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Nighthawk M6 Pro Unlocked Hotspot 5G mmWave

Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?


Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

As the title says, I just checked and noticed a new firmware is available. Does anyone know what it fixs / changes ?

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (AU)
Message 1 of 72

Accepted Solutions

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

104 Mb, v NTGN9X50C_10.25.01.01

There's a neat new setting under Setup|Mobile Routing for Ethernet Standby which I have disabled and testing is going well through WAN Connection to Dovado which until now I had to use with Wifi spotboost.

MR1100 seems to run a bit hotter. I have been using without battery since last fw upgrade, up to 10 days without reboot. Currently at 4 hours and counting, with no dropouts and speeds greatly improved.

Dashboard has lost data usage info, hope to see it return. No info on Telstra Community and Netgear UM is still for June 2017.

View solution in original post

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (AU)
Message 3 of 72

All Replies

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

@MicW- what's the number of the firmware you're referring to?


That's why I started this thread a while ago, but I've had no response from Netgear staff yet.

Message 2 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

104 Mb, v NTGN9X50C_10.25.01.01

There's a neat new setting under Setup|Mobile Routing for Ethernet Standby which I have disabled and testing is going well through WAN Connection to Dovado which until now I had to use with Wifi spotboost.

MR1100 seems to run a bit hotter. I have been using without battery since last fw upgrade, up to 10 days without reboot. Currently at 4 hours and counting, with no dropouts and speeds greatly improved.

Dashboard has lost data usage info, hope to see it return. No info on Telstra Community and Netgear UM is still for June 2017.

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (AU)
Message 3 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

New firmware out for MR1100-100EUS retail model too,

Message 4 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

It is the 104 Mb, v NTGN9X50C_10.25.01.01 as hippolyte wrote.


I haven't installed it yet as I run my M1 without the battery.

I'll install it tonight , the dashboard usage data has never displayed for me, but I don't use Telstra. I'm guessing that is a Telstra tie in. I'm interested to see if it does provide a speed improvement.


Thank you everyone for the helpful posts .

Message 5 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

Thanks MicW for confirming the number. It's interesting that you're not using Telstra - was your M1 part of a package from another carrier or is it an unlocked Telstra device? The reason I ask is that I was under the impression that the M1 only does auto-updates and that firmware isn't available as a manually downloadable file on the Netgear support page. So I'm wondering how you're obtaining the file.


My M1 was part of a mobile internet package from EE in the UK. The latest auto-updated firmware on my M1 is NTG9X50C_10.22.03.00 so I'm hoping I'll get the or equivalent EE version soon.


My current firmware shows data usage. I can't remember if this worked before I set the "Billing start date", "Plan Limit" and enabled the data alerts, but perhaps your interface differs from mine.

Message 6 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

MicW, about the speeds:

I am on fringe of network, using dual yagi radomes to get 700MHz 4bar signal and with speeds of 50 - 75 down and 20 - 40 up. MR1100 by necessity in back room to connect.

I attribute my personal speed increase to the abilitity to use ethernet which previously had been too flaky, esp. after reboot. After 11 hours and a reboot, ethernet is still looking good.

Device actual speeds not noticeibly different ater upgrade. On the couple of times I have taken the MR1100 to town near the tower (700MHZ), speeds are about the same. No experience of other bands or the 4G LTE CA duals listed in the UM.

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (AU)
Message 7 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?


My M1 was bought out right from JB HiFi in Aus, a electronics store, it came unlocked. The reason mine didn't auto update is because I had been running it without a battery. I just finished installing it and I got the version number slightly wrong it is actually. NTG9X50C_10.25.01.00.

My previous firmware required a telstra account to display the data usage, there was no facility to set "bill date" or "plan limit"

The previous firmware it had was from July last year. There are quite a few changes from that old firmware that I have noticed :-


*The ability to disable the ethernet sleep or set for 2 minutes.

