Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke


CAX80 Port forwarding broke

Recently I discovered that I cannot setup any port forwarding on my CAX80.  When I try, I get this error message; 


The specified port(s) are being used by other configurations. Please check your configurations of USB Readyshare, Remote Management, Port Forwarding, Port Triggering and UPnP Port Mapping table.


I checked for any configurations that might be interfering like the message suggested, I had none. My UPnP is disabled, my ReadyShare is not being used at all and has no configurations, Remote Management is disabled and I have 0 Port Forwarding or Port Triggering configures or services set, I can't, its what I am trying to do!  


So I tried to experiment with trying to create another port forwarding configuration using another port, I found that none work, no matter what port address I put in, I get the same message. It is basically completely broken, so I then tried a factory reset, same results, this is with both the pin hole button press and the web UI factory reset methods. 


Doe anyone have a solution for this issue?  Thank you in advance. 





Message 1 of 14

Accepted Solutions

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

UPDATE: I solved the issue

When I initially configured the CAX80 I enabled the use of the built-in DHCP server to provide IP addresses beginning at through During this time of its use, I enabled the Port Forwarding option to a system with IP address to test incoming conenctivity to a webserver I was hosting. After I confirmed it worked, I removed the port forwarding because I was not happy about the inability to restrict incoming IP addresses.


As I proceeded to statically set IP addresses to a majority of systems in my home network, I subsequently modifed the range of IP addresses the DHCP server would assign to begin with .200 (through .254). Later, I decided to disable the use of the DHCP server entirely. However despite the option being greyed out indicating it was not being used, the reference to the beginning IP address remained visible, though it too was greyed out.

Curious, I enabled the DHCP server, modified the beginning IP address to, saved the change, then disabled the use of the DHCP server. Once this was done, I was able to add the port forwarding rule.

To the OP, go take a look at the settings of the DHCP server. I suspect you might have been bit like I was.


View solution in original post

Message 8 of 14

All Replies

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

> [...] When I try, [...]


   "try" _what_, exactly?


> [...] Please check your configurations [...]


   DMZ?  (ADVANCED > Setup > WAN Setup : Default DMZ Server, according
to the CAX80 User Manual.)


> [...] another port, [...]


   Some of us didn't see the first one (either).


> [...] no matter what port address I put in, [...]


   You tried all 65535 possibilities?

   If the thing has really been through a settings reset, and UPnP has
been disabled the whole time, and if you're not selecting some port
which is actually in use, then I'd expect there to be no actual
conflict.  But it's also possible that you're specifying some
inappropriate server address, or some other goofy thing which is not
revealed by a description like "I cannot".  And it's possible that that
error message is more generic than it reads, and some non-conflict error
triggers it too.  Without knowing precisely what you did, it's tough
even to guess.


> Doe anyone have a solution for this issue? [...]


   Not I.  At least, not without a better description.

   Note that I don't have a CAX80 in hand, so I can't test anything.
But, in my limited experience, such problems tend to be caused by the
user, not by (even typically lame) Netgear router firmware.

Message 2 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

Thanks for the reply,


When I try to create a configuration to forward a port, any port.  

Yes, I tried about 100 ports, it does not matter which one you try, even the basic ones that should be working. Pick a port any port, it does not matter, the function of port forwarding it broke in this model; the CAX80.  If you do not have one on hand, you won't be able to help. I am asking for someone that has one to check and see if they can forward a port, ANY port. 


btw, DMZ does not work either, it gives the error message;  IP address is not on the LAN.  And it very well is, no matter which IP address I use, one obtained through DHCP by the CAX80 or a static one that I set myself, in or outside of the DHCP range. 


Yes, there is no actual conflict, it does not even try to set the port forward configuation, I just get that message that there is a conflict, I believe it is a generic message too, the real problem is that I cannot even set a port, not even with the pre-set ones that are there already. 



Message 3 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

> [...] If you do not have one on hand, you won't be able to help. [...]


   What's crippling me is your unwillingness/inability to describe
precisely what you did.  I could have fifty CAX80 units in hand, and
still not be able to test what you did, because, with my weak psychic
powers, I can't see what you did.


> btw, DMZ does not work either, it gives the error message; IP address
> is not on the LAN. [...]


   And, again, I can't see the IP address which you are specifying.  Or
the IP address of any interface on any device which you have.


   The fact that you seem to get an error message every time you specify
an IP address, for any reason, suggests to me that what you're
specifying is defective in some way.  But, again, with no useful
information, I'm helpless to do more than guess.


   For all I know, you have some other router connected to the CAX80,
and you're specifying IP addresses from some other LAN segment/subnet.

How could I determine that from your non-descriptions?

> [...] no matter which IP address I use [...]


   Which part of "precisely" do you find so confusing?


