Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

New firmware with built in Torrent Client


Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Update: After many hours of panic i've been able to do a total hard reset of the 3700v1 so it works again!! BUT...again i'm not able to flash any firmware on the router...can you help me to put the richud firmware on again?!:confused::p
Message 476 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

korii: maybe you can explain what you have tried that didn't work?
Message 477 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

richud wrote:
@mikemcs 🙂

@paulmcg: I suggest you use this instead, which will use the current adsl settings.
adslctl start $(param get adsl_value)

Thanks, however you do need the --up flag. I played with this a bit and for me the SNR value is the only thing that I really need. I have looked in vain for some information on what the other flags do and how they could enhance my adsl connection. You wouldn't have a handy reference somewhere, would you?
Message 478 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@paul, ah yes sorry 🙂
Anyway I fixed bug in my test build so I'll upload/give you a link to that tonight - and nope unfortunately I don't - i have read some guides about what some of the things mean though in the past, just have to google for some of they keywords, I think it was a post in a forum. Sorry that isnt much help.
Message 479 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Ok let me explain haha 😄

The router is working perfectly, but, it, i dont know why, some days ago, withouth using it, retourned to the original .12 netgear firmware from a richud build.

So i want to flash again a modified build but when i try to flash ANY firmware (tried any richud build and even any original netgear) it say that the file is broken...even if i use the utility in the config page that download the firmware directly from netgear server, so i dont know how to change from this crap firmware...and the worst is that in the next days i will need vdsl support thath the stock firmware doesn't have 😧

Obviously i've tryed with different pc, different browser and anyway with a wired connections...
Message 480 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Cron Scheduler Problem
i want the wifi can power on / off by scheduler
but i find that it cannot work correctly:confused:
just copy from the wiki also not work:confused:

at last i find that it is the problem of the time zone:eek:
i changed the time zone (+8) in the Webui , and the Wwbui display the time correclty
but i telnet in to the router it show me that it is utc time
the cron is running on this clock 😞
how can i change this to cst ?
set timezone ? or other command?
Message 481 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

hi qoojake, Network settings > Timezone settings - the TZ string sets the 'real' timezone on the router (i.e. if you are in the shell and type 'date'. This is what cron and everything else will look at.) You should end up with something like this in the TZ nvram parameter (this is for me in the UK). ~ # param show TZ TZ_string=GMT+0BST-1,M3.5.0/01:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00 I assume you initially set Schedule > Timezone? - this just sets the time for Netgear's things (e.g. schedule, log). They appear to not like using the standard way of doing anything on this router.
Message 482 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

richud wrote:
hi qoojake,

Network settings > Timezone settings - the TZ string sets the 'real' timezone on the router (i.e. if you are in the shell and type 'date'. This is what cron and everything else will look at.)
You should end up with something like this in the TZ nvram parameter (this is for me in the UK).

~ # param show TZ

I assume you initially set Schedule > Timezone? - this just sets the time for Netgear's things (e.g. schedule, log). They appear to not like using the standard way of doing anything on this router.

Thank you for yor answare , richud 😄
Yes ,you are right , i use the Schedule > Timezone
i get the TZ parameter from there
Message 483 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

KorII wrote:
Ok let me explain haha 😄

The router is working perfectly, but, it, i dont know why, some days ago, withouth using it, retourned to the original .12 netgear firmware from a richud build.

So i want to flash again a modified build but when i try to flash ANY firmware (tried any richud build and even any original netgear) it say that the file is broken...even if i use the utility in the config page that download the firmware directly from netgear server, so i dont know how to change from this crap firmware...and the worst is that in the next days i will need vdsl support thath the stock firmware doesn't have 😧

Obviously i've tryed with different pc, different browser and anyway with a wired connections...

can someone help me?
Message 484 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

It cannot spontaneously change firmware version! If it works enough that the web interface works it should accept a new firmware, I presume you have tried resetting nvram to default first? If not, you will need to follow the debrick guide. USB > TTL leads are about £1 and if you cant skavenge some pin headers they are about £1 also - from fleabay.
Message 485 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Hi richud, Thanks so much for your efforts on this! It is very much appreciated. I'm trying to prioritize small ACK packets because of the problem outlined here: www.benzedrine.cx/ackpri.html Unfortunately though, iptables seems to not have mangle support? If this is the case, how is QoS currently being implemented? I'm still on 2013-11 so that could be the problem, but I figured I would check with you to see if this is a) already implemented (and perhaps just not working for me) or b) not possible. Thanks!
Message 486 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

I remember asking about this before on some other thread. From what I remember, the DGND3700v1 uses some propriety system its firewall and NAT - normal linux QoS services aren't used. I don't know if richud's build has changed any of that, so I guess only he can answer that for you.
Message 487 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@neep: as AC says its not using iptables, but is using tc for qos. From What I just read I guess you can't do anything with ACK's without iptables (although I admittedly don't really know much about it) This is some info about the propriety stuff (firewall and NAT) , not that it will be of any help! http://www.richud.com/wiki/DGND3700_V1_Transmission_Firmware_Foxconn_CLI If you do figure anything out, please do share it here or on wiki comments.
Message 488 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Heh. Well, that helped me out. I can turn off the firewall now while using NAT.

