Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address


AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

I am trying to add some static IP address reservations.  In the menu Advanced -> Setup -> LAN Setup, I have added the devices to the list of static IP Address Reservations.   When I Click on the APPLY blue button at the top of the menu, I receive a 400 Bad Request screen.   Pressing the back arrow returns me to the settings I have updated.  This happens on both Chrome and Firefox browsers.  I am running Firmware Version V6.3.7.10_3.3.3.


I see a number of similar posts but could not find one (yet) that solves this issue.  After mesh and device reboots, the IP address assigned continues to be a random one from the DHCP range.

Message 1 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Might try doing one at a time, rather than several at once.

There is newer firmware:


(although this does not seem to be the sort of thing that a firmware update would address)


No special characters or very long entries?


Message 2 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

What browser are you using? Happens in other browsers? 


@ScottinAustin wrote:

I am trying to add some static IP address reservations.  In the menu Advanced -> Setup -> LAN Setup, I have added the devices to the list of static IP Address Reservations.   When I Click on the APPLY blue button at the top of the menu, I receive a 400 Bad Request screen.   Pressing the back arrow returns me to the settings I have updated.  This happens on both Chrome and Firefox browsers.  I am running Firmware Version V6.3.7.10_3.3.3.


I see a number of similar posts but could not find one (yet) that solves this issue.  After mesh and device reboots, the IP address assigned continues to be a random one from the DHCP range.


Message 3 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Thanks for your thoughts and time.

Strangely the modems are set up to auto update firmware and they report the following (image).  As for the device names, they are something like NAS Port1 and NAS Port2.   How do I manage them one at a time?  Through their assigned IPs?  I currently log in using the XXX.XXX.1.1 IP.
PRbi Firmware.png

Message 4 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Sometimes NG doesn't put up newer FW for auto updates. Users can try this process outlined in the PDF:


Message 5 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

I've tried both Chrome and Firefox... same error.  I did read that Chrome is the go to browser so I tried that.

Message 6 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address


I'd give the FW update a try. 

Message 7 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Tried a couple more things.. I deleted the devices I tried to add, and the APPLY still fails with a 400.  So, I'm sort of stuck where I can't add, nor delete devices.  I will try to reboot (cord pull) each Orbit one at a time.  When I logged into one of the Satellites directly, I could not see a menu option to reboot it, just Firmware update and one other option, then logoff.

Message 8 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Other would be a factory reset and setup from scratch. Possible RBR could be is some bad state on the WEB page. Should clear that out:


Message 9 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

By this: "Might try doing one at a time, rather than several at once." did you mean reboot?  And if so, using what method?  Or did you mean firmware update.

Message 10 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

@ScottinAustin wrote:

By this: "Might try doing one at a time, rather than several at once." did you mean reboot?  And if so, using what method?  Or did you mean firmware update.

The suggestion was to "Add" one device, then click "Apply".

Then Add the next and click Apply.


If several are being added at one time, it could be that one is causing an error condition and the others are not.


Perhaps a silly question.  NAS Port 1 and NAS Port 2 have different MAC addresses, correct?


Your observation about the satellite web page not including an option to reboot is correct.  It is also annoying that Netgear chose to save $0.25 by omitting the Power Switch from the AX product line.

Message 11 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Not a silly question.. yes, unique mac addresses.  Once I figure out if my cheapy switch supports link aggregation, I will just load balance.


The Main Router firmware updated, but the Satellites will not.  The firmware update give me a failed message and returns me to the update screen (the one where you browse for the upzipped firmware data).   Looking at the release notes, I could use this update not only for security, but I also have an issue with a laptop roaming - but first things first.


I will re-read the firmware update pdf.  I am on a wired connection for the router, and tried both wireless and the wired connection through the base station to log into the satellites.

Message 12 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Some progress and some awareness moments.  While I was having a refreshing American Lager during an evening break, I recalled seeing two firmware packages, and then a person I know and trust let me know that the mesh nodes are gendered.  RBR and RBS.  Since they all came in the same box, I thought the firmware would be dual path.  But, after seeing the login menus, I see there are separate firmware for the two roles in the Mesh.  So, I'm up on all nodes on V7 firmware.  Bad news is I still have the 400 error. 


The reason for the static IP in the first place was so I could let my browser manage the password for administration logins to my NAS on an IP that is well known.  So, back to that issue.



Message 13 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Has a factory reset and setup from scratch been performed since last FW update?

Message 14 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Not yet.  Would it be wise to export and import the config, or just config any port forwarding, IP reservations, passwords, etc. manually after the reset in order to have a clean config.  I'll need to schedule a window for this.   BTW, thanks again for your help and patience.

Message 15 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

I'd save off something now. However FR and setup from scratch first and then try setting a IP address reservation for something and make sure the Bad Request message isn't seen. Loading the backup config from file may re-introduce the problem. Or you can try loading the config and then check for the Bad Request message, if it's seen again, you'll need to FR and setup from scratch and then do not load up the back up config from file. 

