Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection


Orbi RBR750 DHCP was assigning IPs far too often

Hi all. Not so happy with Netgear these days. This problem originally came about a few months ago and I've just been putting it off since Netgear support delayed my support case/request until I was out of the warranty window, and then told me to go pound sand (or pay up). This is the last chance I'm willing to give them before I swear off Netgear products forever. I know I'm just one customer but this has been a terrible experience; hope the community can help me. I can't keep this product if this is what I get.


My issue is this.. randomly throughout the day, my devices disconnect for anywhere from 2-15 seconds. Internet is restored shortly thereafter, but I often lose connection to work meetings/games/shows/etc. I have removed the Orbi device from the network entirely and have NOT had this problem persist. I just did reset on the device and am running the latest firmware (, but the issue is still happening. Happens to both wired and wireless devices and I'm not sure where to even start on this. Have not had any luck with suggestions from other posts.


Any settings I should be looking at specifically?

Message 1 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too?


What is the size of your home? Sq Ft?
What is the distance between the router and 📡 satellite(s)? 30 feet or more is recommended in between RBR and RBS📡 to begin with depending upon building materials when wirelessly connected.
https://kb.netgear.com/31029/Where-should-I-place-my-Orbi-satellite 📡


Please enable email logging and lets see if this helps on this:


Message 2 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Modem is mine.. it's an Arris Surfboard SB6183. Like I said, when connecting my switch to that directly, I haven't had the same issue.


Sqft is ~2400. Distance between router and satellite is probably 25-30 feet. They are on separate floors.


Email logging is now setup. I'm guessing just attach a log the next time I see this issue?

Message 3 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Lets see if email logs changes anything. 

You might turn down the transmit power on the RBR to 50% as well. 


Just let the logs run. No need to keep them or post them. 

Message 4 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Will wait. The only thing I saw in the log previously that was a little suspect was the DHCP assigning IPs to MACs more often than I'd think necessary.


Does the RBR transmit strength make sense given that I'm seeing the issue on my wired connection (most often as well, considering I'm using it the most)?

Message 5 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

@NGeezy wrote:

Will wait. The only thing I saw in the log previously that was a little suspect was the DHCP assigning IPs to MACs more often than I'd think necessary.

Yes, this is a known problem. 


Does the RBR transmit strength make sense given that I'm seeing the issue on my wired connection (most often as well, considering I'm using it the most)? Being that your in a smaller home space and the distances are kinda close, droppting the power to 50% shouldn't be a problem. 


Also enable SIP ALG as well under Advanced tab/Setup/WAN Setup 


Message 6 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Thanks so far @FURRYe38 . Here's where I'm at..


Enabled SIP ALG (open).


Logs are being sent via email, but for some odd reason, they're limited to the first 15 lines of activity.. not sure what's up with that. Regardless, here it is since I logged into the router right when this issue popped up..


The D0:50 mac address is my desktop (wired). The 6C:40 mac is from an old iPhone I use as an iPod. Problem persists even with this device off (which it is 99% of the time). Also not sure what that LAN access from remote is..

Message 7 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Do a whois look up on and see where that IP address is coming from. 

What device is using


Are these the only devices you have connected to the system? 


Let us know if the RBR continues to drop connections.



Message 8 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

No drops since that one an hour ago; will monitor this. Not sure what to do about that IP address. Any instructions on how to WHOIS? All I see is a registered domain in Mexico... is a Eufy security camera


I'm gonna change the password on the router tonight and the Wifi's tomorrow. For the most part, this is almost all devices. THink I have 2-3 more that are just flat out off right now.

Message 9 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Might turn off the camera for a while and see if that LAN access is still seen to that camera. 

Message 10 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

No access after unplugging.. I do have a second Eufy camera on here, but it has the same behavior (turn off in camera app = still on attached, unplug = not attached).


Would reserving certain IPs in the domain and forcing certain MAC addresses to them help me?

Message 11 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Don't know. Something to ask the Mfr of these cameras about. 


Lets see if the new config helps you with the random drops of internet. 

Message 12 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

I just meant overall, nothing specific for the cameras. Wondering if that would help the excessive IP address assigning from the DHCP


Will keep an eye on this config and return in a day or so to comment on it..

Message 13 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Here we go again tonight. Still hitting this. No idea why it needs to reconnect the IP to the MAC 3 times in 12 minutes (twice in 30 seconds?).


Also of note, I cannot connect to the router during that downtime.

Message 14 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Anyone else have any solutions? This product is a piece of junk otherwise. Can't believe I shelled out for this, but Netgear is officially off my list.

Message 15 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

So the RBR is still dropping internet? 

Message 16 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Yes. I work remote 100% and I'm probably being dropped out of every other meeting (give or take).


The fact that Netgear has some of the industry's worst "customer support" and relies on the "community" to fix it's issues is more telling than anything. No I'm not purchasing a "customer support plan" because your product/firmware is defective.

Message 17 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

How close is the RBR to the ISP Modem? 

What CAT# lan cable are you using between the RBR and ISP modem? 


With the RBS and your cameras turned OFF, does the RBR still continue to drop the internet connection?

Does the front LED turn on PINK when this happens? 

And to confirm that you did enable email logging on the RBR? 

Message 18 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

RBR is within ~3 feet of the modem. Using Cat5e cable mostly everywhere (and Cat6 where not 5e).


RBS + cameras off = still drops connection


No notice of pink, but to be fair I'm not in front of it when it happens. It isn't happening to multiple devices simultaneously (but can happen quickly in succession).


Logging is enabled.

Message 19 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Can you try moving the RBR to say 6 feet away from the ISP Modem.

Try a CAT6 LAN cable between the RBR and ISP modem. 


Can you log into the RBRs debug web page and look at the system uptime here? RouterIPaddress/debug.htm

Message 20 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Modem to RBR is wired, so no idea what the additional distance is going to do here. If whatever minor interference is there causes this issue, it's a defective product.


I'll try a Cat6 cable, but the issue is not the router getting signal from the modem...


No idea how to debug web page, do you have any instruction on this?

Message 21 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

Having the RBR too close to a ISP Modem can sometime cause problems.


RouterIPaddress/debug.htm in a browser. 



Message 22 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

I am unable to reach that address..

Message 23 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection doesn't work? 

Message 24 of 50

Re: Orbi RBR750 randomly drops internet connection

"Site can't be reached. took too long to respond."


Yes, I'm logged into the router.

Message 25 of 50
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Orbi WiFi 7