Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter


Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter


My zycel c3000z modem/router is supplied by my ISP (Centurylink). I'm trying to add my RBR750 as the router and wireless component. 

Where do I plug in the RBR750 to the zycel to make it take up the router and wifi functions.


Thank you, I really appreciate any help you can give.

Message 1 of 16

Accepted Solutions

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Great on the laptop! Macs and the iPad should be able within the WiFi software "Renew" the lease on the connection that should clear out the old set up and grab the latest. Or "forget" the connection and relink to the WiFi. That's what I have to do every so often.


Well at least you got an education?!


Cheers ! 🍻

View solution in original post

Message 15 of 16

All Replies

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Your ISP Modem already has a built in router and wifi. This would be a double NAT (two router) condition which isn't recommended. https://kb.netgear.com/30186/What-is-Double-NAT
Couple of options,
1. Configure the modem for transparent bridge or modem only mode. Then use the Orbi router in router mode. You'll need to contact the ISP for help and information in regards to the modem being bridged correctly.
2. If you can't bridge the modem, disable ALL wifi radios on the modem, configure the modems DMZ/ExposedHost or IP Pass-Through for the IP address the Orbi router gets from the modem. Then you can use the Orbi router in Router mode.
3. Or disable all wifi radios on the modem and connect the Orbi router to the modem, configure AP mode on the Orbi router. https://kb.netgear.com/31218/How-do-I-configure-my-Orbi-router-to-act-as-an-access-point and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7LOcJ8GdDo&app=desktop


You would plug the RBRs Yellow WAN port using a LAN cable into one of the modems open LAN ports in back...Refer to any Modem user manual documentation for information regarding this or contact the ISP for additional help as well. 

Message 2 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Do you have DSL or Fiber Service? I have the C3000Z with Fiber and the Orbi. With Fiber you can bypass the C3000Z and go directly from the ONT to the RBR. If DSL, do what Furry says. BUT it's not all that much trouble. I'll Help. 


Let us know. 

Message 3 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Thanks for the quick reply FarmerBob1,



The first step - putting the zycel in bridge mode - is the one giving me trouble. When I go into the Broadband settings on the Zycel there are multiple settng to be done and I don't recognize any as related to bridging. Here are the settings I see-


1. Select the WAN connection type.

2. Select the line mode.

3. Select the transport mode.

4. Set the MTU value.

5. Enter the VLAN parameters.

There are parameters for each selection but it won't let me cut and paste them. I hope that's enougth info.
Message 4 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Also I forgpot to mention I have DSL

Message 5 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

DSL new Ballgame. I have my C3000Z and am looking through the UI and will BRB . . .

Message 6 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

BAAAAAACK! I had the whole thing written out and when saved I was told that my editing time had expired and it was all lost. I hate the way this site works!!!


OK. I went looking and found basically, if not better than I typed. Here it is and I stole this, since I'm not retyping. [Left the links intact if you would want to go take a look at what they are doing. The site took out all the HTML, so no links.]


Accessing the Zyxel C3000Z web admin interface after enabling transparent bridge mode

The Zyxel C3000Z DSL modem/router (at least one I lease from CenturyLink) is able to be placed in transparent bridging mode by going to Advanced => WAN settings => ISP Protocol and selecting Transparent Bridging. This turns off the router and wireless functionality and makes it function like “just a modem”. After doing this, I can use my own OpenWRT-based router/access point to connect with the WAN port set to PPPoE. It’s been quite a stable configuration for a while now, but I just experienced an afternoon of connection problems leading me to want to inspect the modem’s system log.


After enabling transparent bridging on the DSL modem, it will no longer run a DHCP server, meaning that plugging into it via Ethernet will no longer give you instant connectivity to its web-based administration interface. However, it will keep its old IP address and be accessible if you manually set your IP address to be in the same subnet. In my case the modem came set to, so I gave myself the address and browsing to got me to the admin interface. If you don’t know the IP address of the DSL modem, it may be printed on a sticker somewhere on its case.


You can do a similar thing without having to physically plug in a new cable by adding a virtual interface to your own router using the same physical port that you use for the WAN connection. Assign this virtual interface an IP address in the same subnet and you should be able to browse to the C3000Z modem admin page. Just be sure to firewall it correctly.


Good Luck Again and Go Get 'em!!! You know where I am . . .


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Message 7 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

With fresh eyes and less frustration, I read through my last post and realized it's way more geeky than you'll need and has things that are kinda wrong or the long way around. Use it as an overview and follow my pictures for the most part. Once those settings are changed, reboot it and let it sit. Cuz that's all it's gonna and can do. Is sit.


