Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required


RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Typing to access my router does not prompt for a username or password.  I do not save or cache passwords.  The behaviour is the same on Chrome, IE, Firefox, and Edge.  The behaviour is the same regrdless if I try on any compter as long as the computer is logged into my wireless network.  I have confirmed on 5 different computers including computer with newly installed Windows and computers that access the network the first time.  This is a major security flaw as anyone I give temporary access to can access my router.  Ive, tried resetting the router, rebooting it, and 

Message 1 of 32

Accepted Solutions

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required



With no help from NG support I have found the problem and the solution.

The two important details are, when the status led is solid white and won't go out, this means the router is still not fully setup. When in this state everything functions as expected and the user will not have any operational or functional issues, including modifying setup within the GUI.


The problems are that the white led status light stays on, and you can acccess the GUI from the WAN and LAN side.


The problem I found is during the setup process using the Orbi app, the last step takes you to a page where NG is trying to sell you added support. Previously I ignored this and closed out the app.


The solution is that you must make a selection, I chose no thanks. Once you make your selection the Orbi flashes the white status light and then the app moves to the next screen which states setup complete. White status light goes out as expected, and you are now prompted with a login pop up when trying to access the GUI using WAN or LAN.


Should someone experience this issue and are unable to resolve, please pm me and I will provide more details to assist you in correcting these two issues.


Can a moderator please mark this discussion as resolved.

View solution in original post

Message 30 of 32

All Replies

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

I've tried hard reset, restoring settings, changing password.  Strill, any computer connected to the network can access the administrative panel at


Note that my original setup was manual as my provider requires PPPOE login with VLAN ID.  I read many years ago online that similiar problems arose with users using manual setup.  One user theorized that the setup never registered as complete allowing login with no password.


This is a serious security flaw that needs to be addressed or published to the broader community as people consider buying thios product.

Message 2 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

What Firmware is currently loaded?
What is the Mfr and model# of the ISP modem the NG router is connected too?


Be Sure to clear out all browser caches before entering into the RBRs web page. 

Clear out any saved PW profiles for the RBR in your browser. 


I have not seen this issue for a while now. 

@milestog wrote:

Typing to access my router does not prompt for a username or password.  I do not save or cache passwords.  The behaviour is the same on Chrome, IE, Firefox, and Edge.  The behaviour is the same regrdless if I try on any compter as long as the computer is logged into my wireless network.  I have confirmed on 5 different computers including computer with newly installed Windows and computers that access the network the first time.  This is a major security flaw as anyone I give temporary access to can access my router.  Ive, tried resetting the router, rebooting it, and 


Message 3 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Have you tried contacting Netgear support?  They may be able to help you with this issue.

Message 4 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

I have reported this to netgear support weeks ago. They have no idea as to the cause. Their solution is to return the unit to Costco and get a new one. Now that someone else has reported this. I believe this may be a FW issue. I have spent over 5 hours on the phone with level 2 support, with no resolution. My support ticket is still open since Jan 2nd. My unit had this issue from day one out of the box. Directly after setup I noticed access to GUI and the Orbi app without prompting for user name or password. You can also access the GUI from outside the network via fixed IP or Dynamic domain without entering a username or password. This is a huge security risk and nergear should be utilizing all their resources to get this resolved.


My unit is the new Costco version model RBR840 WiFi 6 AX.

SW version




Message 5 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

I've asked some NG moderator eyes here in the forum to take a look at this. Something I'm not seeing with mine.


Message 6 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

I have the RBR850 on that firmware (V3.2.9.2_1.2.4) and do not have that issue - I have to log in every time, and even logging in from a second computer or my phone will log the first session out. Not sure what is going on for you that is different.

Message 7 of 32
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Hi @milestog

May I please know the current firmware version? Have you tried different firmware version? 


Hi @mrwkbrdr

Please send me a private message with the support case number by clicking on this link


Community Team

Message 8 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Any progress on this? 

I've talked to others that have this system and they don't see this issue. 

@milestog wrote:

Typing to access my router does not prompt for a username or password.  I do not save or cache passwords.  The behaviour is the same on Chrome, IE, Firefox, and Edge.  The behaviour is the same regrdless if I try on any compter as long as the computer is logged into my wireless network.  I have confirmed on 5 different computers including computer with newly installed Windows and computers that access the network the first time.  This is a major security flaw as anyone I give temporary access to can access my router.  Ive, tried resetting the router, rebooting it, and 


Message 9 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Netgear has no idea, as they have yet to contact me. My case is still open stating awaiting next level support.


