Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: C3700 Firmware Update


C3700 Firmware Update

I have a C3700-100NAS N600 Cable Modem with firmware version V1.01.11.  I can not establish a PTPP VPN connection to my office.  It appears that there is a newer firmware version (2.02.08) that supposidly resolves this problem.  It is not available on the Netgear support download page.  How do I get this firmware?

Message 1 of 32
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

Hello mfs


All firmware for cable modems are pushed out Via ISP and they are different for each ISP.





Message 2 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

I've been round and round on this recently as well.  Purchased the router at WalMart last month.  Attempted to get Parental Controls set up.  New router can't log into OpenDNS via the Netgear Genie app.  OpenDNS claims that it is due to old firmware on the router (currently 1.01.11).  Opened a ticket with Netgear.  Netgear informed me that FW older than V2.02.08 won't work with OpenDNS Parental Controls.  Opened a ticket with Xfinity/Comcast.  No firmware push in the past month...and no indication that they intend to.  Surely Netgear knows what the ISPs are planning with regard to firmware for their products.  Help?

Model: C3700|N600 Cable Gateway Docsis 3.0
Message 3 of 32
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

Hello Fsbof 


The ISP pushes out the FW when they approve it and are ready to release it so I have no info on when that would be.






Message 4 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

Count me in as another frustrated customer (who is planning to return this device unless Darren has advice other than "The ISP pushes out the FW...")


Tried to update the firmware on my C3700 only to find on Netgear's support site that it must be pushed by my ISP, which is Comcast.  Fine.  Called them and finally got it escalated to Tier 3 support, only to be told they don't have the authority to flash a device that I didn't get from them and to be told by that person's (non-customer support saavy) supervisor Scott that if you plan to buy the product yourself, you need to support it yourself.  Which, of course, you can't do because Netgear software (for this device) has no Update Firmware option and says the ISP needs to do the update.  Unacceptable.


When I buy a product because it suggests it is compatible with an ISP, I expect it to be fully compatible with that ISP.  Meaning the product manufacturer and ISP don't put their customers in a support Catch-22, including being able to upgrade it to the firmware level you claim the ISP supports (but won't help me download).

Model: C3700|N600 Cable Gateway Docsis 3.0
Message 5 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update


Reached Comcast again and, as is usually true when dealing with them, it turns out you have to try and try again.  


To recap, I was seeing bad wireless download/upload rates, excessively delayed webpage loads, and connectivity issues.  I had been using Comcast's modem/router before with no issues so, after seeing the C3700 was still on V1.01.11 and that the current version for Comcast was V2.02.08, it seemed reasonable that the C3700 was performance limited by its old firmware running on the unit and that the first step (as I've done in the past) is to update the firmware.


After getting essentially nowhere with Comcast the first time (even though it got escalated to Tier 3 support), I called again and went through the first two tiers of troubleshooting.  When I explained that what I still needed to ensure the device is running optimally is the latest firmware, they placed me through to Tier 3 support.  The (very helpful, this time) gentleman I got only thought he could push their settings to it (as the prior Tier 3 person had told me) but said he'd check with the "Internet team" to see if anyone knew of a firmware push.  He came back on the line to say, "well, I'm new to this team and I just learned something.  There is a push of software that we can do and it should contain the latest firmware.  Let's try it."  A software push to the C3700, a power cycle, and about 3 minutes later my C3700 read "V2.02.08" for the firmware version.  After about 1/2 day of running, I'm not seeing any of the performance issues I had been seeing.


What I find frustrating is that Netgear and Comcast have, through their Sales, Marketing, and Engineering teams, agreed to provide products that work together.  How is it possible that it's not common knowledge among Comcast's (and other ISP's, according to other reviews I've read) top support levels that for at least this model, they have to push the firmware?  I would think this is feedback that Netgear's team would want to take seriously since it is your product that is being undermined and then the bad reviews follow.  In other words, quit saying "it's the ISPs responsiblity" and REMIND them it's their responsibility.  Escalate it.


Second, why not just publish the firmware like in the past?  If Comcast's version is V2.02.08, give me that version, let me download it, and call Comcast if there are any issues.


I will post another update after a week of running the new firmware, but all looks good right now...



Model: C3700|N600 Cable Gateway Docsis 3.0
Message 6 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

Update:  It's been a week and, other than two measurable slowdowns that I suspect were Comcast bandwidth issues, the modem/router is performing well.  I haven't had any connectivity issues either.  I had some issues when "connected automatically" to the router before the firmware upgrade whereby I'd have to disconnect and reconnect on power up of my laptop, but those have disappeared after the update to V2.02.08.

