Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices


Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

I'm having this exact issue, and it's driving me insane. Just picked up a RBK963. Everything working great, but I need to put the router into AP mode. So I did that, and all was well (as long as I use the WAN port or I get a bright magenta light). Problem is that both of my satellites (wired) disappear from the Orbi app, so I have no idea what's connected to which of them via WiFi. 


I honestly thought I'd be done with this mess when I upgraded from the RBK53, but... nope. 


Is there any way around this? Seems like such a simple setup that it boggles my mind it's so tricky to get working. 


My Fiber ONT -> Edgerouter ER-4 -> Orbis in AP mode. 

Message 1 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

@WilliamGr wrote:

My Fiber ONT -> Edgerouter ER-4 -> Orbis in AP mode. 

How are the Orbi units connected?


For example, if the Orbi router WAN port is connected to the Edgerouter, and the Orbi satellites are connected to the Orbi router over WiFi or using the Orbi router LAN ports, then it should work correctly.


On the other hand, if all of the Orbi units are connected directly to the Edgerouter, the satellites will 'disappear'.

Is there perhaps another switch in the network?


Message 2 of 21

Re: RBS850 wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices - orbilogin only works near router

Thanks so much for the reply!

My main Orbi is connected via the WAN port (LAN port just gives me permanent magenta and no internet) to an unmanaged 5-port switch which connects to the gigabit jack in the wall. That then goes upstairs to another unmanaged switch in my panel (bedroom closet), and that switch connects into my Edgerouter 4 (which has my fiber config). So basically it’s the fiber ONT which connects to the panel, which then connects to the Edgerouter ER-4 which connects to the 16 port unmanaged switch, and then all the rooms are connected from that switch.

The other Orbis are connected the same way. In rooms connected to a small unmanaged switch (5 ports I believe) and then back to that panel in my closet.

Hopefully that makes sense.

PS There are double runs of Ethernet to each room from the panel. I’ve only wired up one end in each room but I can do two. Just an fyi…
Message 3 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

You are SO LUCKY.  (two Ethernet cables from the patch panel to each room.)


The correct connection sequence is:

Fiber ONT to Edgerouter. (if they are co-located, then no patch panel)

Edgerouter to Orbi WAN port using one Ethernet cable.

Orbi LAN port using the other Ethernet cable back to 16 port switch.

Connect everything else to the 16 port switch.


The key is that the link between Edgerouter and Orbi WAN port must not go through the switch.

Message 4 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

Thank you for the reply. Will that give me wired backhaul with all Orbi satellites and visible in the app etc?

Message 5 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

Let me refresh the question, actually. 


You say, "The key is that the link between Edgerouter and Orbi WAN port must not go through the switch."


Does that mean this is important only for the main Orbi, or is that true for both the satellites, too? 

Message 6 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

Message 7 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

That page really isn't helpful, unfortunately. If I connect my main RBR to the LAN port, I get no Internet at all in AP mode (magenta light and no access to the outside world). It has to be connected to the WAN port.

Message 8 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

What that page is showing is that Orbi systems expect that satellites can be 'wired' only to their LAN ports.

The WAN port is always connected to "the internet".

That page is not showing what the WAN port is connected to because the WAN port is always connected to the internet source (ISP modem, ISP ONT, ISP combination modem/router/WiFi, customer pfSense or Firewalla, customer Edgerouter.... whatever.)


By putting a switch between the Edgerouter and the Orbi, many people decide to connect satellites to the switch rather than to the Orbi LAN ports.  The router thus cannot "see" the satellites.

Message 9 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

I see. Well, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do now. Sorry, - would you mind explaining what the solution is here for all 3 units to see each other? Above it seemed like it was just the main Orbi that needs an additional ethernet LAN connection to my Edgerouter, but I'm not sure now if that's the only thing I need to do... - or if that's what I even need to do. This whole thing is befuddling. 

Message 10 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

With two Ethernet cables from the patch panel to each room, the key is to use both cables for the Orbi router.


ISP ONT -> Edgerouter-> bypass switch to patch panel->connect to Orbi WAN port over cable 1

Orbi router LAN port->cable 2 to patch panel -> to switch.

Everything else in the house, connect to the switch.


The only pathway from satellites to Orbi is through the switch to the LAN port.

They cannot sneak around to the Orbi WAN port because the only device connected to the Edgerouter is the Orbi WAN port.


I want to be very clear that the problem being solved is that wired satellites do not appear in Attached Devices when the Orbi is in AP mode.  Wiring the network in this manner solves that problem.