Any progress on this? 

I've talked to others that have this system and they don't see this issue. 

Message 10 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Did you send @Blanca_O a private message? I believe she's trying to contact you. Keep in contact with Blanca.


@mrwkbrdr wrote:

Netgear has no idea, as they have yet to contact me. My case is still open stating awaiting next level support.


Any progress on this? 

I've talked to others that have this system and they don't see this issue. 


Message 11 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

She contacted me only to tell me they still have no idea as to the cause of the issue.

she states that my case is awaiting next level support.

frustrating that I paid $600 for a unit with a security flaw in which I am not using because of this security flaw. You would think netgear would pull out all of their resources to at least attempt to understand why you can access the GUI without being prompted to login. My internet provider assigns a fixed IP address, I can type in this IP address and access the Orbi GUI without being asked for any user name or password. This seems serious to me, but I guess netgear does not. My case has been open since January 4th. Very poor experience with netgear support and product.

Message 12 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Is this IP address the WAN side IP address (##.##.###.###) that your accessing from a remote location? Or from the LAN side 

I persume that Remote Managment is disabled? 


Takes time for NG to test and reproduce problems found if there is a problem. Nothing happens over night. Just because only a couple of users are seeing this, doesn't mean everyone is.  


I also talked to NG and they said they could not reproduce. Others as well when access the LAN side IP address at We all get the log in window. Please confirm that this is the WAN side your trying to access and not the admin page from the LAN side. Lets be clear about this. Just want to fully understand.


Might ask support about an RMA while there is stil time. Also ask about any beta FW as well. They sometimes have a beta you can try.


@mrwkbrdr wrote:

She contacted me only to tell me they still have no idea as to the cause of the issue.

she states that my case is awaiting next level support.

frustrating that I paid $600 for a unit with a security flaw in which I am not using because of this security flaw. You would think netgear would pull out all of their resources to at least attempt to understand why you can access the GUI without being prompted to login. My internet provider assigns a fixed IP address, I can type in this IP address and access the Orbi GUI without being asked for any user name or password. This seems serious to me, but I guess netgear does not. My case has been open since January 4th. Very poor experience with netgear support and product.


Message 13 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

I can access the GUI from both the wan and lan side without being asked to log in.

Remote management is unchecked.


You would thin they would just replace the unit? 


As far as an RMA 

they cannot figure out how to complete as my unit is the Costco iteration RBR840


I'm just trying to help them investigate. But beyond frustrated! Just gonna return to Costco.



furry wrote

Is this IP address the WAN side IP address (##.##.###.###) that your accessing from a remote location? Or from the LAN side 

I persume that Remote Managment is disabled? 


Takes time for NG to test and reproduce problems found if there is a problem. Nothing happens over night. Just because only a couple of users are seeing this, doesn't mean everyone is.  


I also talked to NG and they said they could not reproduce. Others as well when access the LAN side IP address at We all get the log in window. Please confirm that this is the WAN side your trying to access and not the admin page from the LAN side. Lets be clear about this. Just want to fully understand.


Might ask support about an RMA while there is stil time. Also ask about any beta FW as well. They sometimes have a beta you can try.

Message 14 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

@Blanca_O should be able to help figure out a RMA.


So you have a RBK850 or 840? Possible FW differences if you have a 840, however base code should be the same in regards to PW authentication and log in, regardless of WAN or LAN between 850 and 840. I didn't get a chance to test the 840. 


Ask about a beta.


If you return the unit, try another unit if possible. I and others are not seeing this with the 850 system. I'll check the WAN side again. 



Message 15 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

So finally some calls me from netgear support and asks for a debug log file while accessing the UI.

I follow the instructions sent in email, then when trying to upload the debug file to my case on mynetgear it says file size to large. Ha, I can start and stop the debug file and the size is 11.4 mb

size limit is 10.0 he then asks me to compress the file that is already compressed and a zip file. The support agent then proceeds to ask me if he can place me on a brief hold, then he hangs up. No call back? Netgear support is about as worthless as calling AT&T. I'm done with trying to help netgear, my case has been ongoing since Jan 4th with nothing close to a resolution. Well Costco will be getting a return for another failed netgear product. Hopefully I will never need to use netgear support in the future as my experience has been less than adequate. 