Message 7 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

I'm getting the same run-around from Comcast/Xfinity regarding the c3000/c3700 modem/router. I have the c3000. They claim that they don't "Push" firmware to users, it's Netgear's problem. Please collaborate with Comcast and give us a link from which we can download the firmware so we can install it ourselves. Whether it's a link on your server, or on Comcast's, we should be able to access it from somebody.

Model: C3000|N300 Cable Gateway Docsis 3.0
Message 8 of 32
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

Hello Grouch1357

It does not work that way with cable companys any brand modem that you have goes through the same process they have to send the FW to the ISP and then they approve it make any changes needed and release it on there own schedule no way to do a manual update.


Message 9 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

I am having the same problem. My C3700 has Firmware V1.01.11, and Netgear's webpages say that I need V2.02.08. My wifi connection is intermittent, although my wired connection always works.


I'm on hold with my fifth call to Comcast. So far, none of the people on the line have believed that they are able to push an update. They insist that Netgear is incorrect in telling me that they have the power to do this, because the modem is owned by me and not by Comcast.


I have to conclude that communication between Comcast and Netgear is pretty bad.

Model: C3700|N600 Cable Gateway Docsis 3.0
Message 10 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

Someone from NETGEAR needs to get this lack of update firmware issue resolved.  My cable ISP is not pushing any updates out.  They are not listed.  They did not supply the hardware.  I purchased this device from Best Buy, and i expect NETGEAR to provide security and product enhancement firmware updates, unless of course, NETGEAR has chosen to no longer support the products they sell to the retail market.  If this is the case please indicate as such in your documentaion on the package.  I find this totally irresponsible and reprehensible of NETGEAR. 


If this is not resolved, if no updated firmware can be supplied to the retail market purchaser, then all of my future personal and professional purchases shall have NETGEAR removed from the 'Acceptable OEM' list.   

Fix this, or consider yourself just another snake oil sales company...

Model: C3700|N600 Cable Gateway Docsis 3.0
Message 11 of 32
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

Hello chiefdn


If you use any companies modem the firmware is updated by the ISP so no way to manually update the firmware.



Message 12 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update


I'm not using any companies modem. I bought it. Not from the isp. Since I own it I should be able to update it. I cannot update it and the only company that can is Netgear.
Message 13 of 32
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

I understand you own the modem but with cable company we have to make the firmware then send it to the ISP they then certify the firmware make any changes they need to and release the firmware when they feel they need to this is the same for any modem you buy with any company.





Message 14 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update



I did not buy it from the cable company.  all they know is i have a customer supplied cable modem.  unless you supply the update to WaveBroadband, i wont get an update.  Wave does not supply nor support Netgear modems.  The only way i see this modem ever getting an update is if you provide it.  This modem constantly disconnects from the internet and requires rebooting almost daily. 

Message 15 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

I'm also in the same boat on this.   Showing version 1.01.05 on my device with Concast's being 2.02.08

I unfortunately have yet to get a helpful person on the issue, they keep sending me to Netgear, and Netgear keeps wanting to charge me $180 for the anual service warenty (Which if you ask me is extortion) to look into the issue.  I'm getting real close to buying a new modem, and trust me it won't be a Netgear this time

Message 16 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

yah, Netgear is over for me.  lousy support. finger pointing. no attempt to deal with modem related issues. no desire to assist the customer.  apparently their equipment is not their problem once it leaves the shelf.  I dont recall seeing an "as is - where is" sign or notice on the box or in the store.  

I deal with IT gear for work.  Theres a reason netgear isn't the stock in trade.  I shall steer clear of Netgear in the future.  And any recommendations i make shall include a suggestion to stay away from anything they make as well.  

Message 17 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

You know its bad when I explained my bouncing around between companies to the most recent (rep number 6 I think I'm on now (doesn't caout the 10 Comcast reps I've also talked with)) Netgear rep, and he said we get this all the time...   Wait really?  So you guys are just ok sending customers around and around looking for answers???  At that point I've had it, told the rep Netgear has lost a customer and his response was just "ok that is fine"    So I guess Netgear just really doesn't care at all.


I even got both the Comcast rep and the Netgear rep on a conference call together, and not only is the issue not solved, but the Netgear rep was rude to the Comcast rep.  Really?  We are trying to solve problems, not make more.

