Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client


Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

~ # xtmctl operate intf --show
portid port status type
1         0    enabled atm
2         1    enabled
4         2 disabled
8         3 disabled
~ # xtmctl operate tdte --show
index type pcr scr mbs mcr
1        ubr  0    0    0     0
2        ubr  0   0    0     0
~ # xtmctl operate conn --show
mode portids addr type tdte q_portid q_size q_pri header        status
ATM   1     0/100    aal5  2      1           400      0 l    lcsnap_eth  enabled
 looks like my atm qos is using tdte index 2 however were not able to modify it, so i deleted index 2 (xtmctl operate tdte --delete 2) and add (xtmctl operate tdte --add ubr_pcr 6144) and got below  output, another issue is keeping it permanent after reboot


~ # xtmctl operate tdte --show
index  type       pcr    scr mbs mcr
1        ubr         0        0    0     0
       ubr_pcr 6144   0    0     0

Message 1251 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

cedie: there are various hooks in the main scripts for things like this, take a look in /etc/init.d/rcS.
e.g. param set rcS_hook_3='xtmctl operate tdte --delete 2; xtmctl operate tdte --add ubr_pcr 6144' assuming that does what you want.
Message 1252 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Did add this to rcS_hook_3 unfortunately it removes my bridge setup which is also in rcS_hook_3

Message 1253 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Is there anyone at all who can tell me exactly what settings I need to change and where I can find them in the netgear genie? Specifically how I can convert the username to a hex string and how I set option 61?
Message 1254 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Hi everyone,


I've founded a solution to allow access to web gui from VPN on Richud site, but system said sorry "read-only", even I changed / to RW.

Is it possible to do on running router ?


Can someone explain how to apply this:

printf '\x10\x00' | dd of="$fsinstall/usr/sbin/httpd" bs=1 seek=$((0xF1A0)) count=2 conv=notrunc



many thaks


Message 1255 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

cedie: you can just append, semi colon separates lines? or you can put a script name in referencing a script you saved to the NAND storage (e.g. /tmp/mnt/storage/cedie.sh remembering to chmod it executable!)
typhoon: http://www.asciitohex.com/
ascii to hex
75 73 65 72 6e 61 6d 65 40 73 6b 79 64 73 6c 7c 70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64
put the hex in the gui box called something like DHCP Additional, or DHCP extra options [ i cant remember I am not in front of it] (without spaces in the hex.)
kamil: thats for the httpd on old firmware, afraid need to break out your decompiler to do same in new. Or you could use an ssh tunnel to web interface, so long as you set an IP alias on your source machines interface to be on same subnet as router.
Message 1256 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client



whoala ! that`s an answer for my question.


I'll try with tunelling.


Best regards


Message 1257 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@richud ya right i didnt append it on the bridge setupSmiley Happy

Message 1258 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@richud On the wiki in the working fibre details section it mentions this:  "∗DHCP extra option 61 (-x 0x3d: ) setting your formatted username/password combination username@skydsl|password converted to a hex string. e.g. set 'DHCP Client Extra Options' set -x 0x3d:757365726e616d6540736b7964736c7c70617373776f7264"


Just to be clear, is -x 0x3d: a command of some sort?  Is this only used if I was to Telnet into the router?  If so, do I literally just type in my username and password in and save it?  Finally, once this is done, do I plug the router directly into the phone line or do I still require a BT Openreach modem?



Message 1259 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@typhoon1944 In the gui box 'DHCP Client Extra Options' , put all of the below, but replacing the hex string with ones of your details. (if you still cant figure it out post your username/password string you found.)


 -x 0x3d:757365726e616d6540736b7964736c7c70617373776f7264


The above string just get passed to dhcpc, doesn't involve telnet?


No you wont need an openreach modem, assuming you have plugged all the cables in the right holes.

Message 1260 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@richudI've taken a couple of screen captures but not sure how to upload them on here.  I've managed to find the DHCP Extra Options (didn't realise it was on the first page).  It was populated with DGND3800 and when I overwrite it with the hex user name and password it says there's invalid characters.  If I ignore the message and apply it adds   between -x and 0x3d.

Message 1261 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@typhoon1944 : &#32 is the html encoding for a space - are you cutting and pasting from Word or something that uses html? I would suggest try using notepad to compose and cut/paste from , or typing it in manually.
Message 1262 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@richudThat was typed manually and copied from Notepad.  If the space is removed after -x it will apply the changes without throwing up the error message but as soon as I put the space back in it says there's invalid characters and &#32 appears after the router is rebooted.  Is it possible to email you the screen grabs?

Message 1263 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client



I asked the exact same question a while ago, never got it resolved so ended going back to pre genie firmware.

Tried with numerous programs and manually but always threw up the invalid characters pop up.


Message 1264 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@Troopy Thanks for the info.  So does the pre-Genie firmware still have VDSL functionality? I only need to get the Netgear running long enough to test the WiFi speed of my Sky fibre connection as I'm paying for 40 meg but only connecting wirelessly at 22-25 meg (38 over Ethernet but running cables isn't practical) on the family tablets, phones, laptops,  Amazon TV and my PS 4 Pro & Xbox One etc. Apparently this is a limitation of the Sky router due to the placement of the internal antenna and shielding that they've used around the power supply.  They sent another router of the same model and it is exactly the same. If it's this much hassle to get the thing working I may just have to go back to normal Sky Unlimited and use the crappie Sky router until the contract is up. 

