Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems


Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

Hi all,


The 1G Ethernet ports 2&3 on my RBR are slow.  I noticed that I was getting really slow speeds on my wired SATs recently and started trouble-shooting my jacks/outlets/wiring and inadvertently discovered that anything connected to RBR Ports 2&3 is slow - even when I connect directly to them with a short CAT6A jumper.  I got a USB-C to Ethernet adapter for my iPad to make testing easier. 


Here are my speed results using OOKLA Speedtest:


RBR Ports on back, left to right...

2.5G Port with PC with 2.5G ethernet:  2282 Mbps...

...again, 2.5G Port with iPad/Adapter directly connected: 936Mbps

Gigabit Port 1 with iPad/Adapter directly connected: 934 (normally where my 16-port switch connects)

Gigabit Port 2 with iPad/Adapter directly connected: 332 (was RBS 1 connection)

Gigabit Port 3 with iPad/Adapter directly connected: 283 (was RBS 2 connection)


The RBS do not behave this way - all ports are consistent with the iPad/Adapter at around 700Mbps over wireless backhaul.


I have tested this multiple times yesterday and today with different jumpers and always the same result.  I had previously not noticed it as I had one of the RBS connected to the 2.5G port on the RBR and have only recently connected that PC to it to test the new Xfinity speed plan.  The other RBS connected to the 1G port, I just assumed was OK.  Firmware:  V7.2.6.21_5.0.20


So, there's a problem with my RBR 1G ethernet ports 2&3.  Any ideas?  Anyone seen anything like this?







Message 1 of 23

Accepted Solutions

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

I received a replacement RBR960 from support.  This time I was a bit more methodical with the setup than I was when I reset my old RBR960. Rather than set it up, connect everything, and restore my backup config, this time I set it up and before anything else, I tested the port speeds. How disappointing to see the same diminished performance on ports 2&3.


And then I remembered reading something about people with the Xfinity XB7 and XB8 modems having issues with the highspeed port, specifically the lower right port that supports 2.5 Gbps.


And for me, if I plug the RBR into that port I indeed get 2.5Gbps performance...mostly, but it also breaks ports 2&3 on the RBR960.  I if move the connection to any other of the three 1Gbps ports on the XB7, all is good...other than I'm paying for 2GB and get 1GB!


So there ya go.  


The workarounds are:

- live with degraded performance, and to be honest 1000/300 is not bad at all, other than that I am paying for better.

- use wireless backhaul - this also not terrible, just annoying and inconvenient.

- add a small 4-port switch to the 2.5G port for the Satellites - ugh!


Ugh!  Hopefully Netgear can fix this.  But I fear there will be finger pointing at Xfinity and vice versa and it will go nowhere.  Not excited about the small switch workaround. 😞


View solution in original post

Message 12 of 23

All Replies

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

What FW are you using? I haven't had a chance to check v.31. From all the posts I see about it, I've asked NG to pull v.31 since it seems to be problematic for most users. Users have gone back to v.21 along with donawalt as well. He saw odd issues with it loaded on his system. 


Did you factory reset and setup from scratch if you downgraded FW? 

Message 2 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

Hi @BullMoon @cornival @FURRYe38 , I just tried testing with my iPad Pro on ports 2 and 3. I am on firmware V., as are you. I have the 2,5G port connected to my 10G switch (RBSs connected through that), and the port 1 is connected to a 1G switch for Eth connections that don't go above 1G. So Ports 2 and 3 have been open for me.


Port 2 test - 


Port 3 test - 


So no issue here. On top of the other suggestions you received here, I would definitely consider a factory reset (save your config file first) and try again., There's a chance this is a hardware issue with your router, but imho that's unlikely. Also, a simpler test that you may not have tried, disconnect the 2.5G and port 1, so nothing is connected to the router. Power cycle the router with a 2 minute wait. Then plug in the iPad and test. 


For reference, what model iPad is this?  And what version of iPadOS is it running?



Message 3 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

Thanks @donawalt  - super helpful.


I'll give the reset a try when I get a chance after I do the repower.  Exasperating to need to do a reset for firmware updates - not the most consumer-friendly design. But maybe not too many "basic" consumers are getting setups like this.


iPad is a mini, most recent with most recent iOS.  It's just a handy way to test at different places without lugging a laptop and to bypass my outlets and wiring.  My computer and other devices were giving similar results which is what led me to get the iPad adapter.

Message 4 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

I would guess your setup is probably fine since you get proper speed with your cable and iPad on port 1.


I agree with you @bullm00n should have to do a reset, I am just suspicious, and I think @FURRYe38 is too, that something - data, some state information, is stored in some durable memory that could be preserved across just a power cycle. So it would take a factory reset to clear it out. I know I have had situations in the past, not this problem, where a FR restored things to working properly. Luckily it doesn't take a lot of time to do. Definitely test with nothing else connected into the router's ports, jk=ust to eliminate any variables.

Message 5 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

Still have not gotten to a reset yet - I had surgery last week and can't get around that well at the moment.  Thank goodness the wireless Backhaul works well enough.


