
回复: R6900 ip mac bind cause no Internet


R6900 ip mac bind cause no Internet

version: V1.0.2.26_10.0.45

upnp : on

port forward : on ,

but not working because dhcp ip with my pc lost when pc shutdown after some time ,if dhcp ip not lost that wake on lan will success.

i think reserved IP but not enable ip mac binding will cause the wake on lan problem. but when i enable ip mac binding i can't use some app (some can be used) 

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回复: R6900 ip mac bind cause no Internet

rollback to the version:V1.0.2.6_10.0.37 will fixed the arp ip-mac binding problem


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Re: R6900 ip mac bind cause no Internet

@kokokobe wrote:

but not working because dhcp ip with my pc lost when pc shutdown after some time ,if dhcp ip not lost that wake on lan will success.

i think reserved IP but not enable ip mac binding will cause the wake on lan problem. but when i enable ip mac binding i can't use some app (some can be used) 

Bit hard to follow that, but one thing missing is detail of the modem/gateway/ONT in front of this router.


That can also cause "no Internet".


Perhaps you could also explain why you have configured your router as it is. Something to do with getting Wake-On-Lan to work? (It just does here, with no special router settings.) Maybe someone can come u with ideas on how to achieve the same end result.

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Re: R6900 ip mac bind cause no Internet

yes i wan to wake-on-lan my pc and remote connect it.

that is ppoe moden. i'm sorry for my pooly english. i try bind ip and mac address then can remote wake on my pc . but critical bug with bind ip and mac address. I remote connect the pc but always lose connection. becase the enable it can effect the lan assign.

but i can remote control the router web control backend.



3 条消息(共 5 条)

Re: R6900 ip mac bind cause no Internet

i find some same report in this forum . that's ip mac binding big bug as my try . how to report this?

4 条消息(共 5 条)

回复: R6900 ip mac bind cause no Internet

rollback to the version:V1.0.2.6_10.0.37 will fixed the arp ip-mac binding problem
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