Message 1265 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

troopy: sorry must have missed that - I guess it hasn't been tested since non-genie. (I can't test as im back using pppoa)

Anyway I see what the problem is, its actually two problems.

When you save, it saves correctly the first time with a space to nvram, but when its read back it encodes the space for some bizarre reason, if you then save again it saves with the code and not a space. I can fix that with some JS.
The main problem is when it passes that string over to dhcpc, it replaces the colon with a space and thus doesn't work. Not sure how to fix that...
Message 1266 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Yeah the pre genie works fine.

Not sure what the actually difference regarding vdsl features the old versus the genie version is tho, is it practically the same but old interface Richud?


Hope you can work around it somehow would be much nicer to use the genie version instead.


Message 1267 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client



Also on sky umlimited 38mbit and with the DGND3700 can usually hit around 35Mbps on wifi with the BT wholesale test.

If you just want to test the DGND3700 wifi, use an ethernet cable from the SR102 to the wan port of the DGND3700 making sure the DGND is a different subnet ie vrs the SR102 which will be

Message 1268 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@Troopy I'll bear that in mind and maybe give it a try but I want to bypass the SR102 completely as Sky are adamant that there is nothing in the router that's stopping the full strength being output however there's so much stuff on Google regarding the shielding and antenna placement that I find that hard to believe.  Not to mention the fact that a brand new replacement SR102 is outputting exactly the same wifi speed as the "faulty" one.  Regarding going back to the non-genie firmware, did you use an earlier version of Richud's custom one or the latest stock firmware from Netgear Support?

Message 1269 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@typhoon1944I believe he's refering to the last version of the Richud before the Genie interface was introduced. It can be found on this page.



Message 1270 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@w3wilkesThanks for that I downloaded and flashed it.


@TroopyI've now got a solid green xDSL LED but the Internet LED is solid red.  Cable from phone line is plugged into the xDSL port not the WAN port.  Does it take a while for the router to pick up the connection or do I need to spoof the MAC?  

Message 1271 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Make sure Transfer mode is PTM, VLANID is 101, VCI 38.
Also make sure "Does your Internet connection require a login?" = NO"
Wan setup "wan preferance must use dsl wan"

Message 1272 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

Hi guys!
I've been using the DGND3700v1 until yesterday without any problem as modem and router. Yesterday I switched to a VDSL2 connection with profile 35b, which I believe our modem does not support (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that it supports till 17a profile...).
However since I was given a free (crappy) modem/router I decided to use the DGND3700 as a gigabit switch (not router!), but I'd like to keep some of the functionalities related to the sharing of the USB content via DLNA and the transmission daemon working (which were working fine until yesterday).
So I setup the devices as following:
the new modem and router with a static DHCP assignation for the DGND3700;


in the DGND3700 I've:

-Assigned the IP address reserved for it in the router, with correct subnet mask

-Disabled DHCP server (I have static IP assignation for every single thing in the house from the router)

-Left enabled miniDLNA, Samba, Transmission as they were working fine before

-Disabled wireless radios.

-Disabled UPnP

-Disabled NAT and Firewall (even though it shouldn't matter I guess since I'm not using the WAN port...)


I connected the modem/router to the DGND3700 Lan to Lan (not WAN!) with an ethernet cable.

If I connect a device in the DGND3700 Lan ports the device is able to connect to the internet and browse the local network, so I guess that the switch function works correctly.

The miniDLNA USB share works fine.


Unfortunately the Transmission Daemon does not work. I'm able to connect with the gui and see my torrents but in the log it says:

"IPv4 DHT not ready [...]" and "Could not connect to tracker".
Of course I opened the port for Transmission for the IP of the DGND3700 on the modem/router.
It seems to me a networking problem with the DGND3700 but only related to the Transmission daemon part.
Do any of you have some advices for me? I've never tweaked too much with the Transmission settings before, it was working fine when using the DGND3700 as modem and router. I tried to stop the daemon, change some settings related to the port forwarding stuff directly from the settings.json with a text editor, but as soon as I re-enable the daemon the settings revert back to the default... 
If I open my Transmission Remote GUI from Windows and do the built-in port check I get an error "portTested: http error 0: No response". While until yesterday with the old setuo it was working...

What am I missing?



By the way I'm on the Christmas release of richud's firmware.


Thank you very much!

Message 1273 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

@Troopy @richud @w3wilkes


It's now working.  No idea why as all my settings were what Troopy had advised.  Slightly disappointed that there's no difference in my wifi speed but I'm going to give it a few days to attenuate.  Thanks for all your help.

Message 1274 of 1,478

Re: New firmware with built in Torrent Client

I wanted to update you on my progress about the DGND3700 used as a switch.
I noticed that the reason why the DGND3700 wasn't working properly as a switch was (according to me) that it didn't know the gateway, and there is no place to set it in the GUI. So I added a default route for the gw to the primary router and now it is working. I inserted this a a "rcS_hook_3" parameter to have it working after a reboot.


Now if I ping outside the LAN from the dgnd3700 it works. Nevertheless some things "can't see" the internet properly, I don't know why. For instance every file I download with Transmission has the date of the firmware (May 17), and Transmisssion itselft is not able to listen on some ports probably, because it's very slow even to get the seeds and I can't add new torrents via "link" as I did before, it gives a network error. Do you know how to enable upnp for Transmission? Or do you have any other advice to make it work properly?


Thank you very much!

Message 1275 of 1,478

Orbi WiFi 7