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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi


Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

I have two Google Pixel XL's and one new Google Pixel 2 XL all running Android Oreo 8.1. For the past month or so since updating to 8.x my Orbi RBK50 system would disconnect and I noticed that it was actually rebooting. After finding this thread I can definately confirm I am seeing the same issue as others running Android 8 devices on Orbi. I have disconnected all three Pixel phones from my network and since then it has been rock solid as it had been the previous 7 months proior to Android Oreo. This needs to be corrected ASAP.


Here are the steps I have tried:

Orbi firmware updated to

Reset Orbi back to factory default

Satellite set to use wired backhaul

Disconnected satellite




Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 76 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

Not a Single Android 8 device in my house and i have the same exact issues.  


I think this is a general issue with the ORbi, caused by a variety of devices, but occurs more often with Android 8.  


Granted my Orbis have issues with crashes and slow downs 5+ times a day

Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 77 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

Ever since using a Pixel 2 phone on my Orbi system, the system constantly (at least 6+ times per day) dicsconnects all devices from my WiFi for a few minutes after using the Pixel 2 after it's been dormat for an hour or so.


How is it possible that adding a new device can disconnect 25 different devices? I dont understand, and am pretty disappointed in the Orbi system.


Unfortunately whenever I try to open a support case I get a message that the serial number is already in use? I'd appreciate some advice!! This us using the newest Orbi firmware, but I also downgraded to an older version that worked fine for months at a time and it had the same issue? 

Message 78 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

Adding a device doesn't disconnect the others (directly); rather, the Pixel is doing something that causes a kernel panic on the Orib, which causes it to reboot, which then disconnects all of the other devices.

To my knowledge, nobody has identified what the root cause is yet, so there is no real fix available.

Message 79 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

I can't figure out which is more absurd. The fact that Netgear hasn't even aknowledged the issue or the fact that they have a router that allows itself to be crashed by a client device.
Message 80 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

I understand, and appreciate the insight. But one device that can cause an AP & whole WiFi system to panic and reboot just shouldn't happen. Whether it's Google's fault or Netgear's fault, a single device should not be able to bring the entire system down. It makes me wonder what other sort of problems Orbi is vulnerable to.


Unfortunately though, as I mentioned, I'm unable to start a support request due to the error the site's giving me. I'd like to help with getting the issue resolved, but I feel like the forum is the only route I have to do that.


Message 81 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

I don't think there is a known resolution to this issue. I don't think anyone has found a fix for the constant reboots. What worked for me was to set my WiFi on my phone to stay on during sleep only when it's charging. The rest of the time, when my phone is sleeping, the WiFi is off. In all the troubleshooting I've done, this is the only thing that has given me stable connection for two days. No reboots for two days, until this morning. It rebooted it as soon as I picked up my phone this morning. But it's better than reboots every day several times a day.
Message 82 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

I have Samsung Galaxy S7 and Note 8 with Nougat 7.1 and December Patch and have the same problem.


It is not with only Pixel devices with Oreo 8 but also with Samsung devices with &.1

Message 83 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

Thanks for the potential solution... Since my first post (less than 1 hour ago), I've plugged the Pixel 2 into a wired connection to try to keep the Wi-fi connection alive. Received yet another system reboot which disconnected all devices, including 2 active TV's and 3 PC's.. Hopefully I can just keep the thing plugged in until someone cares to track the problem down and push out an update.


Again, Would love to take a "formal" route to assist support with identifying this problem. But I'm unable to open a support request due to Netgear's support website restrictions. They can message me on here though...?


Message 84 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

For what it's worth, i was about to return my second set of Orbis (RBK50), but decided to give it one last shot on an older firmware.  I too, was having reboot issues on both satellite and router, although i have no Oreo devices, only 7.0 and 7.1.  With,, and, whether in router or AP mode, the Orbis would reboot at what seem like random times.  I judiciously checked the system uptime on both router and satellite mutliple times per day, and never got an uptime past 12 hours or so.


I downgraded to firmware a few days ago (in AP mode), and i am pleased to report that i have not had a single reboot.  I have not changed anything else...same surge protectors, same ethernet cable to router, same position in the house, same devices on the network.  My uptime right now is 2 days 14 hours.  Additionally, i am noticing that ALL my devices that can connect to 5 Ghz channel, ARE.  With the other firmware versions, i noticed alot of my devices would stay on the 2.4 channel, even though another nodes 5 ghz was strong.


For $199, i think i will keep the Orbis (in AP mode), and hope that a fix is forthcoming for version 2.0+.


I would NOT suggest those running in Router mode to downgrade that far down, as numerous security patches have been implemented in later versions, but for me, running an Asus router as the router, this Orbi version seems to be the most stable.


