Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

CM500-100NAS help thanks


Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

Start with just a decent quality double splitter. And go:

direct -----double splitter





Test that to ensure its still good. 

Message 26 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

any good one i should buy or brand i never bought  splitter like thsi what one i want thanks?

Message 27 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

only had 3 way slitters

Message 28 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

the pick up a 2 way splitter.

You want the modem getting the best possible signal you can get. 

Message 29 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

had to go to walmart to get my mom some stuff while i was there i bought a 2 way slitter its a 5-2500mhz will follow  what you posted post back once i can what need

Message 30 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

so modem on drect line right to outside and rest in splitter right?


Message 31 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

also i called tech support sed outige after ment i talked to from tech support herre what getting now

Cable Connection
Frequency start Value
This field below allows you to modify the frequency the cable modem start with its scan during initialization and registration. Enter the new start frequency and restart the cable modem for it to take effect.
Starting Frequency

Startup Procedure

Procedure Status Comment
Acquire Downstream Channel615000000 HzLocked
Connectivity StateOKOperational
Boot StateOKOperational
IP Provisioning ModeHonor MDDhonorMdd(4)

Downstream Bonded Channels

Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables Uncorrectables
1LockedQAM25610615000000 Hz4.8 dBmV42.2 dB00
2LockedQAM2561561000000 Hz5.3 dBmV43.2 dB00
3LockedQAM2562567000000 Hz5.5 dBmV43.2 dB00
4LockedQAM2563573000000 Hz4.3 dBmV42.1 dB00
5LockedQAM2564579000000 Hz4.1 dBmV41.8 dB00
6LockedQAM2565585000000 Hz5 dBmV42.1 dB00
7LockedQAM2566591000000 Hz4.3 dBmV41.9 dB00
8LockedQAM2567597000000 Hz3.6 dBmV41.8 dB00
9LockedQAM2568603000000 Hz3.4 dBmV41.9 dB00
10LockedQAM25611621000000 Hz4.5 dBmV41.3 dB00
11LockedQAM25612627000000 Hz4.4 dBmV38 dB00
12LockedQAM25615645000000 Hz5.2 dBmV40.4 dB00
13LockedQAM25621687000000 Hz8 dBmV43 dB00
14LockedQAM25622693000000 Hz7.1 dBmV42.6 dB00
15LockedQAM25623699000000 Hz6.8 dBmV42.8 dB00
16LockedQAM25627723000000 Hz5.6 dBmV41.4 dB00

Upstream Bonded Channels

Channel Lock Status US Channel Type Channel ID Symbol Rate Frequency Power
1LockedATDMA25120 Ksym/sec24600000 Hz43 dBmV
2LockedATDMA12560 Ksym/sec18000000 Hz43 dBmV
3LockedATDMA35120 Ksym/sec31000000 Hz43.5 dBmV
4LockedATDMA45120 Ksym/sec37400000 Hz43.5 dBmV

Extended Upstream Transmit Power Enable Extended Upstream Transmit Power


Current System Time:Tue Mar 08 22:23:24 2022System Up Time:00:03:16

Message 32 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

any better?

Message 33 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

Much better. No current errors. 

Time, your logs, and if it stays stable will be the key. 

Message 34 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

tryed your way lost tv and internet so when back to 3 way splitter i guess 2 lines are comming out of lock box on wall also, might of left way old people had it from comcast with new replaced lines and here what i getting after reboot

Message 35 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

Cable Connection
Message 36 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS help thanks

Cable Connection
Frequency start Value
This field below allows you to modify the frequency the cable modem start with its scan during initialization and registration. Enter the new start frequency and restart the cable modem for it to take effect.
Starting Frequency

Startup Procedure

Procedure Status Comment
Acquire Downstream Channel615000000 HzLocked
Connectivity StateOKOperational
Boot StateOKOperational
IP Provisioning ModeHonor MDDhonorMdd(4)

Downstream Bonded Channels

Channel Lock Status Modulation Channel ID Frequency Power SNR Correctables Uncorrectables
1LockedQAM25610615000000 Hz5.1 dBmV41.7 dB00
2LockedQAM2561561000000 Hz5.9 dBmV43.1 dB00
3LockedQAM2562567000000 Hz6 dBmV43 dB00
4LockedQAM2563573000000 Hz4.8 dBmV41.9 dB00
5LockedQAM2564579000000 Hz4.6 dBmV41.5 dB00
6LockedQAM2565585000000 Hz5.5 dBmV41.9 dB00
7LockedQAM2566591000000 Hz4.7 dBmV41.6 dB00
8LockedQAM2567597000000 Hz4 dBmV41.5 dB00
9LockedQAM2568603000000 Hz3.8 dBmV41.6 dB00
10LockedQAM25611621000000 Hz4.7 dBmV41.3 dB00
11LockedQAM25612627000000 Hz4.8 dBmV40 dB00
12LockedQAM25615645000000 Hz5.6 dBmV39.2 dB00
13LockedQAM25621687000000 Hz8.2 dBmV42.5 dB00
14LockedQAM25622693000000 Hz7.1 dBmV41.9 dB00
15LockedQAM25623699000000 Hz6.9 dBmV42.2 dB00
16LockedQAM25627723000000 Hz5.9 dBmV41 dB00

Upstream Bonded Channels

Channel Lock Status US Channel Type Channel ID Symbol Rate Frequency Power
1LockedATDMA25120 Ksym/sec24600000 Hz43 dBmV
2LockedATDMA12560 Ksym/sec18000000 Hz42.8 dBmV
3LockedATDMA35120 Ksym/sec31000000 Hz43.5 dBmV
4LockedATDMA45120 Ksym/sec37400000 Hz43.5 dBmV

Extended Upstream Transmit Power Enable Extended Upstream Transmit Power


Current System Time:Tue Mar 08 23:07:22 2022System Up Time:00:47:14

Message 37 of 38

Re: CM500-100NAS

on 3/20/2022 i  see this what is it tell isp about tek error i see thanks ray isp keep telling me to come to netgear for help


under event log

Time Priority Description
2022-3-20, 16:43:58Warning (5)TEK Invalid - Invalid Key Sequence Number;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-20, 16:20:27Critical (3)Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-15, 05:54:00Notice (6)DHCP Renew - lease parameters UTC Time Offset modified;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-13, 22:49:58Notice (6)TLV-11 - unrecognized OID;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1970-1-1, 00:00:32Notice (6)Honoring MDD; IP provisioning mode = IPv4
1970-1-1, 00:00:27Critical (3)No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.0;CM-VER=3.0;
1970-1-1, 00:00:21Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.0;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-13, 17:40:39Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire FEC framing;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-13, 17:40:04Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-13, 17:39:59Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-13, 15:37:05Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-13, 15:37:00Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1970-1-1, 00:00:27Critical (3)No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.0;CM-VER=3.0;
1970-1-1, 00:00:22Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.0;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-12, 20:12:00Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire FEC framing;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-12, 20:11:32Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-12, 20:11:31Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire FEC framing;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-12, 20:11:25Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-12, 20:11:20Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
1970-1-1, 00:00:27Critical (3)No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:01:5c:69:fc:4d;CM-QOS=1.0;CM-VER=3.0;
1970-1-1, 00:00:21Critical (3)SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing;;CM-MAC=94:a6:7e:bb:f7:04;CMTS-MAC=00:00:00:00:00:00;CM-QOS=1.0;CM-VER=3.0;
2022-3-20, 16:43:58Warning (5)

TEK Invalid - Invalid Key Sequence



Message 38 of 38
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