Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile


Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

Hi all,

I just switched from a nighthawk R6800 to an Orbi RBK353 mesh (RBK350 router and 2 satellites). I am really pleased with the Orbi generally, except for the VPN service. 


The router F/w is V4.4.1.29_3.10.80, my Android is running version 9, and the OpenVPN client is the latest on Google Play.


I had a VPN on my R6800 which worked for 5+ years without issues, was really easy to setup and never failed me. Setting up the same service on my Orbi with new client configs for my windows and android devices has been less than inspiring - I have managed to get the Windows service working, but only after many hours of trying various web posted solutions. The one that worked for Windows was to add a line at the end of the config "Remote-cert-tls server".


However, adding that to the Android config fail achieves nothing. I get the exact same error and am now going round in circles.  The full error message is:


Transport Error:OpenSSLCOntext::read_cleartext:BIO_read failed,cap=2576 status=-1:error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed. 


My config file is standard as produced by the router for Android - a smart_phone.ovpn which is a unified config with the certs and keys included.


I am using a DDNS (which is updated and working).


Anybody got any ideas? I would really appreciate any help here. 



Message 2 of 20

Accepted Solutions

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

Hi @CrimpOn,


Thanks for the response. Your config is exactly the same as mine where it matters (obviously different server addresses etc - I use a NoIP DDNS pointing back to my router).


I have found a solution this afternoon though. Where the issue is, I still can't say especially as some users with OpenVPNConnect are fine, and others aren't.


The solution was to install another VPN client software, called "OpenVPN for Android" written by Arne Schwabe, and available on Google Play. While this is not my preferred option, as I would rather use the official app, it has solved the problem. It appears therefore that there is a bug in OpenVPN Connect. Odd, as other users are having no issues, and I didn't on my R6800. It only started once I had switched to the Orbi. I suspect that the "bug" is a mismatch between the Orbi server settings and OpenVPN Connect.


Interestingly, in order to eliminate a very similar issues on Windows, I had to add a line to the end of my config file:

Remote-cert-tls server


Whatever the issues are, the solution for Android is to install and use OpenVPN for Android, and not the official OpenVPN app.



View solution in original post

Message 4 of 20

All Replies

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

Hi all,

I just switched from a nighthawk R6800 to an Orbi RBK353 mesh (router and 2 satellites). I am really pleased with the Orbi generally, except for the VPN service. 


I had a VPN on my R6800 which worked for 5+ years without issues. Setting up the same service on my Orbi with new client configs for my windows and android devices has been less than inspiring, I have managed to get the Windows service working, but only after many hours of trying various web posted solutions. The one that worked for Widows was to add a line at the end of the config "Remote-cert-tls server".


However, adding that to the Android config fail achieves nothing. I get the exact same error and am now going round in circles.  The full error message is:


Transport Error:OpenSSLCOntext::read_cleartext:BIO_read failed,cap=2576 status=-1:error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed. 


My config file is standard as produced by the router for Android - a smart_phone.ovpn which is a unified config with the certs and keys included.


I am using a DDNS (which is updated and working).


Anybody got any ideas?



Message 1 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

Bummer.  This is using a config file produced by the new Orbi RBR350 router?


The Android configuration that I am using for an older Orbi RBR50 is this:

dev tun
proto udp
remote xxxxxxxx.mynetgear.com  12973
resolv-retry infinite

OpenVPN Connect 3.3.1 , updated Feb 22, 2023 on Android 10.


The OpenVPN log file:

08:54:56.172 -- ----- OpenVPN Start -----


08:54:56.175 -- OpenVPN core 3.git::d3f8b18b:Release android arm64 64-bit PT_PROXY

08:54:56.175 -- Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250

08:54:56.181 -- UNUSED OPTIONS
4 [resolv-retry] [infinite]
5 [nobind]
6 [persist-key]
7 [persist-tun]
13 [verb] [5]

08:54:56.181 -- EVENT: RESOLVE

08:54:56.392 -- Contacting via UDP

08:54:56.392 -- EVENT: WAIT

08:54:56.396 -- Connecting to [xxxxxxxxxx.mynetgear.com]:12973 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) via UDPv4

08:54:56.585 -- EVENT: CONNECTING

08:54:56.588 -- Tunnel Options:V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1558,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,cipher AES-128-CBC,auth SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-client

08:54:56.588 -- Creds: UsernameEmpty/PasswordEmpty

08:54:56.589 -- Peer Info:

08:54:56.685 -- VERIFY OK: depth=1, /C=TW/ST=TW/L=Taipei/O=netgear/OU=netgear/CN=netgear CA/name=EasyRSA/emailAddress=mail@netgear, signature: RSA-SHA256

08:54:56.686 -- VERIFY OK: depth=0, /C=TW/ST=TW/L=Taipei/O=netgear/OU=netgear/CN=server/name=EasyRSA/emailAddress=mail@netgear, signature: RSA-SHA256

08:54:56.840 -- SSL Handshake: peer certificate: CN=server, 1024 bit RSA, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLSv1.2 Kx=ECDH     Au=RSA  Enc=AESGCM(256) Mac=AEAD

08:54:56.840 -- Session is ACTIVE

08:54:56.841 -- EVENT: GET_CONFIG

08:54:56.843 -- Sending PUSH_REQUEST to server...