I should've looked through your wiki a long time ago. Thanks, richud!
Message 489 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Great firmware! A lot of effort has gone into it. I am looking into forwarding all traffic to a proxy server. As IP tables are not used is there any alternative way?

Message 490 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

_AC wrote:
I remember asking about this before on some other thread. From what I remember, the DGND3700v1 uses some propriety system its firewall and NAT - normal linux QoS services aren't used. I don't know if richud's build has changed any of that, so I guess only he can answer that for you.

Firewall and NAT is managed by the proprietary daemon but QoS is managed by the standard tc command.
Message 491 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

I am trying to setup Dynamic DNS with Namecheap but don't seem to be getting anywhere. Previously I was using FreeDNS which worked fine with the preconfigured profile.

Here is what I have configured [replacing as required] :

DynDNS Service: generic
Username: [my.domain]
Password: [my ddns update password from Namecheap]
Alias Hostname: [host]
DynDNS server name: dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com
DynDNS server URL: /update?domain=[my.domain]&password=[password]&host=

Do I need to set anything else or is there a log I can look at to see what the problem is?

Here is the config guide for a DD-WRT router:
Message 492 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Actually I just set:

Forced update period (s)

And it update my record OK. Do I need to set any of the update periods or will it just kick in when it detects a change?
Message 493 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@stryfe, not sure it is of much use , but using a uPnP client on your server will give you control over port forwarding (including mapping to different ports), but other than that you won't have any other control. @ittroll, it will(should) update when it gets an internet connection and after the update period (i.e. on bootup and on a re-connect & after set time) - from the inadyn-mt man page --update_period_sec How often the IP is checked. Here the value denotes seconds. The default is about 1 minute. The maximum value is 10 days. --forced_update_period How often the IP should be updated even if it is not changed. The time should be given in seconds. If you look in the syslog you should see it update when it gets an internet connection - delay may be your dns servers using cached value etc.
Message 494 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Thanks. I was watching for the update on the Namecheap we dashboard to rule out any caching issues.

What I found was that with update_period_sec set it didn't update my IP with my new DDNS provider. I am guessing because the IP hadn't changed even though the rest of my DDNS configuration had.

I guess I should have rebooted to force the update, but the router was in use at the time. Perhaps a Force Update / Test Settings would be a nice addition?

Hopefully it will now work fine going forward with the default 1 minute interval.
Message 495 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@Richud, Long time user of your firmware and love it! One little thing that I've noticed is that occasionally I'll have devices that are attached to the router that do not show that they're attached when viewed from the router GUI -> Maintenance -> Attached Devices screen. Even though the router doesn't show the attached device it is fully accessible and works fine. It appears that this may be related to a issue I had reported last year where the Windows Network and sharing center gives a error when asked to "See full map" of the network.
Message 496 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Hi Richud

I've been using the latest firmware very successfully with EE's FTTC - it remains stable and keeps the same DHCP address for weeks at a time.

Now for the question 🙂 Do you think that there would be any chance of getting an OpenVPN daemon on the box? It's IMHO the best VPN software out there. It's pretty self-contained so a standard daemon and the ability to upload externally created conf, key, crt files would do the job (if /dev/tun works OK).

Message 497 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@whskerp: glad working ok for you :) I will have a look into it when I get back from my hols, I take it the existing vpn stuff (openswan) is no good?
Message 498 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@Richud, Had a odd thing happen on my WHS2011 server. On Aug 22 one of my client PC's daily backup failed with a unknown error. This caused all backups of any PC's from running until the server backup database was corrected. I had seen a unknown error like this once before when I was attempting to do a bare metal restore of a client PC from the WHS2011 server (I did post that to this thread in the early January 2014 time frame). To get that recover to run I swapped the WHS2011 server and the client to a old Zoom router and then the restore ran fine. On this backup failure after chasing every possible thing on the server to the point of deleting all my client PC backups and starting fresh I still couldn't get a backup to run with the client either wired or wireless (server is always wired). I finally just rebooted the DGND3700v1 with the current 2014-05-26_1.0.17 Richud firmware (which I've been running since it was released) and the backups are now running clean again! During the time when the backups wouldn't run all other router functions seemed to be working fine, both on wired and wireless devices. Now that everything seems to be running okay I thought I'd post this experience and ask what kind of info I should gather if something like this happens again? BTW-Thanks for the great firmware!
Message 499 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

richud wrote:
@whskerp: glad working ok for you 🙂
I will have a look into it when I get back from my hols, I take it the existing vpn stuff (openswan) is no good?

IPSec/IKE is fine if you don't have nasty firewalls in the way elsewhere which block ports UDP 500/4500 as well as AH and ESP. OpenVPN (which is implemented on the DD-WRT routers) can run over TCP or UDP and on any port so is a lot more flexible. It is also a lot easier to configure IMHO and allows bridging or routing.

Don't spend too much time on it. I have it rolled out on Linux servers on my local LANs. I was just wondering if you might have considered adding it as a next step.

Message 500 of 1,478

Orbi 770 Series