A person could say, "I want the most efficient, highest performing network. I don't want every data packet going through the Orbi router when it could go straight from a device to an Edgerouter port, or through the switch directly to the Edgerouter."  What I am saying is that is a different goal.  Everything will work except the Orbi satellites will not appear.


It's a choice.



Message 11 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

Thank you again for the reply. So roaming etc works just fine right now as it is. I just can’t see the satellites, as you say, being the only “issue”.

My head is spinning a bit from all the info but just to clarify. ONLY the room with the Orbi RBR unit needs to use the extra jack, you’re saying? Basically, the satellites are fine plugged into the switch, but I need to add the jack to the main Orbi RBR and follow the above instructions you posted?

Thank you again.
Message 12 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

Message 13 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

Thank you. I'll get to it over the next few days. I have to test many cables in the panel to figure out which one goes where, so it may take me a bit! I'll report back, and thank you again. 

Message 14 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

Ok I’m discovering that I need to put the Edgerouter ER4 into bridge mode to be able to attach an Orbi to it. This is apparently a massive performance hit. 😞

Do I have any alternative? So frustrating. Thwarted at every turn…
Message 15 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

@WilliamGr wrote:
Ok I’m discovering that I need to put the Edgerouter ER4 into bridge mode to be able to attach an Orbi to it. This is apparently a massive performance hit. 😞

What has prompted this idea?  Yes, it is true that having two routers creates what is called a "Double NAT".  One of the solutions is to put the ISP device into "bridge" or "passthrough"  mode.  Another is to put the Orbi into Access Point (AP) mode (which is what you have done).


Perhaps it would be useful to explain the purpose for having the Edgerouter in the first place.  (There are many valid reasons.  I would like to hear yours.)

Message 16 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

You are indeed correct. Not sure what I was thinking. A moment of madness. I did as suggested and have the Orbi router (in AP mode) connected twice to the panel, the LAN port to the switch, and the WAN port directly to the Edgerouter. (Btw I have it as my modem of sorts for my fiber setup. It’s been rock solid).

So the satellites now shows up in the Orbi app, but I’m having one issue. My connection to the WAN port is showing up as only 100Mbit. Not sure why. Cable is tested at gigabit speed (it’s CAT5e).

Not sure why this is happening. 😞
Message 17 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

When a cable connection is showing as "100Mbps/Full" instead of "1000Mbps/Full", this is almost always because there is an issue with the cable connection between devices. The Ethernet switches built into the Edgerouter and the Orbi router contain electronics which auto negotiate the highest speed that both devices can support over the link.

(See Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonegotiation 


In this case there are probably three cables to examine:

  • From the Edgerouter to the patch panel
  • Inside the wall from the patch panel to the room where the router is located
  • From the wall jack to the Orbi WAN port

My guess is that one of these cable connections is defective:

  • Perhaps the cable itself has a kink or defect
  • Perhaps one of the RJ45 plugs is not crimped correctly
  • Perhaps one of the RJ 45 jacks has a bent wire or is not making good contact.

Fast Ethernet (100Mbps/Full) requires only two pairs of wire to be connected correctly. Gigabit Ethernet (1000Mbps/Full) requires all four pairs of wire to be connected correctly.  Even one wire in the pathway not making a good connection will cause the negotiation to fail and drop back to 100Mbps/Full.


Message 18 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

Indeed! The key was finding out why, which I didn’t. 😂

I had to put new heads on the cables as the Ethernet run to each room was just the wire and nothing else. I gave up on one of the rooms and succeeded in my office where previously a satellite was. Gigabit works great there, so perhaps a kink in the run to one of the other rooms. No big deal to have the main Orbi there, of course. Works perfectly. For now, though, I’ve reverted everything until new wall plates arrive tomorrow. At least progress has been made, and I thank you for your help thus far! I’ll update as soon as it’s all finished, of course.
Message 19 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

And it’s all done. All satellites showing up. Everything working (for now). I’m reminded that WiFi is still so… dumb, for lack of a better word. Devices connecting to satellites far away rather than the one close to it etc. On my TP-Link setup prior to getting these Orbis I had the ability to assign devices to a preferred satellite (for devices that don’t move). No such ability on the Orbis.

Ah well. Not going to worry about it. Thanks again for all your help. It’s been invaluable.
Message 20 of 21

Re: Wired satellite not showing up on Attached Devices

Glad you got it working. Please mark your thread as solved so others will know. Be sure to save off a back up configuration to file for safe keeping. Saves time if a reset is needed.
Enjoy. 📡

Message 21 of 21
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