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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi


Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

I admit I initially gave it a rave review on amazon, then I went back and changed it when I realized what I got. Honestly I dont think that all of the people on this board are legit, why would they be here? If yours worked would you be here? Not me. Not in a million years. My environment? Really?
Message 76 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

I've had the Orbi for quite a few months now and posted my suggestions for dealing with the drops early in this thread.


For me, none of my iOS or Microsoft OS devices have any issues with the Orbi. Only the Androids in my house seem to drop and they are newer model phones (Galaxy S6, LG 6) and an older tablet (Galaxy Tab3).


I can get stable connections on all three android devices when I go into settings and take off dhcp and select static. Then you select advanced options and choose an IP address that is:


A) Not higher than 100 in the last section (i.e.

B) Not currently being used on your network. Log into the Orbi and in the administration panel look at the current connected devices.


Once I've done that the connect works pretty well. It seems to lose connection every 10-14 days and I need to go into the settings on the device and re-enter the same info. It probably has to do with the Orbi refreshing its queue and losing the static addresses and wanting to push a new address.


Since my wife doesn't use home wifi on her phone, I'm the only one affected by this and I've chosen to not change any of the settings on the Orbi since it might affect the wifi for my other users. 


I bought the base and one extender kit and am loathe to give up on this since it was so expensive compared to my older wifi configuration. I'm sure they'll figure it out eventually. It's got to be the software between the base and the extender since Netgear is known for solid hardware 🙂



Message 77 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

"I'm sure they'll figure it out eventually. " I see you are a man of faith.  Good for you.

Message 78 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

Having the Deco M5, I lament the loss of speed I had with the Orbi. But the constant wifi drops were ridiculous, and there was no explanation or future fix planned from Netgear. It's a shame, but I wasn't going to wait forever. Everyone has their limit, and I had reached mine. Too bad, because this has a ton of potential due to the backhaul channel.  Oh well 😕

Message 79 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

I'm seeing a similar issue except its only on the main router and not the satellite. My S8 has zero issues upstairs on the satellite but when it hands off or tries to connect to the primary I get ip issues or I no internet warnings... I've also tried setting a static IP on the phone but no difference
Message 80 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

"Everyone has their limit, and I had reached mine"  I am milimeters away.  I am so bothered by this. 

Message 81 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

OK - so I did some more research on this last night. Not sure if that helps anybody, but maybe someone can confirm or debunk my preliminary conclusions.

As mentioned earlier, the problem was greatly reduced if disabling the 5GHz. That lead me to check more thoroughly what AP the phone connected to and what frequency was used when the disconnects occured. I used the open source Wifi Analyzer for the purpose, and also tried another app with the same name for a "second opinion" with the same results.

With my router and sattelite I essentially have 4 accesspoints; Sattelite 2.4GHz and 5GHz (hereafter called S2 and S5), and R2 / R5 for the routers accesspoints respectively.

During some hours I worked through several areas of my 3-storage house with my old Galaxy Note 3 (with Android 6 if memory serves me right), and my LG G5 with Android 7.

My observations:
When walking around, the old Note 3 seems to handle the switching between accesspoints more smoothly, that is; without really loosing the connection. The LG tends to stick to an accesspoint longer, and then drops the connection for up to a few seconds when switching. This seems to be the case both when switching between router and sattelite, and switching frequency.


When it comes to certain areas, like my bedroom, it gets interesting. The LG on Android 7 seems more eager to connect to the 5GHz than the Note. With the current placement of router and sattelite, the sattelite is the one to cover the bedroom. Hovever, the sattelite is one store down, and some meters aside, so the direct line from my bed to the sattelite goes through one floor and one wall (both wooden). The Sattelite 5GHz (S5) signal is therefore quite some weaker than the S2 signal, but still strong enough to support Youtube streaming in high quality. When connected to S2, the speed is also good.


What happens is that the LG now normally connects to S2 for a few seconds, then drops the connection and reconnects to S2. It may do that for minutes until it connects to S5, then the looping stops for a while. If it then switches to S2 for some reason the process starts again.


The Note 3 behaves differently. When it connects to S2 or S5, it seems more prone to stick to that choice.


So, the obvious solution for this is to move the sattelite. Which I did, only to find that this behaviour now moves to another location in the house...

My natural response to these observations is that the root cause of this behaviour more likely lies in my LG or Android 7 than in the Orbi. And maybe the causes for all the reports of drops in this thread cannot be blamed on the Orbi. But it is suspicious that so many people report this with the Orbi and I have not been able to find similar reports on e.g. the Velop.

So in the end I guess I won't take the chance that the root cause is in the Orbi, and will probably return it while I still can get back my money.

It is also worth to mention that i performed factory reset on the Orbi twice - trying both Router mode (with the Orbi as DHCP server) and Accesspoint mode with my ipFire firewall as the DHCP server. No difference in behaviour there. Also tested different channels to no avail. Will also try a network reset on my LG, and maybe also a full reset if I find the time, in addition to testing fixed ip-adress.

Any views on these observations, especially the difference in behaviour between the phones and/or Android versions are highly appreciated before my deadline for return on Friday 🙂

Message 82 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

Oddly enough, turning off MU MIMO and BeamForming seems to have resolved the issue but now my speeds are all much slower on all devices... so I have to cripple the best features of the orbi to get connections?