08:54:56.997 -- OPTIONS:
0 [dhcp-option] [DNS] []
1 [route-gateway] []
2 [topology] [subnet]
3 [ping] [10]
4 [ping-restart] [120]
5 [redirect-gateway] [def1]
6 [ifconfig] [] []
7 [peer-id] [0]
8 [cipher] [AES-256-GCM]

08:54:56.998 -- PROTOCOL OPTIONS:
  cipher: AES-256-GCM
  digest: NONE
  key-derivation: OpenVPN PRF
  compress: LZO_STUB
  peer ID: 0

08:54:56.999 -- EVENT: ASSIGN_IP

08:54:57.021 -- Connected via tun

08:54:57.022 -- LZO-ASYM init swap=0 asym=1

08:54:57.022 -- Comp-stub init swap=0

08:54:57.023 -- EVENT: CONNECTED info='xxxxxxxx.mynetgear.com:12973 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) via /UDPv4 on tun/ gw=[]'


Message 3 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

Hi @CrimpOn,


Thanks for the response. Your config is exactly the same as mine where it matters (obviously different server addresses etc - I use a NoIP DDNS pointing back to my router).


I have found a solution this afternoon though. Where the issue is, I still can't say especially as some users with OpenVPNConnect are fine, and others aren't.


The solution was to install another VPN client software, called "OpenVPN for Android" written by Arne Schwabe, and available on Google Play. While this is not my preferred option, as I would rather use the official app, it has solved the problem. It appears therefore that there is a bug in OpenVPN Connect. Odd, as other users are having no issues, and I didn't on my R6800. It only started once I had switched to the Orbi. I suspect that the "bug" is a mismatch between the Orbi server settings and OpenVPN Connect.


Interestingly, in order to eliminate a very similar issues on Windows, I had to add a line to the end of my config file:

Remote-cert-tls server


Whatever the issues are, the solution for Android is to install and use OpenVPN for Android, and not the official OpenVPN app.



Message 4 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

My DDNS is also through No-IP.com


Very puzzling. Where did my log file differ from yours?

Message 5 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

I dont know why, but any reply I put up here is disappearing. I have tried 4 times to respond with my log file but as soon as I hit post, the message flies off into the aether.


Message 6 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

OK so that last one stayed up. It must be I'm doing something wrong with the log file. AS it is so small, I was pasting it inline directly to the post from a plain text file (so no markup). I can only assume the system has an issue with that for some reason. 


I can't see how to upload the file, as the attachment box below won't accept anything other than PDF or images.

Message 7 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

I have attached the log as a PDF

Message 8 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

Thanks for persevering to provide the OpenVPN log file.  Our log files differ at this point:



08:54:56.685 -- VERIFY OK: depth=1, /C=TW/ST=TW/L=Taipei/O=netgear/OU=netgear/CN=netgear CA/name=EasyRSA/emailAddress=mail@netgear, signature: RSA-SHA256




The difference appears to be that mine has CN=netgear CA/name=EasyRSA.

Yours has CN=netgear/name=changeme.


This information is found in the ovpn file after the first certificate. i.e.:

dev tun
proto udp
remote bednarhouse.mynetgear.com  12973
resolv-retry infinite
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=TW, ST=TW, L=Taipei, O=netgear, OU=netgear, CN=netgear CA/name=EasyRSA/emailAddress=mail@netgear
            Not Before: Jul 13 19:33:02 2018 GMT
            Not After : Jul  8 19:33:02 2038 GMT

Could you look at your ovpn file and see what is at that location?

Message 9 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

Mine has:

Issuer: C=TW, ST=TW, L=Taipei, O=netgear, OU=netgear, CN=netgear/name=changeme/emailAddress=mail@netgear.com


I'll change that line to read the same as yours:

Issuer: C=TW, ST=TW, L=Taipei, O=netgear, OU=netgear, CN=netgear/name=EasyRSA/emailAddress=mail@netgear.com


I'll let you know shortly how that goes

Message 10 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

OK, so I changed that line and 2 others where the CN had changeme as the name. I did them all one at a time until all were reading EasyRSA.


Unfortunately, the changes did not work. The log file still shows the same error, and shows the name=changme in the error message.


I have attached the config as a PDF (without the certs/keys contents) 

Message 11 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

I think you missed the CN=netgear CA



Message 12 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

you are correct that these appear in both the company and client certificates.


Seems very strange that your router would produce a smartphone.ovpn file that is different from mine.

Can you try downloading a new file to double check?

Message 13 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

I cant see that. All the lines with CN=netgear/name=EasyRSA are the same

Message 14 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

I have tried a new file a few times for belt and braces. I have to now assume that the Netgear server config is suspect on the Orbi, and is producing somewhat corrupted configs.


Message 15 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

Even more interesting is that the OpenVPN for Android app is completely agnostic about the name tag. I have imported the new config (with the name= EasyRSA) and it still works.



Message 16 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

@Shovel-SR wrote:

I cant see that. All the lines with CN=netgear/name=EasyRSA are the same

Two of the lines in mine have CN=netgear CA and one has CN=client



Message 17 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

I missed that. I have made the change and still get the error, stating that CN=netgear/name=changeme !!


I can't see where that is coming from, unless it is embedded in the cert itself...

Message 18 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

Then other OpenVPN app has an edit function that decodes the certs, and it definitely shows name=changeme, on both the CA and the Client certs.


I think that is the problem. The implementation of the server scripts is incorrect on the Orbi

Message 19 of 20

Re: Orbi RBK353 (350 with 2 satellites) VPN Error on Android mobile

@CrimpOn Thanks for all your help and efforts to resolve this issue. I think I am going to stick with using the OpenVPN for Android app, as it works no matter what the CN name is.


I have marked my earlier post as the solution, so anyone else with the same issues can hopefully go down the same road, and at least have a working VPN

Message 20 of 20
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