Good luck everyone, and Happy New Year!

Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 85 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

Solid five days of connectivity while out of the country as evidenced by uninterrupted Nest cam streams. When my Pixel 2 XL on 8.1 connected to my Orbi system upon return, the router reboots started again. Toggling mobile data off when on wifi seems to resolve the problem. A rooted phone and Tasker might be a temporary solution until Google and Netgear push out a fix.
Message 86 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

@richjklee wrote:
Solid five days of connectivity while out of the country as evidenced by uninterrupted Nest cam streams. When my Pixel 2 XL on 8.1 connected to my Orbi system upon return, the router reboots started again. Toggling mobile data off when on wifi seems to resolve the problem. A rooted phone and Tasker might be a temporary solution until Google and Netgear push out a fix.

I can't find the link at the moment, but arlier today I stumbled accross a post in another forum about a Pixel device that was having problems wtih WiFI, but *only* when 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz networks were using the same SSID, and it made me wonder if this is somehow related. I would be curious to know if setting separate names for the differerent networks on the Orbi would make any difference (I think there's another topic here that describes how to do that). I would try it myself... except I'm not able to replicate the crashing problem.

Message 87 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

I disabled implicit beamforming and reboots stopped atleat for a day. Will have to test further.

This is the longest I have gone without a reboot.

FYI I am using Samsung galaxy note 8 and Samsung galaxy s7
Message 88 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

I wouldn't hold your breath. I didn't do anything, reboots stopped for like 3 days, then they've been just as frequent as ever the past two days. I hadn't touched the Orbi configuration at all or added/removed any devices. I don't know, or care, where the issue is, but Netgear needs to fix it. I got a few smart home devices for Xmas that I feel so stupid for wanting because my home internet is a piece of crap now.

Message 89 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

@guzzijason I think the mesh issue with Android 8 has been resolved with 8.1 but I'm not certain.  But I DO know that my Pixel running on 8.1 is doing JUST fine on my Eero network and it uses the same SSID for 2.4G and 5G.  Zero issues for nearly two weeks now.  Nothing but rock solid performance.

Message 90 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

@turnerm05 wrote:

@guzzijason I think the mesh issue with Android 8 has been resolved with 8.1 but I'm not certain.  But I DO know that my Pixel running on 8.1 is doing JUST fine on my Eero network and it uses the same SSID for 2.4G and 5G.  Zero issues for nearly two weeks now.  Nothing but rock solid performance.

Nope - it wasn't until 8.1 that my Orbis started going nuts.  😕

Message 91 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

@rhester72 wrote:

@turnerm05 wrote:

@guzzijason I think the mesh issue with Android 8 has been resolved with 8.1 but I'm not certain.  But I DO know that my Pixel running on 8.1 is doing JUST fine on my Eero network and it uses the same SSID for 2.4G and 5G.  Zero issues for nearly two weeks now.  Nothing but rock solid performance.

Nope - it wasn't until 8.1 that my Orbis started going nuts.  😕

I was speaking in terms of broader issues with other routers.  Android 8.1 is working fine with all the other major mesh network systems (eero, google, etc).  My point is that those articles discussing mesh networking issues with Android 8 have little (or nothing) to do with the issue with Orbi because no one is having issues with other routers at this time.

Message 92 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

No that is not true. This seems like it might be more related to the December security update. 8.1 definitely didn't resolve any issues. Google has recognized that there is an issue on their end that they are working on. This is also NOT a mesh only issue. My older R7000 is now installed again and it is not rebooting. However, it is also behind a couple firmware updates. This is clearly a 2 prong problem with something with Android causing panics on the router and it allowing itself to reboot because of the phone. 8.1 did not solve any problems. Most people didn't notice anything UNTIL they were on 8.1 (many received 8.1 and December security update in the same update). Since Galaxy owners are now reporting problems on Android 7 (not 😎 and December security update, this seems like a very recent problem wrapped around that security update. Please stop saying that 8.1 fixed problems because it surely did not and Google has even recognized it and is looking into it.
Message 93 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

I agree, it is definitely not limited to Oreo since my phone is running 7.1 was also causing Orbi to reboot multiple times a day. 


There is also definitely an issue with the Orbi Firmware since a client shouldn't be able to cause the router to reboot. I installed an older version of the firmware ( as someone else had mentioned here and have not experienced any reboots for the past few days. This is a dramatic improvement from last week when my router would reboot every time an alarm would go off or when I stopped using my phone for a few minutes and picked it up again.

