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XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry


XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

OK I started on this forum a week ago all wide-eyed and happy, but now really I am just angry at wasting my money on the XR500.

It was sold to me as a gaming router but seriously it's no different to any other router. I really wanted an easy way to set the priority of games. This really doesn't give you that. I mean I first noticed that it wasn't actually prioritising my games. Then I realised the reason was it wasn't recognising any of them. Then I go away to find out how to manually prioritise them and I am met with a stone wall. Entire reason I bought this thing is that I thought it would make that process simple, yet it is no different to every other router. Simple fact is that there isn't even a guide on how to do that. They talk in terms of Source Ports and Destination Ports. If I wanted all that, I would have bought a different router. I mean I have no idea what those are for the games I play and are you telling me I have to go away, reseach it all, then enter all that manually? Please tell me, in what way is this a gaming router other than by name? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't return this and get something else, cus right now I can't think of one. I wouldn't mind but ping wise it is actually slower than my old router by nearly 1ms.

Model: XR500| Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 1 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

Oh yes and by the way, when you try to set up manual port forwarding, it crashes with this error...


Error: RPC error 'ERROR_UNKNOWN': bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil) -> stack traceback: ?: in function <?:73> [C]: in function 'len' ?: in function '?' ?: in function 'decode' ?: in function <?:50> (tail call): ? ?: in function <?:324> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:290> [C]: in function 'run' ?: in function <?:345> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:261> (tail call): ? /dumaos/api/cli.lua:48: in function </dumaos/api/cli.lua:30> [C]: in function 'xpcall' /dumaos/api/cli.lua:59: in main chunk [C]: ?

Model: XR500| Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 2 of 22
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

The guide provided in your other post shows you how to add a manual rule (I know you have the error at the moment, will be fixed in next firmware, recommend downgrading for now). What games are you playing? We can't possibly support every single game known to man or research for you. All you need to do is Google "Insert game here ports" and whatever it shows you enter as the destination for Traffic Prio. 1ms is negligible, you will not notice that in any way shape or form. Also likely due to QoS settings
Message 3 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

The very first game I tried was Tera. Apparently this needs port 10001. But how is that actually configured? I mean it talks in terms of a port range. There is no range. I mean not that it matters really since the router crashes, but assuming I wait for the next fix, then how do I enter that.

I mean guys this is a KEY area of the router for gamers, yet it's not explained in terms an idiot can understand.When you are given a single port number, well, I have no idea how that equates to source and destination "range".

Message 4 of 22
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

It says in the guide "If you wish to add just one port, type its number into both the Start and End boxes beneath ‘Destination Port’." so all you need to do is type 10001 and select UDP. If you downgrade to previous firmware version you can add it while you wait for next firmware. It's easier if we keep this to one topic rather than 2.
Message 5 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

What guide? Where? I can't see that. How do you even know it's UDP? ( What the heck is UDP?). How do I downgrade Firmware? You seem to think I have a clue. I don't. I mean I have just seen the Tera Port as 1001 and that's that. No further information given.


The entire point of the router for me is that I shouldn't have to understand all this. I mean I know you say you can't do every game for us, but surely that would be the point of calling it a "gaming router"? I would expect hundreds of titles to be covered not 14. If it doesn't ( and it doesn't ) then shouldn't it just be called a router?


When is the next firrmware update expected?

Message 6 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

I meant 10001

Message 7 of 22
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

It was the one provided by my colleague in your other topic on this matter.

I looked online for the Tera port which said it was UDP and the port you gave. Download the previous firmware from here and follow the instructions to install it.
Message 8 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

I followed that link but it really doesn't explain anything.

If you google Tera you actually see that sometimes people mention more than one port, they actually mention three. 10001, 80 and 443.

Now for a total noob like me those instructions in the guide are useless. I don't know whether that is one port, two, three or a range. Whether I should add the 80 to the 10001, or what. And the problem is that if I get it wrong, it doesn't work. My point is here that you are talking to people who you seem to assume know what you talking about, but the very point of a gaming router is they don't. If they did they would just buy an ordindary router.

