Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to it


SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to it

Orbi Mesh WiFi 6E System - AXE11000 - 3 pack - Black (RBKE963B)

Firmware: V6.3.7.10_3.3.3 


I have been using Orbis for several years now and recently migrated from a Orbi 5 to a Orbi 6E system when the it was released.  It works just fine, having devices all over the house that use WI-FI and have no issues.  I have a satellite on the 3rd floor (my office), the Router on the 1st floor directly connected to the Cable Modem, and another satellite in the basement.  I have great service throughout the house.


I recently  (a month or so ago) acquired a Synology 1522+ NAS. I have it in my office, on the 3rd floor, sitting next to my main PC and an ESXi server which are connected to a managed switch, a TRENDnet 10-Port Multi-Gig Web Smart Switch (TEG-3102WS) connecting all my devices.  The Switch is attached to the satellite.  I have an additional a work laptop connected to the satellite via WI-FI. I have added the 10gb NIC to the NAS.


The main issue is that the NAS will not connect to the internet.


Using 1 NIC on the NAS, no matter whether I connect it directly to the Orbi Satellite, or the switch  it is unable to connect to the internet.


Wanting to take advantage of the 10gb (2.5gb really) speeds, I had purchased and installed the 10gb Synology NIC upgrade.  So, there are 4-1GB nics, and 1-10GB NIC.  I have tried the different NICS and combinations of the 10G NIC and the 1GB NICs.


With the NAS connected to the switch, I can access it from my PC sitting right next to it.  I have moved over 7TBs of data to it. The NAS however, cannot access the internet.


The NAS is configured with DHCP on all NICs, including the 10gb one. On the ORBI I have setup IPs reservations for all 5 nics on the NAS.  When I plug cables in for them, they receive the correct IPs.and DNS server / Gateway settings (I point the DNS via DHCP back to the Orbi, which has two OpenDNS DNS IPs configured for the DNS Servers).


I need help.   I have been struggling with the NAS, I just don't know what else to do.  It's the only device I have ever connected to the Orbi that didn't "just work".


Any advice would be helpful.

Message 1 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

@rob_bart wrote:

The NAS however, cannot access the internet.

To prevent ambiguity, is the problem that:

  • The NAS unit is unable to connect to Sinology resources on the internet, such as to update NAS software, install options, etc. or...
  • That it is not possible to access the NAS from the internet?

The direction is rather important.

Message 2 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

As I stated, the NAS cannot connect to the Internet.  I am not trying to connect to it FROM the internet.


Nothing on the NAS can connect to Synology services... ie My Synology, Package Center, syncing time, etc.


When I follow the directions on this post (https://www.synoforum.com/threads/nas-connected-to-local-network-but-no-internet.6109/) and SSH into the NAS, it cannot even ping the router.


I feel like the Orbi is absolutely blocking the traffic, but I cannot find where in the Orbi interface to free it up.

All settings that drive the NAS are the same as all other items on my network, ie DHCP enabled, gateways are assigned by the router, etc.


Additionally, been using these steps as well to troubleshoot it: https://kb.synology.com/en-us/DSM/tutorial/Why_cant_I_connect_to_Package_Center


I have a feeling this isn't a Synology issue, but an Orbi issue.

Message 3 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

Thanks for the clarification.  Indeed strange.


The obvious place to check is the Security menu under Access Control.  Ethernet connected devices are affected by Access Control differently than WiFi devices. For example, when connected to the switch, a PC connected to the same switch will be able to communicate with the NAS even is the NAS is "Blocked" by access control.  This is is because switches have internal tables showing which ports lead to specific hardware MAC addresses and packets between the devices never leave the switch. (The Orbi router never sees them, and thus cannot block them.)


Another test is to connect to the NAS from a device that is connected to the primary router on WiFi.


Does the NAS have typical command line tools such as the ability to ping?


Message 4 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

I can SSH into the NAS. Its some slimmed down variant of Linux.


I have done SSHed into it, and when I ping the router, I get nothing.  It times out.


Related to Access Control, I have it turned on, and block all new devices from connecting is enabled. I tried disabling it, but nothing new showed up.


Nothing from the NAS is showing there as blocked (it doesn't show any of the NIC's on the Access Control list at all actually).


In the "allowed devices but not currently connected" list they aren't shown, nor or they in the "blocked devices not currently connected" list.


Under LAN settings, I setup 5 reservations for the 5 NICs on the NAS, and the NAS shows the proper IP address being assigned to them when I plug the cables in.


Whether or not I plug the NAS into the satellite directly, OR the switch, I can access the NAS by machine name.


