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Re: XR700 Firmware


XR700 Firmware

So "upgraded" my XR500 after suffering serious lag issues while playing COD, to an XR700. Updated to the "latest" beta firmware ( nearly two years ago. Still suffering with horrendous lag when other devices in the house are streaming video. No update on firmware in two years, still on a beta version. XR500 has been updated multiple times, as have R1 and R2 and XR1000. Seriously peaved with the lack of support on this router that cost a bloody fortune and was advertised to solve all my gaming issues. Can anyone advise me on a better router with better customer support?
Message 3 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

So "upgraded" my XR500 after suffering serious lag issues while playing COD, to an XR700.  Updated to the "latest" beta firmware ( nearly two years ago.  Still suffering with horrendous lag when other devices in the house are streaming video.  No update on firmware in two years, still on a beta version.  XR500 has been updated multiple times, as have R1 and R2 and XR1000.  Seriously peaved with the lack of support on this router that cost a bloody fortune and was advertised to solve all my gaming issues.  Can anyone advise me on a better router with better customer support?


Message 1 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

@TimboSlice1967 wrote:

So "upgraded" my XR500 after suffering serious lag issues while playing COD, to an XR700.  Updated to the "latest" beta firmware ( nearly two years ago.  Still suffering with horrendous lag when other devices in the house are streaming video.  No update on firmware in two years, still on a beta version.  XR500 has been updated multiple times, as have R1 and R2 and XR1000.  Seriously peaved with the lack of support on this router that cost a bloody fortune and was advertised to solve all my gaming issues.  Can anyone advise me on a better router with better customer support?


You are in the wrong community for Pro Gaming Routers.  You need to post in the community specifically set aside for the Pro Gaming Router products.


Here is the link:  https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-Pro-Gaming-Routers/bd-p/en-home-nighthawk-pro-gaming-rout...



Message 2 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too?
Be sure your using a good quality LAN cable between the modem and router. CAT6 is recommended. 


What gaming device are you playing on? 


Are you playing over wireless or wired connection? Wired is preferred.


Any of the XR series routers should work. May need some help in some configurations is all...

@TimboSlice1967 wrote:

So "upgraded" my XR500 after suffering serious lag issues while playing COD, to an XR700.  Updated to the "latest" beta firmware ( nearly two years ago.  Still suffering with horrendous lag when other devices in the house are streaming video.  No update on firmware in two years, still on a beta version.  XR500 has been updated multiple times, as have R1 and R2 and XR1000.  Seriously peaved with the lack of support on this router that cost a bloody fortune and was advertised to solve all my gaming issues.  Can anyone advise me on a better router with better customer support?



Message 4 of 23
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 Firmware

Can you provide a screenshot of your QoS page please? What is the model of the modem/router the XR is connected to? Are ALL devices connected to the XR?
Message 5 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

Router is connected to a modem made for Virgin Media, it's an Arris TG3492LG-VBM , PS5 connected direct via Cat7 cable.

Message 6 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

We're with Virgin Media, on there fastest fibre package.  Modem is an Arris TG3492LG-VBM made specifically for Virgin Media.


All devices are connected to the router, most directly by Cat 7 cables, there are a couple of gigabit switches due to the amount of devices we have (mostly stuff in standby etc) and WiFi runs everything else such as mobile phones, Ring doorbell, Hive hub for central heating.


PS5 is connected direct to Router via Cat 7 cable.


Dumaos app for iphone will not connect since last update, thumbnail_IMG_2054.jpgthumbnail_IMG_2055.jpgthumbnail_IMG_2056.jpgthumbnail_IMG_2057.jpgthumbnail_IMG_2058.jpg Loaded latest Dumaos beta 3 and factory reset, still a bag of crap!



Message 7 of 23
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 Firmware

Could you attach the photos directly as we can't see them until they have been moderated. How have you set up the Arris, is it in bridge mode or is he XR in its DMZ?
Message 8 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

Your ISP Modem already has a built in router and wifi. This would be a double NAT (two router) condition which isn't recommended. This would be a double NAT condition which isn't recommended. https://kb.netgear.com/30186/What-is-Double-NAT
Couple of options,
1. Configure the modem for transparent bridge or modem only mode. Then use the NG router in router mode. You'll need to contact the ISP for help and information in regards to the modem being bridged correctly.
2. If you can't bridge the modem, disable ALL wifi radios on the modem, configure the modems DMZ/ExposedHost or IP Pass-Through for the IP address the NG router gets from the modem. https://kb.netgear.com/25891/DMZ-on-NETGEAR-routers
3. Or disable all wifi radios on the modem and connect the NG router to the modem, LAN to LAN configure AP mode on the NG router.


