Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Genie Problem


Genie Problem

This may be the wrong place to discuss the Genie product but I would appreciate some help.

Using Windows 8.1 through the Netgear D6200 to the Apple Airplay Express. The music drops are annoying and I have found that the problem may be exacerbated by the Genie software.

On the Windows page "devices and printers" there is an item "Genie Media Servers" and if I close out the system and then restart there will be two or "Genie Media Servers" and then three. The more replications of the Genie Media Servers icon the more the problem exist. When I delete all but one of the Genie Media Servers the system works fairly well.

What is this function and how does one control it?

Am I the first to have this problem?

Tom F

Message 1 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

:mad:Yup same problem...I have about 8 of them now....they all work, a new one appears everytime I reset the modem .... sorry no idea either
Message 2 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

I have 47 showing. There is a bug in the Genie, for sure. How about it Netgear, can you post here to advise what will be done to fix it?
Message 3 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Sorry, forgot to add that I am using the D6300.
There is not a forum for that exact model here.
Message 4 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Did you encounter the same problem with other operating systems? Let me try this if I have the same problem.
Message 5 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Installed it on another laptop running Windows 7 (x64) Ultimate.
Genie does not show in devices & printers. Does not show after a restart of laptop or a restart of the D6300.

On my Windows 8.1 (x64) laptop, I removed all instances on Genie except one.
Restarted the D6300 a couple of times but doing that did not add any more genie instances.

Restarted my 8.1 laptop & another instance of the Genie appeared in devices & printers. Every time I restart my laptop, another Genie icon appears.

It looks like there is an integration glitch.

I will wait until you reply & if no solution is forthcoming, I will email Netgear.
Message 6 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

With the results of your isolation, it shows that it has something to do with Windows 8.1 and NETGEAR Genie since it works fine or you were not able to reproduce the same problem with the Windows 7. This is clear now. I might try this one to see I am able to reproduce it.
Message 7 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Do you have a specific need for the Desktop Genie? If not, just uninstall it.
Message 8 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

No, I don't use it. It would be nice to have it working correctly with Windows 8.1 though.
Message 9 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Do you have the latest Genie software version or have you tried a different Genie version?
Message 10 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Good idea! I have v2.3.1.12 & was able to find v2.3.1.13

I removed all Genie icons in Devices & Printers & uninstalled latest version

Both earlier versions did not install extra icons in Devices & Printers.

Does anyone have links to versions 14 & 15, so I can try them?

Seeing v12 & 13 did not add icons into Devices & Printers, that points to a glitch in version 16, in my opinion.
Message 11 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

I have the same problem. I uninstalled genie v16 and tried v13. The results were the same. When I restart, another genie media server icon is added. I uninstalled the genie app and cleared all the media server icons. I restarted several times and found more genie media server icons in the multimedia area of Devices and Printers, even with the genie app removed.

I did not have this issue until I updated to genie v16. So, I am assuming that the issue is a compatibility issue. Hopefully Netgear will resolve it.
Message 12 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

theoldfarter wrote:
No, I don't use it. It would be nice to have it working correctly with Windows 8.1 though.

Seems like you are investing a lot of time into something that you don't use. 🙂

I can understand if you're bored and need something to do, but to be honest, it's always been a buggy program that wastes CPU cycles.
Message 13 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Ha Ha ... you are quite right. It has now been uninstalled. Thanks all 🙂
Message 14 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

I have Genie installed because I use Bypass accounts on the Parental Control. Is there a different program I can run to handle the bypass accounts without needing Genie?
Message 15 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Have you tried accessing the router's configuration with a web browser?
Message 16 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Yes, but that does not help. For override accounts to work you need to have a program (Genie) running on the machine. The problem is that is all I need. I do not use Genie for anything else. What I want is a program that enables the Bypass account, but does not suffer from the Genie bug of creating a zillion multimedia devices.
Message 17 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Does Netgear see these posts of ours?
Message 18 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Sorry, I have no experience in that area. If it's any consolation, the desktop Genie software, regardless of the version, is buggy and in my opinion, a waste of cycles. Can't say whether it will help or not, but have you seen this here?

At it's core this is a user-to-user forum. To contact Netgear support, click here.
Message 19 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Have emailed Netgear about this, will update as to what happens.
Message 20 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Find myself with time on my hands so installed Genie v2.3.1.12 again. Will keep an eye on how many installs it does in Devices & Printers, as I think I was mistaken when I previously said v12 did not generate icons in there.
Message 21 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

I have the same problem as described in the messages in this thread. I am running Windows 8 64 bit Professional.By the time I discovered the multiple Genie Servers in my Devices & Printers MultiMedia Devices section, it had grown to over 140 entries. I emailed NetGear bringing to their attention my problem and referencing the link to this forum. Their reply is below. To solve my problem, I uninstalled NetGenie and then uninstall all of the Genie Servers in my Multimedia Devices one by one.. I tried to remove in a mass but system allow only one removal at a time.
NetGear's reply:
Dear Customer,
Your case (# 23003370 ) has been reviewed and updated by a support expert. Below is a summary of your request and our response.
Thank you for choosing NETGEAR. My name is ****.
I will do my best to answer your support questions with the least amount of email exchanges, the more information and detail you can provide will help us to expedite your case to resolution.
I have reviewed your case and I understand that you're having a problem with the Netgear Genie.
Please be informed that the device is (-242) beyond its Hardware Warranty from the date of purchase. This will no longer be eligible for full troubleshooting. What we can provide is our support site, http://support.netgear.com where you can check for troubleshooting steps and instructions to resolve your case.
Besides the online KB articles and Forums, we highly recommend our premium support options that entitle you to have unlimited technical support for all your networking devices. For more information regarding this, please contact 1-855-432-7432.
Thanks for choosing NETGEAR.
NETGEAR Support Expert
Message 22 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Try these steps:

1. Uninstall Netgear genie
2. Remove one by one the genie servers that appeared in devices and printers
3. Install the .16 firmware
Message 23 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

Thank you for your reply.
The problem was with Net Genie version
The only way I could stop having the Genie Servers installed in my Device & Printer MultiMedia Devices was to uninstall Net Genie. I had to uninstall over 140 Genie Servers in the Device & Printers.
Message 24 of 44

Re: Genie Problem

minions08 wrote:
Do you have the latest Genie software version or have you tried a different Genie version?

I've got the latest. 2 computers on W8.1 both running Genie occasionally. Router is the R7000. In addition, 2 iPad's, both with the iPad Genie.

On the W8.1 computer, in CONTROL PANEL, PRINTERS AND DEVICES, I have 74 Devices. Single instances of the Router, other computer on the network, Wireless DVD player and Wireless TV. 70 Genie Media Servers, spread evenly it seems over the 2 networked computers.

Not only that, but when I use the iPad Media Client, like AirAV, it shows multiple entries for Genie Media Servers on both computers as well.

Something is being injected into the network it seems?

Deleting 70 instances is a REAL pain, can only REMOVE DEVICE individually. Also causes a long delay in seeing the Printers and Devices.

This is the same on both W8.1 computers and iPad's.
Message 25 of 44
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Orbi 770 Series