Model: RBK50| Orbi AC3000 High-Performance Tri-Band WiFi System
Message 94 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

@Only1Z I didn't mean to imply that 8.1 fixed any issues.  However, certain facts cannot be ignored.  I'm using my 8.1 devices on Eero with ZERO issues.  I'm not alone.  Many people are using 8.1 on Google Wifi with ZERO issues.


I'm not saying there aren't issues but the articles talking about android and mesh wifi issues do not relate at all to the issue with Orbi.  Or if it IS related, then the Orbi scenario is uniquely craptastic because it's the only device that is constantly rebooting when an 8.1 device connects to it after being asleep for some time.


Short story - Netgear needs to pull their head out of the sand, get off their lazy a$$ and fix the issue.  It's deplorable that I've dropped so much money into Orbi and I had to basically toss it in the pile of shame and spend MORE money on another system because of Netgear's gross incompetence (at best) or gross negligence (at worst).


Anyone that's trying to place blame on Android here is just fooling themselves.  Maybe Android has some small part in the saga but good lord, Orbi is the only product that is constantly rebooting.

Message 95 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

You are correct. This is a 2 prong problem that both Google and Netgear need to address. Clients shouldn't cause router panics and rebooting. I couldn't wait for a fix as I was still in my Orbi return window with my vendor. So I sent my Orbi back 2 days ago. 😞

Now, I must also comment that I absolutely hate Netgear's policy of only 90 days of free call-in support even though there is a 1 year warranty on the product. How does that work? What if I call on day 91? They will want to charge me to call in? What if I don't know if my item is defective or there is some other problem? Do I still have to pay for a support call? This seems like a very weird policy. Unfortunately because of this fact and all these issues, I had to return the item.
Message 96 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

@Only1Z wrote:
You are correct. This is a 2 prong problem that both Google and Netgear need to address. Clients shouldn't cause router panics and rebooting. I couldn't wait for a fix as I was still in my Orbi return window with my vendor. So I sent my Orbi back 2 days ago. 😞

Now, I must also comment that I absolutely hate Netgear's policy of only 90 days of free call-in support even though there is a 1 year warranty on the product. How does that work? What if I call on day 91? They will want to charge me to call in? What if I don't know if my item is defective or there is some other problem? Do I still have to pay for a support call? This seems like a very weird policy. Unfortunately because of this fact and all these issues, I had to return the item.

That's the worst part about the whole thing.  My Orbi was well outside of the 90 day window so I would've had to PAY to talk to support about an issue that has everything to do with them and nothing to do with me.  It's this sort of poor policy decision making, coupled with their gross incompetence that made me take the easy way out and trash my Orbi will paying another $500 or so to get a new Eero system up and running.


Orbi worked flawlessly for me for many months.  Then, out of the blue they completely hose up the firmware and then they expect ME to pay for a support call?  LOL!!  Absurd and completely unacceptable.  COMPLETELY.

Message 97 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

Any way to get one of the big websites to look at this thread. I know Androidpolice wrote something on it but the article didn't really take off. I noticed companies move it faster if people are talking about it on the internet. Also in our Facebook private group in our neighborhood when people ask for recommendations, I point them to this thread so they can make an informed decision. Feels like that's all we can do. Just warn others. It's not like I can invest in another expensive system right now. I know some of you own two or three different mesh systems.
Message 98 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

FWIW...  I currently have a LinkSys WRT3200AC tri band which is experiencing exactly the same issues with Android as you folks

here are.  They actually had a nasty firmware / router controller chipset issue whereby a TON of users (myself included) are receiving

replacement routers free of charge... I was actually considering dumping LinkSys for an Orbi but when I read this about the Android

issues here as well  I'm thinking maybe its an Android issue and not so much a router issue....  just thought I would throw my 2 cents in


what do you think  would an Orbi work ok with latest Android?..




Message 99 of 222

Re: Android 8 Crashes Orbi

@vreynolds wrote:
Any way to get one of the big websites to look at this thread. I know Androidpolice wrote something on it but the article didn't really take off. I noticed companies move it faster if people are talking about it on the internet. Also in our Facebook private group in our neighborhood when people ask for recommendations, I point them to this thread so they can make an informed decision. Feels like that's all we can do. Just warn others. It's not like I can invest in another expensive system right now. I know some of you own two or three different mesh systems.

Would be great if someone like Engadget or Wired picked up on it.  I'll try to contact them to see if I can get their attention.  I hate shaming someone into fixing a problem but this has gotten ridiculous.  I'm not even asking for my money back or anything - I just want Netgear to own up to their issue and get it fixed so that others don't suffer my same fate.  Luckily though - any newcomers can easily return the product when they realize it doesn't work.  But for people like me, where it worked for many months... not only am I outside of the return window but I'm also well outside of free customer support. Ridiculous!

Message 100 of 222
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