   Of course, it's also possible that the CAX80 firmware (whichever
version you have) is hopelessly broken.  Which might explain the flood
of similar complaints from angry hordes of CAX80 users.  If there were
one.  I haven't noticed one yet, but I haven't searched hard.

Message 4 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

Thanks for the reply,


I cannot force you to understand a precise answer....


The issue is to use the feature of the device that is called PORT FORWARDING or DMZ.


You can choose any local IP address or PORT value that you want to use.... IT DOES NOT MATTER, the feature does not accept any values that you enter.  You are trying to troubleshoot this from a perspective that it is the values being entered that are culprit to the issue. This is not the issue nor the complaint, I am simply asking if that feature is broken on one else that has a CAX80 unit. If you do not have that unit, you cannot test or reply to my query. 


I have downloaded and read the manal for this unit and nothing different than what I have done, its all outlined on page 116 step by step, and you cannot follow those steps because the feature does not work, it will give that already stated error message each and every time, no matter what numbers you enter. 


I do not know how to make it any more precise for you to understand?


Thank you again for your interest. 



Message 5 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

> I cannot force you to understand a precise answer....


   You'd need to provide one, first.


   You might, for example, have revealed some actual port numbers and IP
addresses, as requested.  Repeatedly.


> [...] You are trying to troubleshoot this from a perspective that it
> is the values being entered that are culprit to the issue. [...]


   I am until I see them.


> [...] I am simply asking if that feature is broken on one else that
> has a CAX80 unit. [...]


   As I said, I can't test that, but I'm also doubtful that such a gross
defect in that firmware version would have gone unnoticed, if it


> I do not know how to make it any more precise for you to understand?


   Apparently.  And I'm tired of trying to extract any useful
information from you.  Best wishes on your inquiry.

Message 6 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

My Gateway: Nighthawk CAX80
Firmware Version V2.1.1.4


Last week I configured the Port Forward option to a webserver (using TCP port 80) running on the LAN. I confirmed it was working correctly, but because there is no ability to restrict the incoming connection from a specific IP address, I subsequently deleted the rule as I did not want to leave it open/accessible to the Internet. Today, I proceeded to add it back, but I am receiving the same message as the OP.  I am familiar with all of the options, but I confirmed the IP address of the involved system is *NOT* reflected anywhere else within the UI in use of any options.

If necessary I can provide a video demonstrating the issue, but these are the steps to reproduce:

1. Login to the CAX80

2. Go to Advanced

3. Select Advanced Setup

4. Select "Port Forwarding / Port Triggering"

5. With "Port Forwarding" selected, click the drop-down and select HTTP from the list.
6. In the Server Address field, type the IP address of the system to which Port 80 is to forwarded to, then click the Add button.
The response received is, "The specified port(s) are being used by other configurations. Please check your configurations of USB Readyshare, Remote Management, Port Forwarding, Port Triggering and UPnP Port Mapping table."


P.S. On a side note I noticed the ability to restrict incoming connections from the Internet to specific IP addresses on the Internet is NOT possible, despite the fact this was in fact possible with my Nighthawk AC1900.  It seems the Port Forwarding / Port Triggering options available are inferior to what is offered on lesser devices, which is quite strange.

Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 7 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

UPDATE: I solved the issue

When I initially configured the CAX80 I enabled the use of the built-in DHCP server to provide IP addresses beginning at through During this time of its use, I enabled the Port Forwarding option to a system with IP address to test incoming conenctivity to a webserver I was hosting. After I confirmed it worked, I removed the port forwarding because I was not happy about the inability to restrict incoming IP addresses.


As I proceeded to statically set IP addresses to a majority of systems in my home network, I subsequently modifed the range of IP addresses the DHCP server would assign to begin with .200 (through .254). Later, I decided to disable the use of the DHCP server entirely. However despite the option being greyed out indicating it was not being used, the reference to the beginning IP address remained visible, though it too was greyed out.

Curious, I enabled the DHCP server, modified the beginning IP address to, saved the change, then disabled the use of the DHCP server. Once this was done, I was able to add the port forwarding rule.

To the OP, go take a look at the settings of the DHCP server. I suspect you might have been bit like I was.


Message 8 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

OMG!  Thank you! This frustrated me to the max!    Thanks to that other guy too, I know you were trying to help. 

Message 9 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

Are you referring to these settings in this image that's attached? I'm also having this port forwarding issue but I'm not sure what to be changing in that.

Message 10 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke


Message 11 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

Any advice on what information to input into those settings?

Message 12 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

Unfortunatley offered solution did not work for me. At some point I was not able to add new port forwarding but old ones were fine.

After flipping DHCP switch old ones are gone too! Now I'm back to square one

Message 13 of 14

Re: CAX80 Port forwarding broke

Same here. I have most everything turned off and now can't set any forwarding. I had a rule set here last week but now it's broken. What the crap?!!

(also why is the CAX80 not an available model above?)

Message 14 of 14
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