS to store all of our digital movie files.  I installed Plex on the ReadyNAS so I can now see the entire video library on our TV without having to plug in external hard drives, iPads of flash drives.


Documents - I hate paper and scan almost every invoice, instructiion manual, etc. that I get.  I have moved a lot of my older documents to the ReadyNAS for long term storage and was able to delete it from my laptop's hard drive.


Cloud - I use the ReadyCloud apps on my laptop, iPhone and iPad to share files with family members.  I like that I don;t have the storage limits that most "free" services impose and I like that the ReadyNAS OS sends me a notice when the file has been downloaded so I know the file has gotten to the intended party


Data Security - We've all heaerd it before, it's not if a hard drive will fail but when.  I previously lost a lot of data when a hard drive crashed and the data was unrecoverable.  Shortly after getting my ReadyNAS one of the hard drives in it started to fail.  The ReadyNAS OS gave me plenty of warning and I was able to replace the drive and have the system rebuild itself without loosing any data.


Backup - I use an external hard drive connected by USB to back up my ReadyNAS.  Right now the backup disk is at the same location as the ReadyNAS but once I move more data onto the ReadyNAS, I intend to do less frequent backups but store the drive off-site.

Message 2 of 3

Re: How do you use your ReadyNAS?

thx for sharing.


I've also consolidated storage on my ReadyNAS.  My pro-6 is the main repository for all documents, photos, video, audio..  Our PCs are also backed up there.


Backup is essential, so it is good you are putting that in place.  When you shift to off-site, you might consider using two USB drives and rotating them.

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