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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections


Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

Hi all,


I've bought the RAX80 six weeks ago and it's been very unstable since then:

- devices losing wifi connections

- devices not seeing the wifi network

- RAX80 losing internet connection (orange led)


I did resets to factory settings several times (with rebooting modem, RAX80 and all the connected devices). I only use default settings now - with Smart Connect enabled. No extra wifi6 settings like MU-MIMO. But nothing works. After a few days all the problems above come back again.


I'm very disappointed in this 300 euro router. In times like this with working at home en schools closed losing wifi and internet connections is very frustrating.


Is there something I can do about this problem - except for returning the RAX80?



Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 1 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

What actual firmware version are you on? 

What modem/gateway is it connected to? 


Message 2 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

Hi plemans,


Firmware: V1.0.3.106_1.0.50 (no update available)

Modem: Cisco EPC3212

ISP: Ziggo (in The Netherlands) with 250 Mbit/s

Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 3 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

How frequently is it happening? 
Have you checked the modem?
Another thing you can try doing is downgrading the firmware a version. Maybe the one you're on has issues. 

If you do downgrade, I'd recommend doing it over a hardwired connection, then do a factory reset and clean install. 

Message 4 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

- Devices with interrupted/losing wifi connection: almost every day

(iPhone goes to 4G, Apple TV gives warning: wifi connection - temporarily - lost, Microsoft Teams and Citrix disconnect and so on)


- Devices not seeing/listing the wifi network: few times a week, sometimes more often

(From iPhone 11 to old Windows laptop)


- Disconnecting from internet altogether (orange led): once a week or so


- Cisco Modem is fine (is very robust, simple modem, no wifi or routing functionality whatsoever). No problems with the modem (or connection) with my previous Apple Airport Router (Airport router needed a restart just once a year or so, very stable).


I'm not so comfortable downgrading the firmware of the RAX80 since there were some security vulnerabilities patched in the latest firmware update.

Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 5 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

If you don't want to try the downgrade, then you can try reinstalling the firmware incase something is corrupt. 

I'd try the downgrade as the rax devices have been getting fairly frequent updates. but its up to you 

Message 6 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

OK, I reinstalled the firmware. We'll see what's happening now.


On a sidenote: I noticed (again now) that RAX80 messes up the names of the connected devices (in the webinterface and the app). After editing and renaming the devices this seems solved. Don't know if it's related to the connection problems but it's kind of sloppy.

Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 7 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

I have the same problem with my RAX80, devices lose connection and the router won't accept new connections. ANything for once a day to once every few weeks. Randomly happens.


This is my second RAX80 (first one was replaced under warranty for this exact issue), and all the latest firmware installed, but the problem keeps happeing.


I've been buying Netgear equipment for 20 years and never had a problem, but  this will be my LAST Netgear purchase.

Message 8 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

Little update:

Devices are seeing the wifi network till now and internet connection hasn't been lost for the last couple of days but devices sometimes lose connection with Teams and Citrix.


In some cases there seems to be an automatic reconnection in other cases I have to reconnect manually. In one case there seemed to be a switch from 2,4 GHZ to 5 GHZ. Is it normal some devices get an IP address via DHCP four times an hour?

Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 9 of 19

Betreff: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

Hello @all
I have exactly the same problem.
After 4 Weeks, my  result, no Firmware works solid, this router is very Crap.
The NG-Support doesn`t seem to care.
I swap to my NG R8000P and all works.

Please NG, bring us a working Solution.


Best Regards from Germany 

Message 10 of 19

Betreff: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

Same issue here, current FW. Everything works fine but after 1 to 5 days the router drops WLAN connections and does not allow any new ones. Reboot (either via web interface by a device that hasn't been dropped or turn on/off) and everything reconnects. I've played around with many of the settings (SmartConnect on/off, etc) but no dice. Happens with very current devices just like pretty old ones, Apple, Windows, smart devices - no difference.

If NG can't fix this maybe at least add a feature to automatically reboot the router at a certain time each night? I feel like I'm back in the '90s. At this point I'm contemplating a smart plug that can turn it off and back on at a certain time at night. Ridiculous for a product like this.

Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 11 of 19

Betreff: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

If you read the forums this is a common problem with the RAX80 with no solution (or acknowledgement from Netgear) that its a problem.


My RAX80 cannot maintain Wifi connections, constantly resets LAN connections & requires a reset every week.

These problems were reported more than 18months ago by many users without any attempt to correct these problem from Netgear.


I placed another Wifi5 router from Netgear in the exact same location (same settings, SSID, SmartConnect ON etc) and this works without any issues.

The only solution most people seem to have found is to return the RAX80 & buy something else.

You wont get any support from Netgear for this problem except "your service contract has expired, would you like to buy our extended telephone support so that we can help you?"


This is 2020, "corrupt" firmware after flashing is not a problem.

If a router cannot detect bad flashing itself it is not worth €250..!

Message 12 of 19

Betreff: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

Dealing with the same issues after getting it replaced twice. Paid their support team for a $80 6 month extended tech plan and their solution for me is to buy a new router and junk this $400 router. Can we start a class action suit on this? 🤦🏻‍♂️
Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 13 of 19

Betreff: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

Might want to read the Terms of service. 

NETGEAR Community Terms Of Service | Answer | NETGEAR Support


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Message 14 of 19

Betreff: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections


my Solution is called: RAX80 back to Seller.
Going back to my R8000P, this Unit works very well.

Later, i will try the RAX70 or the Asus AX86U

Best Regards

Message 15 of 19

Betreff: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

i have the exact same problem. half time homepods are not reachable. after router restart they get better but then again they don't work. all my devices hang after a time sometimes a day or two. Very annoying. 


what can I do to diagnose what is wrong? 

Message 16 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

Update, two months later:


Windows 10 laptop and two MacBooks keep loosing wifi connection. Mostly after starting the laptops. Wifi is connected for a minute or so, then lost and very often my wifi network isn't listed anymore. Disabling and enabling wifi and restarting laptop and then waiting for a few minutes usually works.


Sometimes my new iPhone also looses connection, but mostly the MacBooks and Windows laptop.


But it's almost every day now! It's very very bad for a router that expensive. I don't know what to do anymore.


How can I return this router? It's a disaster.

Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 17 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

It is a nightmare and I totally hate this router. 


Here are things I did which made it better: 

- In Wireless settings, I disabled smart connect, now I have 2.4, 5ghz-1 and 5ghz-2 SSIDs.

- On all Wifis I set the channel to a fixed channel

- I changed the transmit power to 25%

- Moved bad old devices to 2.4ghz



Keep in mind DFS on second 5GHZ wifi is very bad. causes a lot of dropouts since it needs to scan for radar all the time. 5ghz-1 works better.


So far no disconnects.

Message 18 of 19

Re: Nighthawk RAX80 very unstable - losing connections

Another update:

I finally disabled smart connect. Looked like it was working for a short while but now all problems come back again: MacBooks don't see the wifi networks (not 2,4 GHz and not 5 Ghz). After restarts of MacBook, disabling and enabling wifi sometimes it works again. Or typing in the network name and password. Sometimes connections are lost again.


It's driving me crazy: what's wrong with this router? Why isn't Netgear fixing this? No updates this year. For a 300 euro router...


How can I return this thing?

Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 19 of 19
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