Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?


Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

 I'm waiting for my older brother (he has the app) to wake up so that he can do this, as I'm unable to login to routerlogin.net both on my computer and phone.

 My understanding is the following: we unplug all of the routers in the house other than the nighthawk > set up modem mode in the nighthawk app (hoping this is as simple as turning a setting from OFF to ON, if not please let me know what else has to be done). > turn off nighthawk router, turn on, wait 2 minutes > turn on other routers, then after 2 minutes or however long, all of the routers will have different IP addresses as modem mode is on.
 Please let me know if there is anything else we have to do. I'll update in a few hours when my brother is awake.

Message 1 of 24

Accepted Solutions

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Just spoke to a technician from my ISP who spoke to his supervisor who said "the ISP doesn't give out the power to change IPs to people under residential plans" or something along the lines of that. I think the only thing we can do is change ISP. I'm gonna update the post with this information.

EDIT: Can't edit the original post, in summary for anyone experiencing the same / similar problem as me; Mediacom (my ISP) technician and his supervisor were unable to change my IP, said we would have to pay hundreds of dollars more per month for a business plan just for that privilege. I've heard of people in the US having dynamic IPs that change public IPv4 every time the router is reset, so I have no idea why Mediacom would take such a stance on this issue. I think the last resort is to call them and let them know we'll have to change ISP if they can't resolve this issue for us.

View solution in original post

Message 22 of 24

All Replies

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Message 2 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Is there a reason you're wanting to use it as a modem only device? 

Its a solid router and you could leave it in router and connect the 2nd router to it in access point mode

Message 3 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Hey thanks for the response, I followed these steps but upon turning router mode off and then turning the nighthawk off and on, the nighthawk turns on but none of the other routers have working internet. Any idea what to do?

Message 4 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

when you say "routers" it sounds like you have more than 1 connected. 

Most ISP's only support 1 public IP address. Meaning only 1 device can be connected if its acting as a modem only device. 

do you have more than 1 connected? 

Message 5 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Hey, I am doing this because I need all of the routers that connect to the nighthawk to have different IPs from each other. Even with router mode on, everyone in the house other than my brother who connects to the nighthawk via ethernet use these routers for their ethernet: Eero Pro 6 Router (would post the amazon link but not sure if it would get flagged).

EDIT: What is access point mode? Would that make sure I have a separate IPv4 from my brothers?

Message 6 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

We have the nighthawk CAX30S, and then we have multiple "Eero Pro 6 Router"s in each of my brother's rooms as well as mine so that we can use ethernet cables to connect our computers to the internet. I have a friend who told me he uses "Modem Mode" on his router to make sure that him and his brother each have a different IPv4.

Message 7 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Instead of doing that do this:

Leave the CAX30 in router mode. 

Connect the eero router to it and set them up including the satellites for it. After they're setup, go into their settings and put the eero in bridge mode. 

It'll still act as an access point but it'll leave the CAX30 managing dhcp and therefor your IP addresses. 


Just make sure to have the CAX30's wireless channels on different channels from the eero. And I'd use different ssid's for the 2 networks. 

Message 8 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Alright just turned router mode back on, all of the eero routers are unplugged but my brother's eero router plugs into the CAX30 and it is currently on, which makes me realize; how does my eero router even connect to the CAX30? I'm on the top floor, my ethernet cable plugs into it, and the power cable plugs into an outlet.

 I just asked my brother and he said all he did was plug the routers in, didn't use the eero app (I'm now installing it to make sure we can set it up in bridge mode).

 Also I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say "the satellites for it", and how would I go about making sure the CAX30's wireless channels are on different channels from the eero? Also unsure as to what a ssid is. If you have any material I can reference to figure this stuff out please link, unless it's a simple explanation.

 Thank you for your help so far.

Message 9 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

1. With mesh systems (like eero) there's a main router that manages the satellites. the satellites connect back to the router. With the eero, one of them has to be hardwired into CAX30 to function. that'd be the main router. the rest are satellites. 

2. Eero is close to plug and play but not all the way. You still have to install them. Its done using an app. You'd have to check in the app

3. SSID= your wireless name and password. Just make sure the eero is different from the netgears

4. You can log into the netgear and under the wireless settings it says what channels its broadcasting on. The eero should have a similar function. Just make sure they're separated (different channels) so they don't interfere with each other. 

