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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations


RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

I change type of device, model of the device, and name of the device for my connected devices and then apply my changes. (I apply after each device) and the changes appear to take affect. I can refresh tyhe page and see my changes but if I log out and back i again or simly change to another management page and then come back to the device configuration page and all (to most) of the changes I made will be gone. All the devices will agin be set to the default "network device" and the device tyoe will be gone. sometimes a device name or typoe will persist but it may only persist fr a ltittle while . Come back again later and it will probably be gone.Betting thre is a formatting issue with whatever mu language is beingh used to save the configuration information that is the app to eithre not be able to read what is saved, or not save the configuration info but either way this is a deal braker for me. It is bad enough that the only ACLs I seem to be able to configure for an attached storage device is admiin or everyone because there is no way to add additional useres and grant them access to secific devices but not being able to save simple configuratin data is beyond rediculous which makes me question the quality of the prodict in general. I am really hoping someone can tell me how to fix both of these issues so I do not have to biox this thng up and tak it back.


Other info:

I have tried to update the firmware but there is not a new one available (currently at  V1.0.1.56_1.0.23)

I have used Chrome  74.0.3729.131, IE 11.147.17763.0, and Firefox 66.0 (64-bit) and I have the same issue with each


Any hek would be greatly appreciated.




Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 1 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

Wow! Opened a support ticket about this... they updated the ticket and asked me to call them... I did... they had absolutly no clue what I was talking about and asked if a Sr engineer could call me back! This tells me that they NEVER looked at the ticket before asking me to call in ithrewise I would have gone straight to someone who could help me rather than wating 30 minutes of my time.


So far I am not a fan of the Netgear product or the support that they dont really seem to offer. Sure hope someoine even wants to change my opinion.

Message 2 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

Can't help much - beyond of adding that I don't wonder one second that the same issues exist all over the new RAX models, too. @Christian_R  @ChristineT  - food for the next meeting. Symptomatic, of not systematic issues for years.

Message 3 of 14
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

Hello M-E, 


I'd like to assist with support following up on your case. Please send me a message with your case number and email address. 



Message 4 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

I honestly wouldn't ever expect that this will ever get fixed.  I've had this same issue dating back to an old R8000 router.  I actually had to run an 18+month old firmware to even get the ability to even rename my devices.  I realize that the issue isn't quite the same.  But Netgear can't actually get this right and never have been able to.  They will probably fix it one day, and they another firmware will come out later on that will "fix" something else and it will break this. 


This feature does sort of work on the mobile app, if you will, but with 2 issues.  First, what you put into the mobile app, will not carry over to the router and at some point, eventually, whether it's a month or a day, all of your changes will drop and you'll have to go through and rename everything again and assign new icons to everything.  I just don't know what is so hard about this.

Message 5 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

Had the same issue with the RAX80 where it loses its device configuration exactly as you describe to open this post.  I've since returned it and decide to try a RAX120.  That one had a quirk where you'd lose half the page, after selecting the device you wish to edit, and the EDIT button would disappear off the page thus leaving you with no ability to modify the selected device.  Then, I figured that hitting the TAB key in this stage would allow you to scroll up, fine the EDIT button and make the change.  I've since also returned that RAX120 since it had this issue and it also started suddenly not being accessible over the GUI/browser address unless I rebooted it.  It's too bad to that the Nighthawk app doesn't propogate its changes automatically to the GUI/browser device modifications.  And, the list of device names between the two app's vary.  I don't understand how Netgear ignores these issues.  Like one guy said in an earlier post, the RAX series routers are like putting lipstick on a pig with the lipstick being the router hardware and the pig being the router software.  What's the point in doing this?  And the support for these routers is utterly non-existent.  

Message 6 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

Afraid, I must fully back the impressions of @nytiger73 , @migsta , @M-E - perfect brief descriptions of the bugware facts. 

Message 7 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

I appreciate everyones comments on this.


I am total turned off on Netgear products now. Between something as simple as this and the fact that there solutions to setting up share drives is to either give everyone the admin password or just give everyone access to everything I have concluded that their developers are less capable than a 5 year old who just learned what a compter is. It blows me way that that a $300 Netgear router as less functionality than a $50 Linksys router (and that in a day when security is more important than ever that they would release a product this poorly designed). This wil be the first and last NEtgear product that I ever own.


And a note on support... You call, they say open a ticket on line so you do, then they update they ticket and ask you to call them. When you call they ask you when you would like them to call you back.which they "say" they will do within 36 hours of your "good callback time". you then have a 50/50 chance of them calling back or just closing the ticket.