Maybe later this week.

Message 6 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

Hope you recover soon and get better. 🙂

Message 7 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

My mobility in my knee has returned enough to get at this, unfortunately it didn't help 😞


I reset the system and set it back up and restored my configuration.  That went fairly well, however ports 2&3 on my RBR are still slow compared to port 1.  I did 3 speedtests on each port and they were consistently slower, so much so that the upload speeds were faster than the download speeds a few times : 307 down / 358 up. 


Firmware V7.2.6.21_5.0.20


Also, interesting that Xfinity have bumped the upload speeds from 240 to 350.  I know they are working towards symmetrical up/down - this is the latest indication, and it may be temporary / off / on as we saw during their last upgrades.


For the port speed problems, I suppose next step is open a support case. 

Message 8 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

Ya lets get a support case opened up. 


Something else to try, if you have a friend or family member that you can take the RBR too to see if problem follows. 

Also might see about getting another RBR from say amazon with a good return poilicy and see if a different RBR960 does same thing. 

Message 9 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

I have a case opened and escalated.  Last time I used them, they were very helpful, so we'll see. I did a fair amount testing with them on the phone the other day and we'll see where it goes from there.


I'm not desperate - the WIFI backhaul is working well, but I would like it sorted out especially if it is a hardware issue.

Message 10 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems


Message 11 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

I received a replacement RBR960 from support.  This time I was a bit more methodical with the setup than I was when I reset my old RBR960. Rather than set it up, connect everything, and restore my backup config, this time I set it up and before anything else, I tested the port speeds. How disappointing to see the same diminished performance on ports 2&3.


And then I remembered reading something about people with the Xfinity XB7 and XB8 modems having issues with the highspeed port, specifically the lower right port that supports 2.5 Gbps.


And for me, if I plug the RBR into that port I indeed get 2.5Gbps performance...mostly, but it also breaks ports 2&3 on the RBR960.  I if move the connection to any other of the three 1Gbps ports on the XB7, all is good...other than I'm paying for 2GB and get 1GB!


So there ya go.  


The workarounds are:

- live with degraded performance, and to be honest 1000/300 is not bad at all, other than that I am paying for better.

- use wireless backhaul - this also not terrible, just annoying and inconvenient.

- add a small 4-port switch to the 2.5G port for the Satellites - ugh!


Ugh!  Hopefully Netgear can fix this.  But I fear there will be finger pointing at Xfinity and vice versa and it will go nowhere.  Not excited about the small switch workaround. 😞


Message 12 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

Yes there is a forum post I believe from last year regarding this issue seen with the 960 series and those XF modems. I believe there was link to a reddit or XF forum on this matter along with other router Mfrs having same issues with these XF modems. So I don't think NG is alone in this.


Since your XF ISP, why not change there gateway out for NG modem only option, like a CM 2000 or 3000 Series. Then this issue goes away for the 960 series. I believe they support NG CM series modems.


I prefer to have my RBS ethernet connected. XS505M and GS110MX work great with the 9 series. MS105(2.5Gb Non managed) as well. 

Message 13 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Yes there is a forum post I believe from last year regarding this issue seen with the 960 series and those XF modems. I believe there was link to a reddit or XF forum on this matter along with other router Mfrs having same issues with these XF modems. So I don't think NG is alone in this.


Since your XF ISP, why not change there gateway out for NG modem only option, like a CM 2000 or 3000 Series. Then this issue goes away for the 960 series. I believe they support NG CM series modems.


I prefer to have my RBS ethernet connected. XS505M and GS110MX work great with the 9 series. MS105(2.5Gb Non managed) as well. 

So, you think Netgear will send me a Modem to hold me over while this is sorted?  Or do I need to spend even more money to get an already expensive system to work properly? Yikes!  That's unacceptable.


Beyond that, I don't know that I can do that without also affecting what I pay for Internet.  Xfinity requires an XB7/8 for the plans that include no monthly modem fees and no data caps. Now, whether they insist I use the XB7 or simply "have it", I don't know.  At any rate, any workaround that doesn't involve someone fixing the bug is not that great.


What would be great, would be for support to get into this very easily reproducible bug and fix it. I think it is a Netgear issue. The RBR should be acting like a switch and the XB7 should not react to or see those ports as any different - why would it?  Obviously it does, but it should not. 


We'll see what they say.

Message 14 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

Just so you know that for those of use that don't have these particular modems or on this particular ISP, we don't see this issue with the 960. So though I agree, NG needs to help address this issue, seems that most of this would be on the ISP as well to help resolve as well. I doubt they will as generally ISPs don't care nor support router systems beyond there own. So maybe up to NG and other Mfrs to solve it. I think also that it's these newer gen XB series modems that are most problematic. The older ones or ones that didn't support anything past 1Gb didn't exhibit this issue.



Beyond that, I'd look into avoiding the ISP modem and see if you can get your own installed. XF supports user owned modems for there next gen speed packages. https://community.netgear.com/t5/Cable-Modems-Gateways/ComCast-XFinity-Next-Generation-ISP-FAQ/td-p/...




