Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Netgear D7000 PPPoE error


Netgear D7000 PPPoE error

Hi Netgear Community.

We live in Canada BC and used to have Internet Access with YAK, since 2016, 25Mbit VDSL connection, YAK is using the networks of bigger isp's (shaw, telus, ...) to provide internet access. We bought a modem from YAK which was kind of working (Zhone 6718-W1 ,  pretty cheap Chinese modem/router combo, poor WIFI capabilities, needs reboot every so often and a very annoying high pitch/frequency sound... BUT somewhat working ...)

We replaced that Zhone thing with a Netgear D7000 (which wasn't available officially, that was 2018 - I guess). Luckily I found the D7000 on eBay (2 available - I got one).

Setting it up was flawless and everybody lived online happily ever after ...

Until last Monday (May 25th), Sunday everything was still working fine, Monday I got up and we didn't have Internet Connection. So I reboot our D7000 - no Internet Connection.

DSL connection gets detected, but it turns out that the PPPoE authentication fails (wrong PPPoE username or password). Of course I call the tech support of our ISP, they confirm the PPPoE username and password (more than once ...). I basically spent the half week on the phone, they try to tell me that the modem is failing, funny thing thou the Zhone modem (which was in the closet, ever since) behaves exactly the same, it detects the DSL connection and fails with wrong PPPoE username or password.

I have a strong doubt, that two different pieces of hardware fail with the same error at the exact same point in time, it just doesn't make sense to me.

Well our ISP says from their side everything is fine, they can't/don't send modems (anymore), they can't send a technician to our house (because of covid situation).

Only thing I can do, is switch to Distributel (kind of the mother company of YAK now), then I would get new/different PPPoE name and password, plus (of course) we can rent a modem for $5/month AND for the same service (25Mbit DSL) we pay $15 more per month ...

I updated the firmware of the D7000 to the latest version (our neighbor luckily let's us use her guest WiFi) - that didn't help. I called Telus, eventually got to talk to two real technicians, the confirmed that the network lines look alright and that my modem sends the wrong information.

I searched online, if that happened to anybody else, that all the sudden the PPoE name or password gives an error, when it was working fine before. I couldn't find anything like that ...

Well I guess the only thing that's left is to cancel YAK and switch to a different provider (BUT NOT distributel). 

Is YAK just screwing us ??? Did I miss something ???

Does anybody have an idea what could have happened ?

Thanks to everybody who took the time to read this and much more thanks to anybody who is replying.



Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router
Message 1 of 10

Re: Netgear D7000 PPPoE error

> Model: D7000|Nighthawk AC1900 VDSL/ADSL Modem Router


   Is that accurate?  Not a D7000v2?  Look for "Model" on the product
label.  Firmware version?


> I have a strong doubt, that two different pieces of hardware fail with
> the same error at the exact same point in time, it just doesn't make
> sense to me.


   Nor to me.  Many Netgear DSL modem+router models have had problems
with special characters in PPP credentials, but it's not a problem which
appears suddenly after everything had been working.  See, for example:




> [...] our ISP says from their side everything is fine, [...]


   They might even believe it, but two modems which had been working but
now fail seems to me like pretty good evidence that the problem is not
with your equipment.

Message 2 of 10

Re: Netgear D7000 PPPoE error

@Enrico79 wrote:


>DSL connection gets detected

What is telling you this, the LED?


>I have a strong doubt, that two different pieces of hardware fail with the same error

Agree, and that it happened on a Sunday would further cause me to suspect that your credentials somehow got mangled when they did "periodic maintenance" on a weekend.


>I updated the firmware of the D7000 to the latest

What? Always tell. Is it Did you perform a Factory Reset on it and try again from scratch?


Maybe if you posted a screenshot of the Internet Setup page in its entirety, someone here might spot something wrong I suppose.


Another long shot might be to try ancistrus firmware which is currently at v74




I dunno why they can't just wipe your creds and give you new ones, but it does seem Enrico that you've have pressed them hard enough to this point!?!!!


Message 3 of 10

Re: Netgear D7000 PPPoE error

At first, thank both of you for your replies.

@tominwi wrote:

@Enrico79 wrote:


>DSL connection gets detected

What is telling you this, the LED?

