Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: CAX80 Completely Bricked - Only Power Light On


CAX80 Completely Bricked - Only Power Light On

I'm having an issue I see that popped up a lot in the past year on this forum - I have a bricked CAX80 that has only the power LED light on. Hard reset does not work, the unit is entirely unresponsive to any of its buttons or inputs, and it is not possible to access the unit at all to attempt a firmware load. The unit was purchased two years ago, so Netgear's response was the standard "you're out of warranty, pound sand". I DM'd the moderator DarrenM of this board the other day but no response yet. Just wondering if anyone has had any luck with Netgear on any replacement or RMA in this scenario - I would like to continue using Netgear products and the CAX80 as it was great while working, but it would be insane to continue to purchase a $500 piece of hardware every two years because of what appears to be a known issue Netgear refuses to acknowledge or help with (or if I need to move on to a company that will stand behind its product).

Message 1 of 7

Re: CAX80 Completely Bricked - Only Power Light On

I struggle a bit with "stand by their products". 

They do. That's what a warranty is. 

I haven't seen any company that standardly replaces their products when they're a year out of warranty. 

They'd go out of business. Its why you have a set warranty period and you have to pay for extended warranties if you want to gamble. Feel free to try other networking companies if you think they'll extend their warranty out a year for free. 


In terms of your device. did you try disconnecting the coax from it and pushing and holding reset for up to 30 seconds while powered on? 

You could also try recovering it with tftp if you feel its a corrupt firmware issue. 


Message 2 of 7

Re: CAX80 Completely Bricked - Only Power Light On


@RAbbott32 wrote:

I'm having an issue I see that popped up a lot in the past year on this forum - I have a bricked CAX80 that has only the power LED light on. Hard reset does not work, the unit is entirely unresponsive to any of its buttons or inputs, and it is not possible to access the unit at all to attempt a firmware load. The unit was purchased two years ago, so Netgear's response was the standard "you're out of warranty, pound sand". I DM'd the moderator DarrenM of this board the other day but no response yet. Just wondering if anyone has had any luck with Netgear on any replacement or RMA in this scenario - I would like to continue using Netgear products and the CAX80 as it was great while working, but it would be insane to continue to purchase a $500 piece of hardware every two years because of what appears to be a known issue Netgear refuses to acknowledge or help with (or if I need to move on to a company that will stand behind its product).


Message 3 of 7

Re: CAX80 Completely Bricked - Only Power Light On

Thank you, as stated in my initial message I have already done this but have not yet been replied to.

Message 4 of 7

Re: CAX80 Completely Bricked - Only Power Light On

Netgear caused the brick with their pushed firmware and it has affected many customers. Yes, companies tend  to compensate customers when they are the sole cause of a product failure. Regarding your recommendations, it appears you did not read my message as I tried each of those things mentioned and the product is entirely unresponsive - again, due to firmware pushed by Netgear.

Message 5 of 7

Re: CAX80 Completely Bricked - Only Power Light On

I've passed this on to NG. 

Message 6 of 7

Re: CAX80 Completely Bricked - Only Power Light On

Providing an update to those with the same issue and following:


DarrenM did elevate the issue and I received a message from customer support requesting a time to discuss the issue on the phone, but this request has not been genuine and has been a complete end-around. I provided them four separate times I was available for a call and did not receive a call at any time. The only other message from support was "sorry we didn't call you, can you provide two more times?" after they ignored the first two times. Then they ignored the second two.


Unfortunately it appears their approach is just to ignore/exasperate and not actually provide support. Since the CAX80 firmware bricking is a known issue where Netgear is causing $500 in damages to its customers by pushing faulty firmware then not addressing the issue I have submitted complaints to the FTC and FCC explaining the problem and that it is widespread to many customers on this board and others. I am also working with my bank to claw back the funds from the defective product since Netgear's support, again, refuses communication. I will update this if Netgear support actually does make an attempt to reach out on the 5th or more times they ask to.

Message 7 of 7
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