Bravo Netgear!!

Message 8 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

This seems to be a typical response where routers are concerned. I replaced my ASUS RT-AX88U because support didn't know a thing about that produce. Since I owned the R8000 I thought Netgear would be a better solution since the R8000 did everything I needed but was not a wifi 6 router. But the RAX80 is like Netgear has just entered the router and networking market. If the RAX80 can't remember device configuration information, what other configuration information doesn't it maintain? 

Message 9 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

You are absolutely correct. I bought an ASUS RT-AX88U last October and found that configuration information was being dropped consistenly to the point that saving the settings was worthless. That device did not pass DHCP requests back to the network and did not assign reserved IP addresses to devices listed in the reserved IP screen. That screen would constantly clear out and you'd have to re-enter all or your devices if you wanted to maintain the device IP addresses. At least the RAX80 maintains it's list of reserved IP addresses but that isn't enough to be considered state of the art.

Message 10 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

I' as

You are absolutely correct. I bought an ASUS RT-AX88U last October and found that configuration information was being dropped consistenly to the point that saving the settings was worthless. That device did not pass DHCP requests back to the network and did not assign reserved IP addresses to devices listed in the reserved IP screen. That screen wNould constantly clear out and you'd have to re-enter all or your devices if you wanted to maintain the device IP addresses. At least the RAX80 maintains it's list of reserved IP addresses but that isn't enough to be considered state of the art.

Update: The problem was still has not been addressed -- either the loss of configuration information or the failure of devices receiving DHCP addresses if there is a DHCP server on the network. I reinstalled the ASUS RT-AX88U because it has more ports on the back, but I'm faced with the same issues as the Netgear AX8. This  may be a problem with WiFi 6 routers (use of the same base code, non-support for features long present in WiFi 5 routers, I don't know). Next year might be the year to buy a WiFi 6 router after manufacturers figure out what they're doing.

Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 11 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

Haha That is amazing,  I have logged the exact ticket same issue with support over 6 months ago, and they said the same thing to me.  First they didn't understand what I was talking about and then they said they had never head of this issue before, then it was due to user errror, then it was escaleted to senior engineer, who also didn't understand what saving the config meant, nor how to configure the device with out using the wizard, or the andriod app.  I first logged the ticket after the update V1.0.1.40 when they screwed up the firmware and basically broke the AX80,  since then they havnt bothered to fix the issue, instead just they just keep bring out firmware that seems to just break the things that are left working on the device and don't bother trying to fix the things they broke in the last firmware.  The issue has been sitting with them for so long now my device is out of warranty and to get it looked at I need to buy the extended warranty and support which is just as much as buying a Meraki AP with 3 years licenses which is what I have done.  Once upon a time Netgear products we good,  now days the hardware is good,  the implementation and software is below standards and full of bugs and issues.  This all started when netgear decided to start forcing people to use a wizard to set it up and blocking the device from manually configuring the device.  By blocking manual configuration the stopped the ability to be able to save the router config to the devices rom or the ability to configure the device on your own network.  Now we are stuck on using a default configuration that can't be changed or modified, I can only assume so that netgear can minimise support issues that require critical thinking and troubleshooting skills for their support staff.


The RAX80 makes a very good paperweight or tablet stand,  but a on the expensive side.  As WiFi AP unfortunatly they killed that function a while ago.



Model: RAX80|Nighthawk AX8 8-Stream WiFi Router
Message 12 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

Indeed, the web interface on the RAX80 is very poor and have to scroll up to the top of the page to click on edit after selecting a single device tick box makes me think the testing must have been next to none existant.


Not only does it not tend to save device configurations and device type icons for more than a couple of hours the team that wrote the android app must have been working from a different spec as the device type icon list is different from those avaialable in the web interface.


The list of device types in the web interface is not even any kind of order (too complicated I guess for the software engineers).


Message 13 of 14

Re: RAX80 loses changes to connected device configurations

Hi. I too am facing this issue where my rax80 is not saving it’s settings.

I created a conversation but not having much luck from Netgear.

Using the original firmware’s debug page I was able to enable telnet. I found that the data jffs2 partition is full due to httpd_dbg.txt growing out of control. Any attempt to delete or truncate the file gives an error. Not enough space on device. So I get the feeling that because this partition cannot be written to it will not save any new settings changes.
So how can we format this partition and how do we stop the log doing this again?
Message 14 of 14
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