Try option #2 first...


Also you have not updated to v.50 version of FW. Was released last Aug 22. 


@TimboSlice1967 wrote:

Router is connected to a modem made for Virgin Media, it's an Arris TG3492LG-VBM , PS5 connected direct via Cat7 cable.


Message 9 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

It is already in modem mode.
Message 10 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

What brand and model# of the switches being connected to the XR? 


What channels are you using for WiFi.

How is the Wifi settings and advanced settings configured? 


Message 11 of 23
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 Firmware

By the looks of it you're not using Congestion Control which is the main feature on the QoS page that eliminates lag caused by the situations you described. I would recommend going through our optimal settings guide to get setup correctly: https://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000077073-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-...
Message 12 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

Sorry, photo was taken after another factory reset, this is my normal set up.  As you can see, congestion control is set up as per advice.

As for switches, we have a Trendnet gigabit switch TEGS82g which controls our two PC's, cctv dvr and a printer in our office.  this is directly into the XR700, then there is another switch , an Aztech gigabit switch that splits for our Audio visual in the living room (TV box, Blueray player, Firestick and AV amp) Our Hive central heating control is direct to XR700 and so is the PS5, anything else (shower, radiator valves, ring doorbell, daughters PS4, Amazon Echo, etc is on WiFi) switching WiFi off doesn't really change much, except if my daughter is streaming video.

Sometimes our WiFi is so degraded, I have to switch my phone over to 4G!thumbnail_IMG_2077.jpgthumbnail_IMG_2078.jpg

Message 13 of 23
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 Firmware

Given the amount of devices you have I would suggest switching Congestion Control to Always. While 70% is recommended as a starting point and it works well for the majority, it may not be the right percentage for you. I would suggest experimenting with the percentages to see what gives you the best results. Start at 95% and go down in 10% intervals, once you reach a level where it seems to help quite a lot then try 5% either side of that value to see if it can be fine tuned even more.
Message 14 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

And how is the basic and advanced Wireless Settings configured?

What Wifi channels are you using? 


Message 15 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware


Message 16 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

Do you have any wifi neighbors near by? 


I would try changing channels to 1 on 2.4Ghz and 40 or 149 and 5Ghz.

I would disable the 60Ghz SSID broadcast as I presume you may not be using it. 


Set 20/40Mhz coexistence to 40Mhz. 

Message 17 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

Will try that and feedback later.  When you say set coexistence to 40Mhz, do you just mean disable 20/40Mhz coexistence?





Message 18 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware


Message 19 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

OK... so here is the update.  I have followed all of the above advice, and over the last few weeks have continually tweaked different settings to try and solve my issues of poor COD play, especially when devices in the house are streaming, and also my mobile phone connection being intermittently slow.  I've tried adjusting the sliders, adjusting QoS, Geo filtering, MTU settings... everything.  I changed the cheap Aztec switch for a Netgear gigabyte switch.  My ISP is fine... there is not a setting I haven't tried.  Upshot is, I called in an IT guy of mine and we took out the XR700 and installed a temporary mid range Draytek router.  The results were instant.  I played 10 games of COD and topped every game with twice as many kills as everyone else, and QoS wasn't even enabled! this test was undertaken during a busy evening time period, where an ISP would normally throttle the connection, and with 6 devices in the house streaming YouTube simultaneously over ethernet and WiFi.  The Draytec had to go back a few days later as it was for testing only, and I have now uninstalled the XR700, and set my ISP router back to router mode from modem mode.  Gaming for a day now, and there is not much real difference from when the XR700 was there.  So... after much time and money wasted, and with the XR700 STILL being on a Beta version of Duma3.0 I have decided enough is enough and will be selling it, as it clearly does not do what it is supposed to... I don't think it was a faulty unit, as I upgraded to it from an XR500 that had similar issues.

Message 20 of 23
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR700 Firmware

Sorry to hear that, I'm sure it's something we could have resolved or something that would have improved when the next update is available but I totally understand your frustration.
Message 21 of 23

Re: XR700 Firmware

Would be nice to know if the ISP modem had been bridged or not considering it's a gateway modem and could cause problems. 

What Region are you located? 

Message 22 of 23
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