Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off


C6300 randomly shuts off

The C6300 works fine with celluar devices connected via WiFi. However, my PC could not connect with the router through an Ethernet Connection (I contacted Netgear tech support about this and was told unless I could connect the C6300 to another PC, there was no way to know if there was an issue with the router or the PC). So, I purchased a USB adapter which wirelessly connects PC to the C6300 via WiFi. This works for the most but oftentimes and without warning, the router simply shuts off. It will then automatically go through its reboot process and the router will work fine again...until it shuts down and goes through this process all over again.

As I mentioned, this only happens when my PC is connected to the C6300 via Wifi. If my PC is not connected, every other device connects to the C6300 without issue and the router never shuts down (i.e. - cell phones, game consoles, Blu Ray players, smart TVs, etc.).

I have no idea how and why this is happening as it happens on a completely random basis. And yes, I have contacted the manufacturer of the USB adapter and they have no reason to guess why the adapter might be the issue. The adapter works like the wifi adapter on every other device I use (cell phones, TVs, etc.), so they feel the adapter is not the issue.

The only thing I can think of as a possibility is that the PC may "ping" the router (phones and other devices I dont believe do this) and that action might cause a problem. Thats just a guess. I honestly have no explaination. Oh, and I'm running on Windows 10, if that provides some clarity.  Please help. Thank you.

Message 1 of 16
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

Hello johnord 


Have you made sure you have all the updated drivers from you pc manufacture for windows 10? 



Message 2 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

I actually started to write something extremely sarcastic...as if it wasn't one of the first things I had done already.


So the answer, simply, is that the firmware drivers for the adapter are the latest available and the firmware drivers are sent from the ISP to my modem/router.


Please don't ask me if I've turned off the PC for 30 seconds and then rebooted.

Message 3 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off



does the router reset if you try to hardwire to the Router (instead of wireless)? If you can check this, please make sure you turn off wireless or disconnect the USB wireless adapter.

Message 4 of 16
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off



What FW version are you on?

What Service provide do have?

Does the issue occurs when you are connected to 2.4GHz or 5GHz WiFi



Message 5 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

my wifi shuts down when I connect thru my PC wirelessly...eventhing on the front of the modem shows normal but no wireless...I have to reboot to restore...if I stay off the PC wifi is normal...just when I connect my PC to the wifi...I have windows 10...

Message 6 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

fireware is up to date with comcast xfinity

Message 7 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

it does it also with my laptop...beside my desktop...both running windows 10...wifi stops transmitting/receiving...the icon show no wifi...network out of range

Message 8 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

As I wrote in my initial post (I think it was even the first sentence), for some reason that cannot be explained, the router will not connect to my PC via an ethernet cable.


However, as an update, I bought a PCI-Express ethernet card.  I then went into my PC bios and disabled the onboard LAN port, then installed the PCI-card.  However, the PC cannot even recognize the new ethernet card (and it's an Intel card, so it's not like it's a cheap generic ethernet card either). 


So based on this, my guess is that there's something wrong with my Windows configuration in some way.  My video card is an Nvidia card and the ethernet bios on my motherboard uses Nvidia bios.  So my guess is something is wrong with that whole setup.  I don't know. 


But again, that's a guess.  I don't have a spare computer to hook up the C6300 to, so I don't know how much of a culprit the router actually is in all of this.

Message 9 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off



1) V1.02.19

2) Time Warner Cable

3) The wireless adapter only connects via the 2.4Ghz Wifi (it's not capable of connecting to the 5Ghz band)

Message 10 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

As I've been on this board, I've come to realize something...all of my other devices that connect to the C6300 (and have no issues) use an OS that's not Windows.  I have multiple Apple iOS products and several Android devices.  The smart devices (like the blu-ray players and TVs) either use a proprietary OS or some version of Linux/Android, etc.  And. both my XBox 360 and XBox One use a version of Windows, but it's a vastly different OS than Windows 7 or Windows 10.