Message 15 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

@bullm00n I was also going to suggest/ask if there is a way you could try a different modem. This hasn't happened on my 960, and as you mention there are issues with Comcast's XB series. 


@FURRYe38's link is to an older list of the approved Next Gen Speed Tier modems, it just got updated a month ago. If you are on mid-split capable Xfinity (which it seems like you are if you are getting 300 Mbos upload), any chance you are in for getting one of the modems on this link:



(most seem to be using the CODA 56, NG CM3000, or Arris S34)? Just make sure they are in the "Next Gen Speed Tier" section of that PDF to get the higher speed. Up to you whether you want yo spend some $$$ to narrow down the problem!

Message 16 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

I realize that and I used to use my own modem and still have it. A CM1150V that claims to support 2G, but who knows.  Like I said, this could create worse issues for me and more expense.  And spending hundreds on a new modem and jacking up my Internet bill is not something I'm going to do.

I'm thinking the simple / cheap workaround is a small 4/5 port switch and the heck with those bum ports - and it would be interesting to see that switch in between the XB7 and RBR960 as well to see if that would subvert the subversion.



Message 17 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

Per my last post pointing to the latest Xfinity doc on mid-split capable modems, you won't get the 300 Mbps upload speed with the CM1150. You need a CM3000, CODA56, or Arris S34. 


I bet if you moved to CM3000 -> RBR960, you would see no port issues. But sadly you'll have to spend some money to see. I too do not think this is a NG problem.

Message 18 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

And I believe there are plenty of XF customers out there using there own modems with out causing problems. 

Also can reduce modem rental fees. Users like this. 


Remember @donawalt posted this a while ago with his 960 series and he's on CC/XF Services:


Message 19 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

I don't rent my modem from Xfinity, it's included in my plan as is unlimited data.  As I mentioned, I don't know if I'm required to use their modem for that plan or not - or if I just need to have it sitting around.  My fear is that I get them to provision an alternative modem and then they kick me out of my plan.  At any rate, it won't save me any money - best case.


Beyond that concern is me spending another $300 to solve some a problem that of incompatibility in an already expensive setup.  I'm willing to try the cheap switch solution while I wait for a Netgear Support response.


I could also fall back to 1 Satellite on the 2.5G port and just forget about those other ports.  All I need for that is a good port for the Sat and a good port for the 16-port main switch, as well as the WAN port. And I have all that.  If I had enough spare ports on the main switch, I could wire the Sats to that as that works too, but I don't enough ports.


I wonder if this is a Xfinity only compatibility issue or if it happens with other ISPs too.  It could explain some of the odd performance issues I have seen people post about that made no sense.

Message 20 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

If you get a MS series non managed mutli gig switch, then you could have both RBS ethernet connected. 5 port would all that you'd need. Something to try as well, put a multi gig non managed switch in between the XB modem and RBR. Might help with this. Seen others, not with this situation, put a switch in between and seem to help resolve odd issues between ISP gateways or modems and NG routers. 


Might ask the ISP about any changes in plans prior to doing something. 


This issue isn't seen with SparkLight. Though I don't user there modems. They use Hitron modems for there installations. 

Message 21 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

@bullm00n if you want to, check out the DSL report's Comcast forum, you could ask users here about your specific plan:



Even better, on reddit the Comcast forum is watched by Comcast employees who are technical and very good. You could ask your question here:



You will be prompted to select a "flair" for the message, choose "Technical" - it will then be addressed by a Comcast employee. They will likely then ask you to send them a DM (direct message) with your address/account info, and they will answer your questions. They are very good, I have used them several times with WEIRD problems with great success that they got solved without rolling a truck!

Message 22 of 23

Re: Weird RBR960 Ethernet Port Speed Problems

So the little 2.5G switch I got from amazon is interesting...


In between the Orbi and XB7, all ports on the RBR960 drop to from 900+ to 600'ish.  I figured this would not help, but surprised that it does this.


On the 2.5G port, all speeds of the ports on the 2.5G switch are also diminished - I don't recall how badly, but slow.


On Port 1 on the Orbi, all ports on the 2.5G switch get 900+ so I can use that as a way to connect both Satellites and the Main Netgear 16-port switch to the router.  It basically gives me the extra ports that Ports 2&3 would normally be there for.


What I will probably do is Sat1 to 2.5G port, 16-port switch to Port 1, and Sat 2 wireless backhaul to Sat1.  And this works really well as Sat2 over wireless backhaul gets 800+ versus 900+ wired backhaul, so it's barely a performance hit and likely is irrelevant for the devices I have.


All these speed tests are 100% reproducible instantly and repeatedly so I have high confidence they are correct.


Of course, Netgear wants me to contact Xfinity about it - I'll try the suggestions above to reach them, but I don't expect much from them with me using 3rd part gear.  Upside is now that I see what is going on and what workarounds there are, it's all working well.  And I'm still on .31 firmware that support wanted me to install - no obvious issues with that either so far.


Message 23 of 23
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