Good bye Netgear, I'm moving on to a company that actually cares about its products and customers

Message 18 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

I probably spoke with 10 reps from Comcast before I found one that knew how to upgrade my firmware, and he did it right away. It seems to be a lottery. You just have to keep calling. When someone says that Comcast can't help and it must be done by Netgear, politely say thanks, hang up, and call again. I spent way too long on hold, and this is a terrible system, but it eventually worked for me.

Model: C3700|N600 Cable Gateway Docsis 3.0
Message 19 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

Very strange issue observed with C3700.  Today (06/29/17) at approx. 1:30 PM The C3700 lost its settings and defaulted back to its factory settings without My intervention.  I purchased this unit couple years back, and use it with TWC service.   I contacted TWC and the technician I spoke with indicated they did not push out any new firmware and that they do not have the ability to push it out because its not a supplied unit.  I informed the technician that I had no way to perform the firmware update myself, as I was informed by Netgear Tech. Support that only ISP can perform the update and push it out.  The TWC technician still clamed no updates were performed on thier end.  So, it appears that either the technician is mistaken and un-aware of some other TWC process that is performing the update, or My C3700 was expoited by unknown actor.  I decided to take the unit offline to perform a manual reset to factory defaults, and re-initialize the settings.  All appears OK now, however I still have concerns that the router has suffered a breach.  Circumstances like this, and not having ability to perform own firmware flash to ensure integrity of the unit is a cause of concern.  Remember, I was informed no updates were pushed out by ISP technician, and I certainly do not have access to the firmware, even though I bought the unit Myself.  So its anyones guess who performed the push.  One thing is for sure, the C3700 rebooted itself back to factory settings, and lost all configuration.   And Yes I did make a backup, but thats not the point.  If some unknown actor performed the update, who knows what actually is in the firmware?  Remember, the ISP Tech. indicated they did not perform the push of firmware, so who did?

Message 20 of 32
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

Hello sysatek


The ISP CMTS server pushes the firmware to the modem typically in the middle of the night it will push it and then cause the modem to reboot and it will be up to date. So yes the iSP does the update but the Tech himself can not do it typically it is just uploaded on there server and pushed automatically during maintenance periods.



Message 21 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

>The ISP CMTS server pushes the firmware to the modem typically in the middle of the night it will push it and then cause the modem >to reboot and it will be up to date. So yes the iSP does the update but the Tech himself can not do it typically it is just uploaded on >there server and pushed automatically during maintenance periods.


I understand that the Tech does not push the firmware updates, however the issue I described relates to the router reverting back to factory defaults without My intervention.  The ISP Tech indicated they did not push out update, and I certainly do not have the flash image to perform the update Myself, so the point I was making was that either the Tech was unaware of an update process inside the ISP or the update was pushed by unknown actor, or possibly even no flash was pushed at all, and  might imply a breach in the products security, and hence they left it freshy tainted for me to see.  The unit is not an ISP provided unit, as I purchased the unit and initally setup the config and passwords and such.  So finding the unit defaulted to factory settings is a real cause of concern.  Imagine if it was your device on your LAN and the ISP indicated they performed no intervention.  Would you have any confidence is the security of the device?






Message 22 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update

Am unsure whether issue remains unresolved, as original post and comments are somewhat dated, but am sharing my experience that may be of benefit...


See comment posted 04-Aug-2017: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Cable-Modems-Routers/Can-t-update-N600-C3700-100NAS-firmware-nor-di...

Model: C3700|N600 Cable Gateway Docsis 3.0
Message 23 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update w/different 'push' requirements in each ISP`

WOW is my  ISP.  The statement from Netgear site is NOT TRUE regarding this ISP.  The WOW corporation states it operates an 'OPEN' system and would not interferre with any modem manufacture firmware update(s)  The notion that ISP'sd need to 'approve' the firmware before it is 'PUSHED' to the device is INcorrect.   WOW assured me this issue is SOLELY Netgear's.


So, someone's gonna get caught in a lie (or fraud).




Message 24 of 32

Re: C3700 Firmware Update w/different 'push' requirements in each ISP`


do you have anything in writing from WOW and any contact information.


I believe every modem sold in Retail market is upgraded by the ISPs directly. 


Can WoW point to any modem out there is market which is upgraded by the vendor directly? 


NTGR can provide FW to WoW if they are willing to push to their customers. 


Message 25 of 32
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