Message 16 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

I set some time aside to debug my problem.  After a reset, before any additional configuration, I tried to restore a backup I took this morning and the 400 error persisted. 


Then I went back to the factory config and was able to APPLY Address Reservations under the LAN Setup dialog!   I did run into an issue where I could not list the Attached Devices from the Home of the Basic tab.  I *could* see them with the Orbi Android App.    A power cycle of all the modems corrected this issue, thankfully.


I took progressive backups of the config (too bad they are not XML, but machine readable only) just in case I tripped on a step.


I also took screen captures of (almost) all the Basic and Advanced settings because there is always something you forgot (No-IP login in my case).  There is some port forwarding to do, but I will review whether these settings are still needed and should be trusted.


Thanks again @FURRYe38 FURRYe38 Guru!

Message 17 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Well, there you go.  I did one more address reservation and I am back to the 400 error.  Shoot.

Message 18 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

So you factory restored, loaded the back up file, go error again. Factory restored again with out loading the back up config, was able to do a ip address reservation, then came back later and got error again? 


What browser are you using? 



Message 19 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Just jumping in here, I have done address reservations with RBR960E. I do them after everything is set up.


You have a lot going on here, the system does not seem that stable. Not to throw another .02 inn is it worth just doing a FR, set up things up from scratch (RBR and RBS), do NOT use the old config file yet, and as soon as it is set up and working, log in to the router, and do what I have below (I only mention this as I see no "Apply" button!):


1) Go to Advanced Tab/Setup/LAN Setup. You'll see the Address Reservation section at the bottom. Click 'Add'

2) Click the radio button of ONE device you wish to add a reservation for. At the bottom, change the IP address to the desired reserved IP. Then click the blue 'Add' button at the top.


It should go back to the prior page, and you should see the reservation. Do you?

Message 20 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

I have a wild idea what may be causing the 400 error.  What would really help is a reservation renew so you can expire all the IPs, then allow DHCP to assign new ones.  


Here is where I think the issue starts.  You have DHCP assign an IP.  Let's say  But, you want to use that IP address as a DHCP reservation because an application needs it for a different device.  So, you go to LAN Setup, select the MAC of the MAC that the application needs (which is being used by another device) and add it to the list of reservations.  Hitting APPLY will now cause the 400.  If you backup and restore with the config with this overlap, you will get the error again.  Going back to a config before you created the overlap will work correctly, and moving the application to an address not already in use will APPLY correctly.

Message 21 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

Thanks!  I have been following a similar method that you described.  I got everything up.  Backed up the config, then went to add IP reservations.  I took a backup after each one, then I hit the 400 at the 5th reservation.  (see next post of mine) I think it was because the address was already assigned through DHCP. I'll need to do more testing, but it seems once this happens, removing the device from the table does not resolve the 400 error.


When things work, you get a progress bar showing the RBR and RBS's are getting the update.

Message 22 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

I'm using firefox for this.  I am able to back up to an earlier config and work forward again.  I just was making multiple changes in the beginning and not understanding what triggered the error.  See my later post about possible reservation on an address already in use.  This could be the issue.  Is there a way to expire the DHCP leases so devices jump on the new reservations?

Message 23 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

So outside the 400 error which I think I can manage by not trying to assign an address reservation to a MAC which is already in use through DHCP.  How can I get a device to use a new address reservation (excuse me if I sometime say static IP.  I've meant a DHCP reservation through this entire thread)?   I have a camera on ...1.41 that I want to move to ....1.200.  When I hit APPLY, it is still on 1.41.  If I reboot the modem, it is still on 1.41.  I know it isn't a browser cache issue since I can access the camera on 1.41.


Any idea - perhaps I am missing something basic.  This will help my debugging because I need to move/reassign devices to make room for the DHCP reservations.

Message 24 of 29

Re: AXE11000 RBSE960 System receives 400 Bad Request while appying static IP address

@ScottinAustin wrote:

If I reboot the modem, it is still on 1.41.

Just to be clear, rebooting the ISP device (i.e. modem) does nothing to devices connected to the Orbi system.

Rebooting the Orbi router will cause devices to change to the desired IP address.

This is (what I believe to be) a flaw in Netgear's implementation of DHCP.  When a device does a DHCP request, the Orbi looks first at its internal ARP tables and says, "You have been using this IP.  Keep using it."  When what it should do is look in the LAN reservation table.

Rebooting the Orbi router clears the ARP table.


Another tactic is to do the following:

  • Power off the device that you want to have change IP.
  • Connect a new device to the network and set it to a Static IP (on the actual device) with the IP that the desired device has been using.
  • Verify that the new device shows on Attached Devices using that IP.
  • Power on the device that needs to change.
  • It will use DHCP to ask for an IP address. The Orbi will say,"hmmm. you have been using 41, but there is an active device on the network that is using 41.  Ah, the LAN reservation table says to give you 200. Use 200."
  • Verify the change took place.
  • Remove the Static IP device.

This method avoids distupting the entire network, but takes more time.

Message 25 of 29
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Orbi WiFi 7