*Slight change to dashboard look

*Arlo camera support

*The lan display now displays non windows devices ip address, name and mac address as well.Also shows correct count of devices connected, previously only seemed to count windows devices.

*Dashboard data usage can now set manually the roll over day and data cap and can display data usage warnings. It also now displays amount of data left and correct number of devices connected on the M1 screen( quite nice considering I am using a Optus service). My data usage display now works.It now no longer  requires a Telstra account to display data usage

*In diagnostics it now shows that it is connected to a quick charge device.

*Displays realtime current/ voltage

*Mine actually seems to be running cooler

*The M1 reboots fine without hanging now(previously used to hang on a reboot)


### RS-SINR still does not work(always displays 0dBM).

hmm after an hour with battery on charger  all it says is Power state in standby mode. Its not even attempting to recharge( This is with a quickcharge 2 charger not the usless 1A charger that comes with the M1).And battery level is dropping.Before it used to recharge very quickly with the quick charge

Otherwise the M1 seems fine so far.


Thanks for the extra info @hippolyte


Message 8 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

Still waiting for some firmware love here in the USA.  Just checked for updates, still on NTG9X50C_10.20.05.02 here on AT&T as of 14-Mar-2018.


Any thoughts on whether the new firmware finally allows dual concurrent band Wifi (2.4G & 5.8G) without crashing all of the time?


Any improvements in Wifi client range?


Thank you!


Model: MR1100|Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (US)
Message 9 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

@MicW- thanks for your explanation and list of new features. I found the same problem with updating without a battery and wrote this post a while ago that you also contributed to. In my case, the M1 appeared to have attempted to start the update and then stopped with a flashing amber LED. When you clicked the "CHECK FOR UPDATES" button, did you see that there was a new version available even without the battery installed? Or did you have to install the battery just to display the fact there was a new version available? I'm wondering if the software checks the battery status and if it's below 20% it doesn't bother checking for new firmware.


Regarding the new features, it seems that Netgear are running multiple firmware branches because the version that I'm on (build date Nov 2017) doesn't have the Ethernet sleep option or the Arlo camera support but it has all the other features you mentioned.

Message 10 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?




Last night when I clicked the "check for updates" button I did not have the battery installed, and it returned with information about an update being available that was 104 mb in size. That was when I decided to post on the forums to check for some information before beginning the update process.

The battery finally recharged I just had to stop accessing the internet and it topped up before I removed it again.

I agree with you UK-based they definitly seem to be running a few versions of the firmware, the last one I was running was the July build last year, and last night was the first time it found an update.




I've been running mine with both 2.4 and 5 ghz enabled at the same time on both the old (July build) and now the new firmware (6 hours since upgrade), so far no issues and never had issues on the old firmware. Though I'm not a heavy wifi user( I rely on the ethernet primarily) and I can't say I have accessed 2.4 and 5 Ghz at the same time. The wifi client range seems about the same as prior the upgrade.

Message 11 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

@MicW: Thanks - it's good to know that new firmware availability will be detected even if the battery isn't installed.


@JSchnee21: Like MicW, I've had no problems running 2.4 and 5GHz simultaneously. I just did some tests with testmy.net, first testing 2.4- and 5GHz-connected devices separately and then compared the speeds when starting the tests on both devices at the same time. The speeds were actually slightly better when both tests were running simultaneously Robot LOL. Needless to say, the M1 didn't crash. My UK firmware version ( seems to be between the latest and previous Telstra versions.

Message 12 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

Thanks Everyone,


Wow, so many versions!





We seem to be lagging here in the USA on NTG9X50C_10.20.05.02.  I had hoped the Aussies would have worked out all of the bugs in the machine before it got imported.  Perhaps they have, and the new import tarifs are holding up the works (-:


Hopefully the dual band wifi issue is fixed in 10.22 and later.  Either that or I was imaginging it -- though i did have n=3 occurances within a day of the lockups (to work, home from work, back to work -- this was on battery the whole time in the car in winter so not too warm).  Often it would seem to hang / become nonresponsive when I would try to bring up the screen or to shut it down when dual band was enabled.  I didn't actually check to see if it was still passing data / broadcasting its SSID.  I've only had this occur once over the last several weeks when single band was enabled.