Message 16 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Meanwhile you could have uploaded that file to dropbox or google drive and shared the link to NG support so they could have downloaded it directly with out the file size limitation. Try to remember this next time should you have to share something with someone. 



Good luck. 

Message 17 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Well I'm the consumer not the support tech? You would think netgear support would have mentioned this? Why if disconnected from support did I not get a call back?
All of my efforts and time are in the interest of netgear understanding and resolving this issue, that may or may not come up with someone else? You would think they would appreciate my time and effort?

I cannot spend another hour of my time with support that is inconsistent and lacking in knowledge.

Glad I purchase at Costco, this affords me the option to return. Sorry netgear.



furry wrote

Meanwhile you could have uploaded that file to dropbox or google drive and shared the link to NG support so they could have downloaded it directly with out the file size limitation

Message 18 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Good Luck. 

Message 19 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

re-reading this thread there was a lot of questions that were never answered....



Message 20 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

I can't imagine. Smiley Tongue

Message 21 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Well got a another complete new unit from Costco. And image that same issue. 
After setting up brand new out of the box with the Orbi app.



  1. You can access the UI from WAN & LAN without being prompted for login.
  2. The RBR840 white light stays on all the time. Not the rear led, the front status light.

This is the second new unit with these same exact 2 issues.



  • When the RBR is being setup with the app, once it is connected to the internet the app prompts to personalize the unit.
  • Set password. Yes I changed it from default.
  • Directly after this setup no prompt for use or password.
  • The Orbi app never prompts for login credentials once setup
  • The UI can be accessed without prompts for login.
  • I have tried with numerous devices, PC, MAC, IPAD, IPHONE.
  • Browsers used, SAFARI, CHROME, EDGE, IE
  • Same with FW, and
  • Factory reset twice same results.


1st support case for white light staying on 42175792 NG closed the case without any resolution.

2nd support case for security flaw no login credentials prompted 42222385 case opened on Jan 4 2020, still open no resolution.


Device model: RBK842-1CCNAS


Maybe netgear will now admit there is something wrong and fix the issue?

My expectations are very low, as my past experiences with NG support have been a disaster.

Message 22 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

Ok well I believe this deals with the 840 vs 850. Though should be same base code, something on the 840 and in it's FW differs. I'm still not seeing this on my 850 system. 


Hopefully NG can figure out what the differences are between the 840 and 850 FW. @Blanca_O @ErnestTheGreat 

@mrwkbrdr wrote:

Well got a another complete new unit from Costco. And image that same issue. 
After setting up brand new out of the box with the Orbi app.



  1. You can access the UI from WAN & LAN without being prompted for login.
  2. The RBR840 white light stays on all the time. Not the rear led, the front status light.

This is the second new unit with these same exact 2 issues.



  • When the RBR is being setup with the app, once it is connected to the internet the app prompts to personalize the unit.
  • Set password. Yes I changed it from default.
  • Directly after this setup no prompt for use or password.
  • The Orbi app never prompts for login credentials once setup
  • The UI can be accessed without prompts for login.
  • I have tried with numerous devices, PC, MAC, IPAD, IPHONE.
  • Browsers used, SAFARI, CHROME, EDGE, IE
  • Same with FW, and
  • Factory reset twice same results.


1st support case for white light staying on 42175792 NG closed the case without any resolution.

2nd support case for security flaw no login credentials prompted 42222385 case opened on Jan 4 2020, still open no resolution.


Device model: RBK842-1CCNAS


Maybe netgear will now admit there is something wrong and fix the issue?

My expectations are very low, as my past experiences with NG support have been a disaster.


Message 23 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

firmware is V3.2.9.2  I tried the previous firmware as well and it didn't help.

Message 24 of 32

Re: RBR850 Security Flaw - no password required

One person suggested clearing the cache.  In my original post I stated the lack of login occurs regardless of new vs existing windows install and regardless of browser type and across all 5 computers I own.  That means cache is not the issue but for those troubleshooting note that I also clear the cache also.  

Message 25 of 32
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