Right now, the NAS has one network cable, on NIC 2, connected to the second port on the satellite.  It was NIC 1 to the first port... just trying something different.


I feel like the only thing I haven't done, is reset the NAS (which doesn't endanger the data, just resets the settings, and I need to reload DSM).  Just seems so extreme since I feel like this isn't a Synology issue.



Message 5 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

It would be useful to eliminate the TRENDnet switch from the environment (temporarily)

With these items connected directly to the Orbi satellite:

  • PC
  • NAS

Does the NAS appear on the Orbi Attached Devices display with the correct IP address that is assigned to the MAC address?

After connecting to the NAS from the PC (SSH), is it now able to ping anything on the home network? (the Orbi router, for example?)  On the internet? (I like ford.com)

Message 6 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

Thank you for your reply.


I am not certain what putting the PC directly on the satellite will do for the NAS, as they can communicate regardless, and the PC isn't part of the NAS's DNS resolution.  However, I have connected both PC and NAS directly to the Orbi Satellite as you requested.


The NAS does not show up in blocked, or connected devices.  I even added it to the Approved devices list... each NIC was added to it.


In the Orbi's log, the only reference to the NAS is this:


[DHCP IP: (] to MAC address REDACTED_MAC_ADDRESS, Sunday, May 21,2023 07:22:01


There is no other reference to the mac address of the NAS in the log file (I just rebooted the Orbi, so it started the log file anew).


SSHing into the NAS still results in being unable to ping ford.com, or google.com.


Interestingly enough, when I ping, it resolves the IP address for the domain to the router. That does seem peculiar.. I have update the DNS setting of the NIC on the NAS to


Nslookup ford.com returns:

ash-4.4# nslookup
> ford.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: ford.com
;; Got bad packet: unexpected end of input
38 bytes
8a 6a 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 04 66 6f 72 .j...........for
64 03 63 6f 6d 00 00 1c 00 01 c0 0c 00 1c 00 01 d.com...........
00 00 00 00 00 00 ......


Pinging the routers address returns nothing. It fails.  It feels so much like the traffic is being black holed from the NAS when the router is receiving it...


And no, I don't have a pihole or anything like that on my network...  🙂


On a lark, I put NIC_2 of the NAS on the DENIED list.  That doesn't stop me from accessing the NAS. 


Remember, we put attached the PC and the NAS directly to the satellite.  I am really having a hard time understanding out the Orbi's networking works...


In the Orbis log, there is nothing related to denying anything for NIC_2, just giving it its IP address (which, yes, it still does even though its on the denied list).


With the DNS set to, I did the NSLOOKUP again:


ash-4.4# nslookup ford.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: ford.com
;; Got bad packet: unexpected end of input
38 bytes
71 77 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 04 66 6f 72 qw...........for
64 03 63 6f 6d 00 00 1c 00 01 c0 0c 00 1c 00 01 d.com...........
00 00 00 00 00 00 ......



Message 7 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

(not confident that my suggestions have been very helpful so far.....)


I notice in the Synology Installation manual for the 1522+, they show one Ethernet cable connected to port 1 of the NAS.  (The product accepts up to five Ethernet connections, so there seems to be no reason why port 1 would be significant.  Maybe multiple ports are not active until after the operating system is fully configured?)


What I would expect is that when port 1 of the NAS is connected to any of the LAN ports on the RBSE960 satellite, that within a few minutes the router Attached Devices display should show the MAC address of that port as "Connected" (to the satellite) and assigned the IP address that was defined in the LAN setup table.  (Orbi status does not update instantly.)

The satellite's web page should also show the NAS MAC interface as connected with the correct IP.  (If you have defined a "name" for the NAS interface, the satellite may show that as "unknown", but that's a different issue.)


My reason for turning off Access Control and removing that sophisticated switch is to reduce the number of potential variables.


Once the NAS appears in Attached Devices, then a computer that is not connected to that satellite should be able to ping the NAS.



Message 8 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

Definitely think there is some weirdness.


As I have had the 1522+ for about 6 weeks now... you can imagine I have tried a lot of different things.


There is some oddball combination I havent quite figured out that allows ONE port to be active on the NAS, and only one.


At one point, I had NIC-1 on the NAS working, and was gleeful... even had it sending emails for like 2 weeks.  But, that one NIC was all I could get working.  For a NIC with 4 built-in NICs, not to be able to use any of them BUT one defeats the purpose of having them.


I thought I would try something different today.  I put NIC-2 on the block list.  Made sure there was only one NIC attached to the switch... and the ORBI showed it as blocked.  I unblocked it, and now I can have NIC-1 and NIC-2 both active (I havent tried both at the same time, but thats for a different experiment).