Message 10 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

 Alright thanks for the information I have now figured out most of this stuff, including how the eeros were set up (ISP did it for us). After going through the eeros app I was able to figure that my dad has the login so I am now logged in to the account, have set up the CAX30S on router mode, and have set up the eero main router and satellites.

 The netgear router has a different SSID from the eeros network, and in the eero app I've gone into Network settings > DHCP & NAT and set it to Bridge.

 I was unable to find anything in the eero app that tells me anything about the channels. Maybe I would already know if they interfere with each other? Internet seems to be working fine. Now I just need to make sure the routers all have different IPv4s, how would I go about doing this?

EDIT: Specifically the eero satellite routers need to have different IPv4s.

Message 11 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

You can download a wifi scanner like inssider or one of the other scanner programs to see what channel the routers are on. 

Message 12 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Will do- and how do I make sure all of the satellite routers have different IPv4s?

Message 13 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

that'll happen automatically. You can't have 2 devices with the same IP address on the network or it'll cause issues. 

Message 14 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

I've just checked on inssider, the eero network does not appear to be operating on the same channel as the netgear.

I've also checked on my little brother's computer, which is connected to his own eero router, and his IP is the same as mine. Checking on the eero app, DCHP & NAT is still set to Bridge. Is this what was supposed to ensure that we have different IPs?

Message 15 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Are we talking public ip address or private? 


Message 16 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?


Message 17 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

You'll only get a single public ip address. The ISP assigns that to your account and leaves the router to give private IP addresses. 

Why do you think you need different public ones?

You should be able to game fine 

Message 18 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

I absolutely need a separate one from my brother because I'm HWID banned from Rust and EFT (two games with extremely strict anti-cheat and ban evasion measures) and my brother is going to be getting both of these games for Christmas. I don't know about EFT, but I do know that if he tries to play Rust, at least half of the servers he'll join on the same IP as me will cause him to be automatically banned.

My friend told me that by turning modem mode on (router mode off) he was able to have a separate IP from his brother's.

EDIT: using a VPN won't work on Rust unfortunately

Message 19 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

HWID band tends to be specific to the hardware device its played on. Is he on a different hardware or console? 

That might help. 

Otherwise your SOL. Bans are for a reason and its not easy enough to just change the modem to fix it. 

Message 20 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

 He is on his own computer. The issue is that in Rust, server admins are very proactive about catching people who ban evade, almost always checking if players on their servers share the same IP with any game banned steam accounts (I have multiple because the first ban didn't tell me it was HWID). You can't use VPNs on most Rust servers either. He can play Rust but as long as our IP is the same, admins will think we're the same person, and if you try to explain it was "my brother" they just assume you're lying. I live with three brothers including him that game on PC, none of them have ever played Rust so up until now it wasn't an issue, but he wants to try it and it's my fault for getting banned years ago so I'm trying to rectify the situation for him.

 If there's a way to just change our IP, I can make sure to only login to my steam accounts on a VPN, and that would be good enough.


Message 21 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Just spoke to a technician from my ISP who spoke to his supervisor who said "the ISP doesn't give out the power to change IPs to people under residential plans" or something along the lines of that. I think the only thing we can do is change ISP. I'm gonna update the post with this information.

EDIT: Can't edit the original post, in summary for anyone experiencing the same / similar problem as me; Mediacom (my ISP) technician and his supervisor were unable to change my IP, said we would have to pay hundreds of dollars more per month for a business plan just for that privilege. I've heard of people in the US having dynamic IPs that change public IPv4 every time the router is reset, so I have no idea why Mediacom would take such a stance on this issue. I think the last resort is to call them and let them know we'll have to change ISP if they can't resolve this issue for us.

Message 22 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

simple test of that is to hotspot your phone and connect a pc/laptop to it. If that doesn't work, changing ISP's won't help

Message 23 of 24

Re: Nighthawk CAX30S- How do I turn on Modem Mode?

Also changing WAN IPs depends on ISP policy as well. Some ISP have dynamic changing policy that for one given WAN IP, has to be leased for a period of time, then if the policy allows for it, after the pollicy least expires then the WAN IP could change to a different IP on a reboot, power cycle or reset, depending on availability. And again, depending on ISP policys. Not all ISPs are the same. 



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