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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

I can totally see where you're coming from. As I'm sure you know, there's a lot that goes on in the background and Fraser and I do our best to ensure we give you as much information as possible. We really don't like giving hard dates for things because a lot can change in the world of software. Believe me, getting updates and firmware out is the number one thing we're working on currently and we're doing our best to reduce any delays that could prolong it. Thanks as always for your patience.

Message 401 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

will it be 2021, at least?

Message 402 of 586
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

That's the plan yes
Message 403 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware


Message 404 of 586
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

Nothing at the moment, we'll be sure to update when there is a firmware available.
Message 405 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

I think we have a better chance of George RR Martin delivering his next book.

Message 406 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

Well Fraser, it's now a month since you stated news would come "very soon". 
In the ordinary world that means days or a week...


I am feeling like a turntable disc that's stuck and repeating: what can you tell us?


In this blog you have seen messages from people that are used to be involved in dev. 
And we are all wanting to know what we can do to help the devs, and to get grip of the dev process. But nothing has come of it and with messages that dev is ongoing (with no time table shared) and messages about that "soon" there will be news x without anything happening has pushed people to get other hardware and/or to be sarcastic here. 

a shame since all in this blog want to see something firm.


No need to wait with a release for x-mas - please release what we all have been waiting for the last year. Okay?



Model: XR700|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 407 of 586
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

Message 408 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

Hey @Netduma-Fraser 

what is these:

could install on my XR700 !!

Message 409 of 586
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

@busolof that's not 3.0 just a 2.0 update for security purposes
Message 410 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

how can it be that there has been no update for dumaos 3.0 for over a year.Although there is already a final version for cheaper router the xr500.
Message 411 of 586
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

The XR500 was easier to port to, it's also the first XR router we did so it made sense to do it on this model as well, given it is the most popular it also gives us more of a customer base to get feedback on. Don't worry another update will be coming for the 700.
Message 412 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

Thanks  @Netduma-Fraser will not updater and wait then 

Message 413 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

By now I am deeply regretting that I purchased the Netgear Nighthawk XR700 firstly there is no DumaOS 3 e.g. Features that were marketed before purchase. Second it is unstable as f*, for example I get constant packet loss, lower Download/Upload speeds, my Google Home stops working on a weekly basis it sucks more than the Router provided by my ISP Vodafone (which also is one of the most hated Routers) and I don't get spending way over €200 for it.


I will replace it soon with something better, the issues are getting non-ignorable.

Model: XR700|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 414 of 586
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

@Gamernist make a topic about your issues and we can help
Message 415 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

Is 3.0 final coming out for the xr700 this year?
Model: XR700|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 416 of 586
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

The official release is waiting on Netgear currently. They released the full release version for the XR450/500 and they'll be doing this one too. Unfortunately, that means we don't have any ETA as to when they're going to release it.

Message 417 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

sooo no news on the xr700? im guessing this is why i gave up on the xr700 in gave it to my brother. i mean at least its being used this router has been abandoned? who knows why tho. only the devs know hopefully we get a full release for the xr700 soon. we just keep getting soon but if u want me to be honest it's not coming i hope im wrong tho.

Model: XR700|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 418 of 586
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

Not been abandoned, it is being worked on, when it is available we will provide it
Message 419 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

New goal is set to 2022

Message 420 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

From what I have read in the other forum on Netduma's side is DumaOS for the xr700 is already finished by the Netduma team. It is now up to Netgear to finalize their part on it and release it. Am I correct on this?
Model: XR700|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 421 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

I really feel swindled by purchasing a router with DumaOS and Netgear paying a premium for this I expected more frequent updates.  Will no longer purchase either ever again.

Message 422 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

Bye Felicia.
Model: XR700|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 423 of 586
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

The DumaOS features are finalised for the official 3.0 release and NETGEAR will release this version when it's passed their internal testing and processes.

Message 424 of 586

Re: XR700 - DumaOS 3.0 Beta Firmware

The partnership appears to be unfair. You develop the firmware, you ship it to Netgear, you come in here on their site to get insulted/harassed, and Netgear isn't even home?


They nursing a hang over or playing an epic game of lawn darts?


No matter, I'll continue lurking for an annoucement and my XR700 is ready to return to production usage once available.

Message 425 of 586
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