Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: C6300 wifi drops

C6300 wifi drops

Good morning,


          Yesterday my C6300 wifi signal stopped working. I bought this router a year and a month ago so my warranty is gone. I have tried rebooting and a factory reset from the Genie. The wifi comes back for a little while and then drops. The lights are still on and my LAN connection still works. Curious thing is my ethernet light is constantly flashing even if nothing is connected. I have comcast as my ISP and my firmware version is V2.01.14. Any suggestions before I get a new router?

Message 1 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops



can you please try factory defaulting the router to see if problem goes away?


can you please PM me if you still see the problem? I would like to work with you.



Message 2 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

@vkdelta,   I have factory defaulted the router several times as well as rebooted the router several other times. I have decreased my MTU from the default 1500 bytes down to 1440 as this was the only setting that passed a ping test. I don't know if I have a device that is causing this because the only thing that changed recently is that I bought a new cell phone. Shortly after I brought that device home I started having issues. 

Message 3 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

which Cellphone did you get?

Message 4 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

Microsoft Lumia 950

Message 5 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

I also have the same problem with the device. I just upgraded my phone to a Microsoft Lumia 950 XL. Is there a solution? I bought my device just under a year ago.

Message 6 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

I think it may have something to do with a Lumia setting. I returned my phone and the problem is gone.

Message 7 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

I think my Netgear device is dying. With my phone not connected to wifi, the C6300 still drops wifi and sometimes even my cable connection drops, my PC is connected thru ethernet. I'm keeping my Lumia 950 XL, great phone and I will never return to android nor ios.

Message 8 of 34
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C6300 wifi drops

Hello winboy


Have you checked your cable connections? if you have a cable splitter in between the modem and the wall you may want to remove it to see if the internet drops stop happening. also with the wifi you may want to try changing the wifi channels to help prevent wireless dropping. And if that does not fix it and you still believe the modem is defective you may want to contact netgear phone support if the modem is still under warranty.



Message 9 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

I'm seeing the same problem.  Like you guys, the problem just started occurring.  It seems it may have started the very day firmware V2.01.14 was pushed down.


I've tried factory resetting the device with no luck.  I'm now resetting the c6300 up to two times per day to get my wifi back for the last several weeks.  Strangely, it sometimes drops the 5g first, then the 2g will predictably drop soon after.


I've added no new wifi devices to my network as suggested above by support as a possible problem.  That suggestion sounds ridiculous to me anyway, as a network device should not affect the wifi signal of the router.  If it can, Netgear should explain how that's possible. Otherwise, don't complicate things with B.S suggestions!  Or, if that's a known problem, address it and give us a timeline as to when we should expect to see the fix.


Note that my home security system requires this router and its WIFI settings to be up close to 100%!

Message 10 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

I should add that I had already tried changing the wifi channels, as well, with no luck.  I'm the only SSID found on each channel.  Prior to this last month, I never had just the wifi go out and only recall needing to reset the entire router/modem once or twice since owning it when all Internet connectivity went out.  Doing this now sometimes multiple times on daily basis is really unnacceptable.


The modem/router is just over one year old, so I'm guessing it's probably out of warranty?  What support/return options do I have at this point? 

Message 11 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

I too am having this issue with NetGear C6300 router and my new Lumia 950 XL phone. When I power off the phone the network is stable. When I power on the phone, connect to the 5g and attempt to download something relatively large, the router drops WiFi as mentioned above. When I'm away at work my wife uses network all day without issue. Shortly after i arrive at home with new phone in hand the WiFi drops.

I'm going to test with only connecting to the 2.4ghz WiFi from the phone. I called Comcast and their answer was to increase the signal to the router. (Which they did but problem still persists).

I really think it is the Lumia 950 XL.
Message 12 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

I also have the Lumia 950, love the phone but a couple weeks after getting it these problems became an issue. It seems we'll all need to turn to MSFT for a fix.

I was very frustrated that when I spoke with a tech support person over the phone, I told him the problem (without noting my phone was a Lumia 950 because I didn't think that was part of it) and he said oh yeah, I can definitely fix that for good, just subscribe to the GearHead premium model and I'll tell you how... What?


I would've been cool with that if I'd known his fix would have ACTUALLY worked. I can get on and stay on for a couple hours but it wonks out shortly after. Would've been very frustrating to pay him only to find out certain models are defective. I may need to take the plunge on this especially because it seems related to my personal phone (I have 2 roommates, wouldn't charge them since it's not their fault) although this is a rather expensive device so this is a little upsetting that I need to shell out more money on it. Also, I'm still under warranty so that said to me that I need to pay something before we can identify if it's a hardware issue which seems a little ridiculous.


