Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Is TFTP flashing available on DGND3700v1?


Is TFTP flashing available on DGND3700v1?

After many hours spent in search of info about how to reflash stock fw via TFTP on this router while it still *works* (all except webui), I decided to open this thread.
Has anyone experienced a successful boot into TFTP server mode?

There are many people on the internet who didn't succeed into this.
If someone did it, please, make us aware.

My hope is that it will no longer be told to try this method if this is not possible. Let's try to determine this once and for all.

Other info:
- telnet access works
- wireless, dhcp, dsl and other services work
- all leds blink normally
- httpd daemon do not start bacause of bad packaged custom firmware (missing some stupid files while recompiling)
- hard reset is useless
- during boot process the router responds to ping requests on default bootloader ip (different from default ip *.0.1)
- various tftp clients fail to connect server during this window of time
- router connects to pc via ethernet cable
- net switch in the middle does not resolve anything
Message 1 of 5

Re: Is TFTP flashing available on DGND3700v1?

yes you can, you will need to put a pin header on the board though (and use a 3.3v TTY <> serial adapter)
you need to press enter within 1 second when booting from the console.

Funnily enough I finally copied the pics off my iPhone of mine to put on my Wiki just now, have been meaning to get round to it for ages. I will try and get it online today
Message 2 of 5

Re: Is TFTP flashing available on DGND3700v1?

I appreciate the confirmation that the serial console should work as expected. This also confirms that this is the only way to solve a similar problem, and that guides like this do not apply to DGND3700.

Any further details on how to set up the serial console could be very useful, especially if coming from those who have already done for this product.

Thank you richud 😉
Message 3 of 5

Re: Is TFTP flashing available on DGND3700v1?

Bit of a rush job, let me know if any mistakes etc. http://www.richud.com/wiki/DGND3700_V1_CFE_Boot_Loader_TFTP_De-Brick
Message 4 of 5

Re: Is TFTP flashing available on DGND3700v1?

Excellent. It will make things easier to many people. Don't forget to link your page into the OpenWrt wiki!
Message 5 of 5
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