If we ever get an update, hopefully I can re-test

Thank you,


Model: MR1100|Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (US)
Message 13 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

@JSchnee21: Bear in mind that both MicW and I are running our M1's without battery, on upgraded mains chargers (higher power than the supplied 2A charger). At least I think that's what MicW said. When I did the test yesterday to check simultaneous downloads on both WiFi bands, I wasn't running solely on the battery. Have you tried doing the same test using an upgraded charger instead of running on battery?


Regarding the various firmware releases in different countries and for different carriers, although the version numbering system may appear to be sequential / chronological, it's possible and even likely that there are different branches in the numbering. So a version issued to Telstra customers may appear to be more advanced numerically than one issued to AT&T customers but the included features may be a mishmass of whatever happens to suit or be compatible with that carrier. Why on earth would a contiguous firmware development jump from 10.x.x.x to 12.x.x.x (TeeJay74 in Finland)?


That's why I asked Netgear to demystify their firmware version numbering and to make update/changelog histories available to the public (see my link in message 2 above). For example, does the version numbering contain an indication of a specific branch, i.e. an identifier for a specific carrier? Or does Netgear maintain a private list that documents which version is for which carrier? How many of us in different countries with different carriers are on identical firmware version numbers? It seems to me that we're all on different numbers. Perhaps we should all contribute to a list that documents the following:


Country - Carrier - Firmware Version - Build Date - Install Date.


It may be necessary to hold this list somewhere other than this community page because threads scroll lower as more are added, unless we can encourage a Netgear moderator to make the list "sticky" - this may be difficult if their intention is to keep us guessing.

Message 14 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

Thanks Everyone,

I'll have to try running with/without a battery on my Anker QC3 charger whilIe running and loading both Wifi bands.  I haven't done so as this is not really my use case.  I'm fortunate to have Verizon FIOS at home so no need to run it in such a setup.


I use the hotspot "as intended" (no offense intended) on the go from the battery so my spoiled kids can watch Youtube and Netflix in the car (-:  My wife and I do occassionally use it for work as well.


Currently I'm running with just 5.8Ghz @ 40MHz which works great for most modern devices, though the Wifi range is pretty poor.  Of course 5Ghz range is always less than 2.4Ghz.  I haven't been able to find out if the MR1100 can do MIMI on 802.11ac to see if its 1x1, 2x2, or 3x3.  I suspect it's only 1x1 since they don't mention SU-MIMO in the product literature.  But at at 5.8Ghz @ 20MHz (not currently enabled in firmware) Wifi bandwidth would still be adequate for my needs and the range would be a little better.  They could also boost the transmit power up to their FCC limit if its not already.


But we also have some older devices without 5.8GHz support so I'd like to leave dual band enabled and "set it and forget it" and minimize the support calls from the family (-:

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (US)
Message 15 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

AT&T still on NTG9X50C_10.20.05.02 as of 3-16-18 7:00 AM EDT.

Hoping they fix ethernet after reboot and don't strip out the Arlo camera support!

Message 16 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

I've just been derailed by the same issue - Telstra sent an alert about the firmware update via the device - you have to do it using the "upgrade now" facility - the device does have the usual option to let you update from a file BUT.... neither Telstra nor Netgear make the file available. I've been trying to get both companies to respond - Telstra insists Netgear is responsible for all hardware support (and that's what the User Manual says) but if you try the Netgear Support / Download Centre you get the message - no firmware/software available for this device !?!

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (AU)
Message 17 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

Firmware updates should come available as soon as they are approved. QA testing takes time and if there uncertainties it is probably wise to postpone firmware availability. So there might be a good reason if no update is available(something is not ready yet).