Netgear team, everyone here with a Lumia phone are likely more tech savvy than others, I've tried factory resetting, an MTU adjustment, I need to restart my router to get it to work whenever it happens. Is there anything that could make a phone essentially disable a router's wifi projection on both the 2.4G and 5G strings?


Lumia users, did anyone use GearHead support and find them to be effective before I pay to find out the same? Did anyone find luck from just deactiviting wifi when they get home?


Message 13 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

I thought my 6300 was defective, so I had it replaced and had no problem until 2 days later, it started all over again. I called Comcast and they scheduled to come out tomorrow. Meanwhile last night, I connected my phone to 2.4 wifi and lowered the mode from 400 Mbps to 54 Mbps and so far it is still connected without any problem. Hopefully, the next OS and firmware fixes the problem so I can go back to the AC connection, at least for now the slower connection works. I know Microsoft has released a new firmware for the 950/950 XL but I haven't received mine yet. 


Hope this helps those with the Lumia 950 XL and C6300.

Message 14 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

I can confirm that with Firmware version V2.01.14, I can get my Lumia 950 (I'm sure the XL is the same, to your point) to work with my C6300 by dropping the max MBPS from 450 to 54 for the 2.4G string. I kept the 5G string at 1.3GBPS. Typically, when I'd try to update my applications on the 950 that's when the wireless signal would drop but I was just able to make ~10 app updates without any issue. This is also after the rather large .29 OS update for the 950 which is admittedly extremely difficult to download when the wireless keeps dropping 🙂 if anyone hasn't downloaded that yet, it fixes a host of other bugs including battery issues and app updating issues.

Good luck everyone

Message 15 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

There's a massive problem with v2.01.14, the router has been causing an incredible amount of interference on the 2.4ghz frequency band since the update, any Bluetooth devices in my house (Bluetooth uses the same frequency band) have been rendered useless, I've been forced to disable the 2.4ghz antenna on the router completely resulting in some of my devices no longer has network connectivity, please address this URGENTLY
Message 16 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

Message 17 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

Same situation here.  C6300 drops WIFI so I was then thinking I just had to reconnect, but no!!  Now my passwords are not accepted on 2.4G nor 5G.  I have to reboot frequently then my devices and passwords are accepted.  This is not a desired situation nor is this the first issue I am having with this unit. Can I get my money back?



Message 18 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

Mine is still at V1.02.19, where are you getting new firmware, when I search Netgear none is available for the C6300?
Message 19 of 34
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C6300 wifi drops



All the firmware is pushed out by the ISP and ISP are on different versions here is a article explaining that .






Message 20 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

Right now mine is working fine, so I will leave it at current level. I was just asking where the FW was. So if it acts up I should ask for an update, or does TWC just do that without even asking?

Message 21 of 34
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C6300 wifi drops



Correct TWC and other cable companys automatically pushes out the firmware updates.



Message 22 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops


I too have started having Wifi dropping issues. I just called Time Warner Cable, and they told me they have NO ACCESS to push out firmware updates to USER purchased modems! My C6300 is still running V1.02.19. This is unacceptable! Please someone from Netgear call Time Warner Support and tell them about this issue, and how to push out firmware updates! Their support is incompetant or unwilling to provide updates to user-purchased modems!


Message 23 of 34
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: C6300 wifi drops

Hello warpedTrekker


They will have to re provision the modem to get the latest update what I mean is they will have to send some hits to the modem and some resets. Have you called and asked for Level 3 tech support ask for that next time you call instead of just getting a front line rep they should be able to help you more with the issue and have a better understanding of the modem.



Message 24 of 34

Re: C6300 wifi drops

BUYER BEWARE. After two months of random disconnects and several modem replacements I am 100% sure this is a NETGEAR hardware issue. It's a faulty design and cannot be fixed.  First of all I build computers and I have a lap top, desktop, tablet, and cell phone all connected to test with. Every device has intermittent drops often every 15 minutes. NETGEAR is more than willing to send mail me modem replacements but that never fixes the issue. Comcast came out five times a supervisor determined the modem was the problem.  Comcast then loaned me a test modem so I could have both connected at the same time. With NETGEAR I had disconnects every 15 minutes.  With the Comcast modem I left my computer running for a week connected to an online game and it never disconnected once.  Frankly I would warn people not to buy this product as the defect is in the design and NETGEAR made it clear "REFUND IS NOT AN OPTION."

Message 25 of 34
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