I think this is a worthy OS, and should be in all routers, but honestly I think Netgear have entered in to a world of pain calling it a gaming router.

Incidentally the 1ms is with nothing configured and prioritisation, bufferbloat and all that disbled. With no traffic other than a ping test and the XR500 comes out a consistant 12ms. My old router is 11ms. And honestly it's not a good start if something that's claiming to be a gaming router actually has a worse ping than a standard router ~ irespective of whether I notice it or not.


I will wait for the firmware.


Honestly though I am still annoyed. This I would consider a truly key aspect of performance and for it have such an obvious bug really is inexcusable.

But really, you need to make it easier to add more games. 14 is not "most PC games".  I have 900 games and MOST of those will not be recognised by the XR500.

Message 9 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

If you downgrade you can add those priorities but update again, they will stay but the XR500 on any firmware apart from present has a few very nasty security holes and you would be putting yourself at risk.

Model: XR500| Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 10 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

Thanks for the info. I will leave it then until they sort out the bug with the prioritisation. I have to say that I am disappointed that it all fell flat ~ My old router is faster than the XR500 and I can't prioritise most of the games I play, including new ones coming out, but there you go. I mught as well use tmy old router. *sighs*. I like the OS in the Netgear but seriously I think they are totally decieving people calling it a Gaming Router. Console Router maybe, but Gaming Router, no. Not if you have to manually set it up just like any other router. I mean least they could do is have a web page of settings that the router accesses when you set it up and you can download the settings for more than 14 games!! 14 is a total insult, really.

Message 11 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

After reading this thread, I'm a little leary of opening the XR500 I bought the other day.. Paying $300 for a router is a pretty hefty investment for majority of people I'd say.


It seems that this just wasn't ready for full release yet. Lots of words thrown out there to help market these "Gaming" routers but not much volume inside, yet.

Think I may return this until it's in a better state. I expected a little more of a poilished product from NETGEAR. I absolutely love what Netduma is trying to accomplish with these routers as a gamer myself, but the price unforunately, doesn't warrant the product in the current state, in my opinion. I love that they are constantly checking on the forums and assisting users.


Thank you for this post! Helped my decision!

Message 12 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry


I do agree I think this OS is definitely the future. I just think they need to be careful calling this a gaming router when really it isn't. The prioritisation setup needs in some way to be automatic. If that means them maintaining a web database so be it. It would also help if they have a utility that could set up prioritisation in the PC iteslf. No good having bufferbloat in the router if your PC clogged itself up. At the moment I use the Killer interface becuase it's the only thing out there.With the Killer you just click on a running application and if it isnt priority one you set it to one and it remembers. They also have a much larger database of games. None of this "14" lark. Simple. No more lag generated by the PC. I think so far they are used to enthusiasts following their product but now they have the general public and that's a different beast. They do seem to be great, I just hope they don't blow it by letting down peoples expectations of a "gaming router".


Message 13 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

So I did a bit more research to see how quickly the Netduma team works.


Found this:



Over 2 months ago with the promise of "Coming soon" for Ping Assist on the XR500, I know it's already out on the R1.


Will be returning it tonight. Very sad, but I stand by my statement. $300 is too much for this router in its current state, not to mention theres a thread with users having Ethernet disconnects, really?! This is consumer router with ethernet disconnect issues?! It also seems to be on the backburner compared to the R1.


Will keep my AC87 until I find a reason to switch.

Message 14 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

A fix for disconnects has already been released in I believe another fix via Qualcomm will be in the next update as well for other disconnect issues. Also Netgear decides on release schedule for the XR500, not Netduma! I have been using my XR500 since release without major issue, so reading 2 month old threads isnt helpful, read the current ones and you will see most peoples disconnect issues which as I said was a Qualcomm issue has been solved. The current Vlan Tag issue for 'some' users (im not one of those because of my setup is different) is fixed in the next update.