Plug the Orbi's WAN Port into the first LAN Port of the C3000Z. Now I'm adding what you do in the Orbi or any NG device to set up and login as the other device would have with your personal info. Set all the buttons as I have them, fill in the personal login info and leave what's not seen below that area as in IP Addrss and DNS Addresses alone. Later on if you have issues with CL DNSs, we'll talk. After you are sure you info is correct, Unplug the Orbi's power (Power Cycle). Leave any Satellites "OFF" until you know that the RBR is up and running as it should be. Then add on the Sats.


Now it's all in the Orbi and you can run a muck and do what you need for your network and connected devices in the Orbi Interface and for get about the C3000Z. Except when your service goes down, you'll need to see if the lights on it are as they should be. Then move on to the Orbi for further trouble shooting if the C3000Z is working correctly.


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Message 8 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Hi Farmerbob1,


Thanks for the advice.

I now have my C3000Z in transparent Bridging,   Tagged - 201,  Wireless disabled.

My pc's are pluggend ionto the ORBI ethernet ports.

My iPhones are able to access wifi through the ORBI.

So, that all went well.


My laptop can't access wifi and my iPad can't access wifi. I also cant't access the C3000Z.

I konw you mentioned assigning an IP address of but I'm not sure where to assign that.

Thanks again for all your time and patience.


Message 9 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Great to hear you got through the rough part. Usually when you put a router/modem in Transparent Bridge Mode you shouldn't need to get back into it unless you are going to revert it back to being your main device. Why do you want to get into it?


The is for the LAN from the Orbi ( 2 > ). And that was in the explanation I pasted. That's a 50/50. Since the Orbi has to sign in, it is the "main" unit and will most likely give itself the IPA of, ( 1 > ). Therefore, your IPA range should automatically set itself starting at - .0.254 and that is all pretty automatic and "router basic". There are several sets of IPAs that are used in networking and I learned the .0.2 from Netgear. Other brands may use a different IPA string. It's all personal reference within the rules of IP Addresses. BUT since you got this far and are at a point to focus on trouble shoothing the Orbi, it'll be easier to learn the set up and idiosyncrasies of the Orbi. Of which it looks like you have your first issue.


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First, I would surmise that you didn't set up the WiFi? That should have been part of the setup proceedure when the Orbi was first fired up depending on how you set it up. Or like I do, I bypass the "auto" set up and do it all manually. Mostly because we have to do the "Tagged 201", which you didn't since the C3000Z did it. That really tricks the Orbi when it can't connect to the Internet when it's time. So if you did setup the WiFi, I find it curious that only the Apple gear won't connect. But not surprised. Does either device see the SSID (Super Secret ID), some super secret? And what brand is the Laptop? I have most all Apple gear but have not had any issues with it connecting. ALTHOUGH, I have seen places in the forums where Apple connectivity issues were discussed. So I guess there can be issues. If you didn't set up the WiFi look on the bottom of the main unit and the label there should be its default User Logins and Passwords for both the router and WiFi. You could try that to see if you can connect. Then that also means that the WiFi is not set up as you need it yet. That will be next lesson, Grasshopper.


Mesh systems are a "different" animal. I had problems with getting some of my WiFi lighting to connect since it'll only use the 2.4GHz bandwidth and Mesh is both combined. So I went in and turned the 5GHz band power down as far as I could since you can't really turn off either band. That would not be the "Meshy Way". That helped get them on the network. But everthing else as in Computing hardware, I haven't had any problems. Older hardware might be a problem.


Can you tell me a little more or if you haven't gotten that far in the setup, less, that seems strange?

Message 10 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Great to hear you got through the rough part. Usually when you put a router/modem in Transparent Bridge Mode you shouldn't need to get back into it unless you are going to revert it back to being your main device. Why do you want to get into it?


The is for the LAN from the Orbi ( 2 > ). And that was in the explanation I pasted. That's a 50/50. Since the Orbi has to sign in, it is the "main" unit and will most likely give itself the IPA of, ( 1 > ). Therefore, your IPA range should automatically set itself starting at - .0.254 and that is all pretty automatic and "router basic". There are several sets of IPAs that are used in networking and I learned the .0.2 from Netgear. Other brands may use a different IPA string. It's all personal reference within the rules of IP Addresses. BUT since you got this far and are at a point to focus on trouble shooting the Orbi, it'll be easier to learn the set up and idiosyncrasies of the Orbi. Of which it looks like you have your first issue.