Message 18 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

That's understood. The firmware update came via the official channel of my telco Telstra. I did the update. It caused multiple issues. I suspect file errors. Telstra made it available thru the device's webpage so there's no file for me tore-install. Telstra insists Netgear is responsible for hardware updates. But Netgear says there is no firmware available for the device. See my problem? 

Message 19 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?



What is your current FW version number ? That new version you are waiting for, do you know its version number ?

Message 20 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

FW version is NTG9X50C_10.25.01.00. 

Message 21 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

Have you tried a factory reset after the firmware upgrade? Other then that you may have to try a direct contact with Netgear, I can't say I've seen any actual Netgear reps here.
Message 22 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

Yep I did but the factory reset did not roll back the firmware to the original. 

And since I am outside the 90-day free support window the only way I can get in direct touch with Netgear is to pay for a service contract. 

Unless someone is monitoring these boards....

Message 23 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

Since NTG9X50C_10.25.01.00 dated 2018/01/31 update available to me on 13 March, there have been mixed blessings. As a fringe-dwelling MIMO antenna user, the Ethernet setting has made life easier. The initial loss of Data Usage info didn’t seem so important. But when it did not come good, I contacted Telstra Support.


Chats with Mobile Assurance SME from 22-24 March yielded a between 3 and 17 factory resets, a couple of SIM card removal/replacements and the obligatory browser refreshes.  Yielded a new glitch of blank screen with “Detecting service “ while retaining internet access. Acknowledgement that this constituted a fault.


Outcome: referred to this site




to submit a faulty device claim. Not believing the offer of an exchange device would be honoured (past experience), I phoned 132200 and an amicable Tech Support said not to fill in the form. They would be sending me an exchange device with a return for old one. 


When asked if the exchange device would have the latest firmware installed and working properly he said it would be a new device from the factory, probably with the original firmware and I would have to perform the OTA update to the latest.


When I asked if anyone at Telstra was aware of any Nighthawk M1s that were functioning as advertised since the update, there was silence.


Two hours later he rescinded the exchange. He did not contact me on my preferred landline contact or my second choice iPhone. He left a cowardly voice message using the new Telstra RCS voice service on a device he knew would give me no recall.


Both Telstra and Netgear do not provide copies of their firmware. Tech Support said they could not access it either. Both Telstra and Netgear have links to the Australian Consumer Law, key paragraph being :


 “The ACL requires that (taking into account the nature of the goods, the price, any representations made by the supplier or manufacturer and other relevant circumstances) the goods must be free of defects, do what they are meant to do, be safe, durable and acceptable in appearance and finish, be fit for any particular purpose that the consumer makes known and comply with any description given or any demonstration model used.”


Telstra at least offer to cover the cost of postage, Netgear does not.


I have sent a question to selfservicerepairrequest@team.telstra.com about an exchange device but am not holding my breath.


Unless an exchange device is offered, I will hang on to my existing Nighthawk while internet is still working.


My preferred solution before a 400km trip or a slow return by mail;

 Could Telstra/Netgear provide access to recent updates for troubleshooting?

 If it is an OTA issue that would be the end of it.

 Perhaps to protect us from ourselves, it could be accessed only in concert with Tech Support assistance.


I hope this helps.

Model: MR1100|Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (AU)
Message 24 of 72

Re: Anyone know what the latest firmware for the M1100 fixs?

So its the data display no longer works with a Telstra service? Do you know the whirlpool forum https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/ . There has been a bit of discussion there about the M1, and from what I can tell the data usage display has stopped working for Telstra customers. On the other hand when I bought my M1 a year ago I used a optus sim and the data usage display never worked , But I thought at the time it was a Telstra tie in. With the release of the current firmware the data display now works for me on Optus, so it seems to be only Telstra customers affected. Out of interest does your dashboard now include fields for setting the 'plan limit' and 'billing start date' along with 'enable data alert' tick box. If not the dashboard must be configuring itself dependent on the sim inserted. With those fields set properly the M1 now calculates the data and displays it for I know at least none Telstra users fine.
Message 25 of 72
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