(Yes, I know what you're thinking...I have a lot of devices.  I know.  If you come to my house, you'd think it's a Best Buy store with the amount of tech gadgets I have).


So the only issue is with one PC that runs Windows.  I'm starting to guess that it's the way Windows inherently behaves that's the root of my (and apparently other people's) problems.


Of course, Windows programs run a lot of scripts like Java.  This means that the when we go I go to a webpage that has a lot of Java or background scripts running (like, say, Newegg.com), there's more two-way communication between my PC and the website servers.  Using Newegg as an example, the website is probably checking cookies to see if I've been to the site before, what I was looking at, if I have anything in my cart from my last visit, etc.  The browser is also checking the cache for data and pulling things down that are new.  This is much more labor intensive than what my other products require since most just download data (like a video stream) and don't upload much of anything.  So maybe it's no suprise that when I go to a site like Newegg (or ESPN, or Yahoo, as examples), when too much information is being uploaded and downloaded simlutaneously, the C6300 chokes and just goes into a brief shutoff mode, resets, then come back online 60-80 seconds later. 


But this a guess.  In theory, based on my data speeds with Time Warner (200mb down/20 mb up), the C6300 router has more than enough bandwidth to handle all the simultaneous request Windows 7 or Windows 10 throws.  But maybe it's not the bandwidth, but the router's capability to handle a lot of instructions thrown at it by my PC.   That's something for the developers to look into.


Oh, and for the record, as I was writing this, I had Newegg up on another tab in the browers.  Almost after every click on a hyperlink, boom, the C6300 shut off all its lights and went into a reboot.  It's annoying, if nothing else.

Message 11 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

I have a older Gateway all in one PC and a newer HP laptop PC both have windows 10 operating system...when I connect either one of the wirelessly to the netgear wireless modem the wifi stops working on the modem...lights still show it active but the wifi icon on both computers shows no signal...I thing it's something to do with windows...both computers worked ok with my older Motorola wifi modem...

Message 12 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

I also have same problem with C6300 Modem/Router. Meaning ONLY when my newer laptop connects to this router it shuts down WiFi signal after few minutes. This is my second unit (got replacement unde warranty).


I am a Wireless Engineer with PhD and 20 years into this. The only explanation I can think of is that my newer laptop has 11AC and MU-MIMO so it puts the router at its peak use and it heats up the chip so it shuts down as ofter these have self protection.



Message 13 of 16
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

Hello HP20


Is this happening on both the 2.4Ghz and the 5Ghz? and is this just happening when that laptop connects plus all the other devices on the network?



Message 14 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

Windows 10, Laptop Acer Aspire V 13, Netgear Product: C6300, Firmware Version V2.01.14


Dear Netgear Customers,


Netgear is selling faulty product and know it. Their lengthy frustrating way of handling support is their way of handling it rather than fixing the issue. I spent nearly 8 hours with at least 5 of their customer support on this very issue (C6300 shuts down WiFi signal when connected to a PC with newer WiFi chip a.k.a 11AC, at 2.4GHz band) and no resolution rather they kept asking me to check same settings again and again.


I rarely write reviews and blog but this has been really systematic deceiving move by Netgear that I feel obligated to warn everyone. I have a PhD in Electrical Engineering and specialized in telecom and connectivity including WiFi so in short I know what I am talking about on this narrow subject and showed Netgear folks how to reproduce this error systematically while it appears random by many.


If you are as frustrated let's look for a class action lawsuit to have Negear clean its act and pay our money back. Email me at aryanfar@msn.com

Message 15 of 16

Re: C6300 randomly shuts off

it happens when that laptop is connected to 2.4GHz but the result is that C6300 shuts down both 2.4 and 5.8GHz signals and needs a reboot.  Under no condition AP should sht down because of any specific client. This is the router issue as the connection works for a minute or two then overheats (as it happens faster if run more traffic) and shuts down

Message 16 of 16
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