I cannot get the 10G card to work to save my life. 


It lights up, showing its at 2.5G on the switch... even gets an IP.  But never gets internet access.


I did find some stuff in the Orbi "Armor" app that may be promising... I may need to spend some time there to see if perhaps that has been the issue.  And that is only on my phone.  I do really despise the mobile Orbi app.


I will let you know if I make more progress.  Thanks for the assistance.

Message 9 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

@rob_bart did you get it working?

Message 10 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

Im experiencing this and desperately need to find the fix.


the 920+ is connected to the Orbi with static IP address and I think that the gateway IP address may be contributing to the problem.


However the Synology isnt letting me change it.

Message 11 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

If your ISP Modem already has a built in router and wifi. This would be a double NAT (two router) condition which isn't recommended. https://kb.netgear.com/30186/What-is-Double-NAT
Couple of options,
1. Configure the modem for transparent bridge or modem only mode. Then use the Orbi router in router mode. You'll need to contact the ISP for help and information in regards to the modem being bridged correctly.
2. If you can't bridge the modem, disable ALL wifi radios on the modem, configure the modems DMZ/ExposedHost or IP Pass-Through for the IP address the Orbi router gets from the modem. Then you can use the Orbi router in Router mode.
3. Or disable all wifi radios on the modem and connect the Orbi router to the modem, configure AP mode on the Orbi router. https://kb.netgear.com/31218/How-do-I-configure-my-Orbi-router-to-act-as-an-access-point and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7LOcJ8GdDo&app=desktop
Try option #2 first...


Something to contact the Mfr of the NAS about as well regarding there product. 

Message 12 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

Hi Furrye38,

thanks for your reply.  additional information: I am in Australia with an NBN FTTP connection.

I am not using the ISP issued modem, instead I am using the Orbi963 to handle the PPOE authentication.

Synology NAS 920+ (dual NIC adn running DSM7) both NICs are connected via ethernet with static IP address in the same range.( i have also confirmed they are not duplicated)


Prior to installing the Orbi963, I have used successfully multiple other Netgear Mesh and routers with this same set up.

Previous routers in descending order was:

Nighthawk Pro Gaming XR500 (running DumeOS),

Nighthawk Mesh MK83.


Netgear Armour appears to be the main difference,

I can access the NAS locally, but the NAS cant get out to the internet to access updates.



Message 13 of 16

Re: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly to

It might be useful to see how much these two situations have in common (and how they may be different):


  • Both involve using Synology NAS with Orbi RBKE963 systems.
  • Both appear to center on the NAS not being able to connect with Synology services to load software and make updates.
  • One uses the 920+, the other the 1522+ with multiple NICs (including one 10GB NIC)
  • One has the 1522+ connected in various ways
    • Directly to the RBRS960 satellite
    • To a Trendnet switch which is connected to the RBRS960 satellite
  • The other has the 920+ connected.?????
  • One can be reached by computers connected to the same satellite or to the same switch.
  • The other can be reached ????
  • One does not appear on the Orbi list of Attached Devices, even though the NIC appear to be assigned the IP address defined in the LAN setup table.
  • The other is configured with static IP in the same IP range.  (It is not clear if the static IP is defined on the NAS or in the LAN setup table)***.
  • One system has Armor enabled.  The other????

*** This could be significant. Along with setting the IP, the subnet mask has to be correct ( The gateway IP should be IP of the Orbi router LAN side. The DNS address can be any valid DNS server(s).  The Orbi DHCP mechanism sets the gateway IP and the DNS IP to itself.


Message 14 of 16

Rif.: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly

Did someone manage to solve the issue?
I have the same problem with Netgear Orbi 960 and Synology 220+.

In January 2023 I did some research and appeared that the problem was introduced since a certain version of the firmware.

The only way I found to "patch" the issue is to downgrade the Orbi firmware to and set up a custom OpenDNS as router DNS in router settings to lock Netgear update sites because there's no option to prevent auto-updates in that version.

Testing various versions, the issue seemed to be introduced in version

Some days ago I tried to update to the latest version of the Orbi firmware ( but the issue is still present. I managed to update some packages in my Synology, but then it stopped working during the update process and the problem is back again.


Some additional info:

  • Synology 220+ wired into the router
  • DHCP enabled but has reserved IP
  • No Armor enabled
Message 15 of 16

Rif.: SYNOLOGY NAS unable to connect to internet through Orbi 960 Satellite when connected directly

Here is a thread that I was following last year when I encountered the problems because I had this problem too and seemed related to me:

It says that Netgear released a firmware for RBR50/RBS50 and solved the issue, but I have another router, so I can't test it.

Message 16 of 16
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