- yes the status LEDs on both modems, further the the Netgear genie wizard detects a PPPoE DSL connection, in the advanced settings it tells me, that I have so much KB downstream and upstream (sorry I didn't write down the numbers)


>I updated the firmware of the D7000 to the latest

What? Always tell. Is it Did you perform a Factory Reset on it and try again from scratch?

- exactly that, the D7000 is running on FW after updating

(before it was on FW, didn't write down the whole FW nr.)

- I did factory reset before the FW update, I will do another factory reset after I'm done writing this (even I don't put much hope in this)


Maybe if you posted a screenshot of the Internet Setup page in its entirety, someone here might spot something wrong I suppose.

- I probably try to do that after the factory reset


Another long shot might be to try ancistrus firmware which is currently at v74



- interesting, thank you for the link


I dunno why they can't just wipe your creds and give you new ones, but it does seem Enrico that you've have pressed them hard enough to this point!?!!!
- I think so, some of the tech support people did seem to have a hard time to read what shows up on their guideline screen and unfortunately I don't know if I got to the next tier in their hierarchy, the Telus people I did talk to, definatly had insight about what they're doing


Again, Thanks to everybody who is reading this and trying to help.



Message 4 of 10

Re: Netgear D7000 PPPoE error

@Enrico79 wrote:

the Netgear genie wizard detects a PPPoE DSL connection, in the advanced settings it tells me, that I have so much KB downstream and upstream (sorry I didn't write down the numbers)


Where exactly are you finding the KB up/down numbers...I seem not to be able to find those myself atm.


Is the service assigning you a WAN IP? I would be surprised that it would do that if your creds aren't working!?


Message 5 of 10

Re: Netgear D7000 PPPoE error

> Where exactly are you finding the KB up/down numbers...I seem not to
> be able to find those myself atm.


      ADVANCED > ADVANCED Home : Internet Port > Show Statistics


> Is the service assigning you a WAN IP? [...]


   "IP" = "Internet Protocol".  Presumably, you're asking about an IP
_address_.  Did anyone mention one?

Message 6 of 10

Re: Netgear D7000 PPPoE error

@antinode wrote:

> Where exactly are you finding the KB up/down numbers...I seem not to
> be able to find those myself atm.


      ADVANCED > ADVANCED Home : Internet Port > Show Statistics


-correct, that's where it shows


> Is the service assigning you a WAN IP? [...]


   "IP" = "Internet Protocol".  Presumably, you're asking about an IP
_address_.  Did anyone mention one?

- well I did not mention, and I don't remember if it did show a wan IP

Actually I went ahead, after factory reset and having the same outcome (wrong PPPoE username or PW), I canceled YAK and signed up with a different ISP. Activation is supposed to happen June 8th. Please wish me luck for a flawless transition.


Thanks again for "sharing" that problem with me ...



Message 7 of 10

Re: Netgear D7000 PPPoE error

Good Luck! It's amazing YAK could not get you online again!

@Enrico79 wrote:

I canceled YAK and signed up with a different ISP. Activation is supposed to happen June 8th. Please wish me luck for a flawless transition.



Staring right at the Advanced Home page and could not for the life of me see the "Show Statistics" and "Connection Status" buttons there. Not the friendliest UI to find one's way around in!


Smiley Wink

Message 8 of 10

Re: Netgear D7000 PPPoE error

> Thanks again for "sharing" that problem with me ...


   I'd keep it in mind, in case your new ISP uses funny characters in
its PPP credentials.


   For more D7000[v1] encouragement:




   I updated mine to V1.0.1.78_1.0.1 recently, but it hasn't been up
long enough to see if that problem is still there.  (I assume so.)

Message 9 of 10

Re: Netgear D7000 PPPoE error

Hey you two.

I actually already got the PPPoE credentials from the "new/next" ISP, it's just numbers and uppercase & lowercase letters (no special characters), plus the first guy I was talking to said, that they assign new name/password in case of failure.

Now I just hope YAK won't charge our credit card again (I read that some ISPs try to use filthy tactics like that).

Hopefully next Monday we'll be online (with higher bandwith), and I wont hear from YAK again.

Thank you guys (I will keep an eye on the ancistrus FW).

Take care.



Message 10 of 10
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