Screen Shot 2021-06-25 at 2.23.51 PM.png


First, I would surmise that you didn't set up the WiFi? That should have been part of the setup proceedure when the Orbi was first fired up depending on how you set it up. Or like I do, I bypass the "auto" set up and do it all manually. Mostly because we have to do the "Tagged 201", which you didn't since the C3000Z did it. That really tricks the Orbi when it can't connect to the Internet when it's time. So if you did setup the WiFi, I find it curious that only the Apple gear won't connect. But not surprised. Does either device see the SSID (Super Secret ID), some super secret? And what brand is the Laptop? I have most all Apple gear but have not had any issues with it connecting. ALTHOUGH, I have seen places in the forums where Apple connectivity issues were discussed. So I guess there can be issues. If you didn't set up the WiFi look on the bottom of the main unit and the label there should be its default User Logins and Passwords for both the router and WiFi. You could try that to see if you can connect. Then that also means that the WiFi is not set up as you need it yet. That will be next lesson, Grasshopper.


Mesh systems are a "different" animal. I had problems with getting some of my WiFi lighting to connect since it'll only use the 2.4GHz bandwidth and Mesh is both combined. So I went in and turned the 5GHz band power down as far as I could since you can't really turn off either band. That would not be the "Meshy Way". That helped get them on the network. But everthing else as in Computing hardware, I haven't had any problems. Older hardware might be a problem.


Can you tell me a little more or if you haven't gotten that far in the setup, less, that seems strange?

Message 11 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter



I did set up wireless but my assignments came up different than yours.

The C3000Z had a router ip address of and the ORBI came up as .

I have 3 devices plugged into the ORBI Router ethernet ports with addresses in the 192.168.1.x range and  2 appear on the 5G wireless connection (iphones) in the 192.168.1.x range. Those devices are working OK.


I can't get the Toshiba laptop and my old Apple iPad to connect. I've looked for ways to validate what router address those two devices are looking for but I can't find it. That's why I was trying to get back to the C3000Z to see if there might be a conflict there.


In addition I have a brother printer that I used to be able to access by wireless but now I have to use a USB connection - it wouldn't connect wirelessly.


One last thing - I just saw that the ORBI  AP setting is off. Is that the problem?


Thanks again for your time and patience.

Message 12 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

What you discovered is the IPAs being as they are, and how I figure out how to do what, mostly how to get into the C3000Z. You may need to change the IPA on the device you are using to connect to .0.2. So the .0.1 would be the IPA you use to get into the C3000Z and the .1.X is your Orbi LAN IPA. being the address for the Orbi's access.


No there won't be any conflict with the C3000Z. Once you put it into Bridge Mode, it is no longer a router, just a modem and as I said will just sit. That's why you have to use to login on the Orbi to login to your ISPs Internet connection. So that's a bit of a dead end.


Your two devices that won't connect are not looking for IPAs. They are looking for a WiFi frequency that they understand and can pull in the SSID, of which you will select and use the password to connect. Once connected they will be assigned an IPA. You can try entering your WiFi info manually, negating them having to find it, which seems to be a problem that could be due to they can't interpret their mixed 2.4/5 siggnal. Giving them a little help usually works. And you can look in the "Connected Devices" list to see what IPA are not being use and manually enter that with the SSID and PW. So they are a litle more apt to meet up.


Brother printers are a P.I.T.A!!!! Make sure you have the newest Firmware on it that if it lists it associates with a particular OS/Rev of that OS, Machine, etc., try to match it up as best as you can to the printer and a main computer for easier set up. May have to do it hardwired first, then go wireless.


The Satellite may be too far away. You might want to connect it close and then move it away until you lose the signal or get it to where you want it. The "Backhaul" for them is 5GHz. So better penetration threw things and big data transfer, but little distance.


My pleasure to be of help. I remember when I first started playing with this stuff luckily for me it was a whole lot simpler. Otherwise I'd have more brain damage than I do now.

Message 13 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Hello FarmerBob1, 

Thanks for your advice

Itseemed tome that my laptopwasstill looking for the old networks that were on the C3000Z, so I decided to uninstall my wi-fi deviceand reinstall it. That did the trick. After that I was able to selecet the network name and attach to the network. The laptopseems to do all the networkfunctions id did before I enstalled the ORBI.


Now, on to getting the iPad to connect. 


Thanks again for your help.

Message 14 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Great on the laptop! Macs and the iPad should be able within the WiFi software "Renew" the lease on the connection that should clear out the old set up and grab the latest. Or "forget" the connection and relink to the WiFi. That's what I have to do every so often.


Well at least you got an education?!


Cheers ! 🍻

Message 15 of 16

Re: Adding RBR750 to a Centurylink C3000z modem/roter

Thanks so much for your help Farmerbob1.  Now I have a workable system.



Message 16 of 16
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