Model: XR500| Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 15 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

No disrespect here, Killhippie, but becuase one user does not have an issue does not in some way mean that there is no issue. There have been a number of posts about disconnects. It's easy to say oh that post is old, but often there is very little information concerning the exact current status of a product. Manufacturers are obviously reluctant to give out that information, so customers have little choice but to base decisions on what information they CAN find even if it is out of date. I have had no disconnects either, I have actually found the router to be very stable, but I am not everyone. Certainly some people have found issues. I have no idea whether these have been fixed becuase like I say there is no statement from the manufacturer on just exactly what the current status is.

Anway, this was not even a problem I mentioned, but I have to say that the ones I have mentioned have undermined my confidence in the product. Not only does manual prioritisation not work, but now it seems that maybe there is a problem with the UPnP table since it's always blank. I mean these are basic things. Oh yes and the latest one is VPN only works for one provider. It is very difficult with a brand new product to maintain confidnce when you discover these problems and there is no information forthecoming from the manufacturer. People have a limited time they can return stuff so it's hardly surprising they get noisy and pushy, but fundamentally there is a lack of information. If someone would say, that doesnt work, that does, that doesnt, and when fixes will happen and so on then people would back off. I mean I for one have nine days to decide whether to keep this router. Nine days in which I am going to keep on hassling for answers, because after that it's too late. 



Message 16 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

Possible that your ISP modem could be a cause as well. 


Something to look into. 


I for one have not see this issue with my XR450. Same HW accept for the 2.4Ghz wifi HW differs. I use cable and a NG CM modem. I think users need to look into possible causes with there ISP modems as well. Not just pointing at the router. 


I would also try another XR router as well. Possible that the XR is just plain faulty and nothing that FW will correct. 

Message 17 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

There is no problem with the modem.

Unfortunately I can't try another XR500. I am currently deciding whether to return it or not and that will be the end of it.

I mean, I do like the OS interface, it's highly informative, but the bugs mean that it is useless for the purpose I bought it for.

It's actually slower than my old router and I can't even prioritise games becuase of the bug in manual prioritisation. The faults with the XR500 also prompted me to investigate my network and frankly the issues the XR500 is solving arent problems I have. My problems tend to be related to the gaming PC itself causing lag dues to spurious applications and crosstalk between devices which arent't actually accessing the net, which are issues the XR500 doesn't tackle. So really the only thing the XR500 offers me is a nice user interface. How often do you actually use that interface you are paying so much for? The answer is "never". I mean the last time I accessed my previous router was years ago. So is it really worth all this money for something I will never access?


The XR500 is expensive becuase of it's gamer tag, but it actually fails to deliver any gaming advantage ( except for consoles where it still remains a good buy thanks to Geo Location ). But the pressure is on. I have a limited time to get solutions to problems before my return window expires. Believe it or not I like the interface so much I am still tempted to keep it, but the very least I need is a fix for the manual prioritisation.  I need a date. And of course there isn't one.




Message 18 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

Only good way to see if the problem really is the router would be to try another one. Not all XR routers are having problems with there internet connections. 


No router Mfr gives dates on when new FW is coming out. I would recommend you return the unit and find something else or come back to the XR routers at a future date. 


Good Luck. 

Message 19 of 22
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

I've been told there will be a firmware update in November, assuming everything goes to plan. I think your issues would largely be addressed in that version.
Message 20 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

None taken, and yes I know just because I have no issues does not take away the fact you are. The XR500 is a great router, and updates are coming with fixes, the November update should as Fraser has said sort most of your issues out. I know its a pain but bugs happen with all tech and one fix may break something else. The manual prioritisation will be fixed, hopefully Hybrid VPN comes to the XR500 as it has in the XR700. As to UPnP tables this is a issue with many Netgear routers but its been well documented and should also be fixed. The router is fast and has great features, juts give it a little patience, its a complicated sandwich of Netgear and Netduma software/firmware and its worth the wait in my opnion. In the end only you can decide what is best. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Message 21 of 22

Re: XR500 glamour has worn off an now I am just angry

I concur with^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Message 22 of 22
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