This product needs serious work. I wish I wasn't past my return date
Message 83 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

Looking at the Amazon UK site, its quite a mix of reviews.


I think the majority of the reviews are genuine but what must be taken into account is the level of competency of the user, and more often than not this is reflected in the details contained in the review.


There are more and more people reporting that they had used the Orbi for months totally trouble free but are now experiencing hellish nightmares on a daily basis. How many of those take the time to return and update their review. (It isn’t helped by the barrage of emails requesting reviews. Of late it is not unusual to get a request for a review before the product has arrived)


The one thing that stands out on the UK site is the comments made on reviews by the NETGEAR Support Team. They are very proactive, responding to both positive and negative reviews.


In particular reaching out to those who have left negative comments and offering assistance via an email address.


However as it stands, i dont think the reviews are a reflection of the product experiences that are being shared on this forum.

Message 84 of 153
Not applicable

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

I've got over 90 devices, works fine 100% solid for all but one of my devices, which as of the last firmware is getting better.

Message 85 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

Interesting @Retired_Member

Does that mean that you can confirm that no Android phones in general, and no Android 7 specifically have dropouts with 89 of your 90 devices?

Are all these devices in different buildings in pairs? Or in a bigger building working together?

Message 86 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

"I've got over 90 devices, works fine 100% solid for all but one of my devices, which as of the last firmware is getting better." Amazing.  I have 1 and it doesn't work at all.  Galaxy S8+.   As I said in an earlier thread, I origionally blamed Samsung and had them return my phone.  Same problem with a factory fresh new phone too. 

Message 87 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

That's more than irony then. My phone is an S8+ as well. I thought I resolved the problem but it's only working when I'm on the satellite. Sitting 5ft away from the main node and I can't get connected or if I do it warns of no internet and won't connect. Seems like some issue with the WiFi chipset on the Snapdragon 835 or some issue with Netgears newest firmware. Where can I download a beta of the newest or roll back?
Message 88 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

Firmware is available here




I have installed RBK40 and RBK50 both at my home and at another location with 100% success will all versions of the firmware.

I run an S7 Edge running and and S2 Tab both running Android 7. We also have Iphones and many other wifi devices connected.

Both locations had AT&T NVG599 gateways that the Orbi attached to. Orbi detected this and changed the IP range to 10.0.x.x for all devices connecting to it.



Message 89 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

I have 5 android devices (4 phones and 1 tablet).  The device that seems to be the one that drops all the time is the Moto g4 phone.  It's the only on that has been updated to Android 7.0.  All the other devices are running 4.x to 6.x.  I do agree that there is something in this version of Android. For me I keep phone on a stand next to my computer and I can look at the wifi signal and it's peek.  The minute I pick the phone off the stand wake the screen the Wifi drops and takes about 30 to 45 seconds to recoonnect.  I have written a tasker task the montors the number of disconnects and I find over 30 per hour with this phone.

Message 90 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

My Samsung Note 4 phone won't stay connected. It keeps failing with "Authentication Error Occurred". Is this related?

Message 91 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

I would bet it is.   Has anyone heard of a fix coming soon?  This is getting comical.

Message 92 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

I rebooted the router and it's been stable for a little over half a day.  Very odd that i should have to reboot after just 72 hours.

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 93 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

@OrbiPhilip wrote:

I rebooted the router and it's been stable for a little over half a day.  Very odd that i should have to reboot after just 72 hours.

Same nonsense this morning. Alternating between "Authentication error" and "Saved, Secure", but no live connnection.  Nothing has changed since I laid the phone down last evening.

To narrow things down, I disabled guest wifi. I read a post on a Samsung discussion suggesting enabling TKIP.  Have done that also, will see if things improve.

Message 94 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

You will feel much better after you realize it is over. Netgear should send us cigarettes because it used to be customary to have one after you got F'd
Message 95 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

Same issue with ORBI and my local 1Gbps internet...


very strange.... affecting my S8 plus and S6 and S7 (belongs to my family)...


both my lenovo laptops have no issue.


Best performer was on iphone 7 with wireless consistenly hitting 450mbps+++

Message 96 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

In reading through this thread finally after struggling with my Nvidia Shield TV as well as now an Xbox one that randomly drop. Seems to be connected to the satellite rather than base. Base does not seem to have any issues downstairs, but the satellite connections seem to have issues upstairs. Distance is less than 20 ft and there's random drops regularly to the point where they devices are almost unusable. This is really frustrating and very disappointed with such an expensive product. P.s. have tried a number of these suggestions such as turning off being beam with no success.
Message 97 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

I have the same result...the only device that has issues is the S8+ and only on the Orbi. The iPhones and Windows Phones, roku's, tv's, laptops, iPads, are all great. I have noticed the connect speeds on the s8 is only 5-7 mbps while every other device is over 500mbps. However I also run a meraki for work and the s8+ connects at awesome stable speeds in the 780mbps. I also replaced the device once since this was the only device with an issue. I still think the issue is in how the android os handles the mesh or fails to handle the mesh as developed by net gear. Does anyone know what type of feedback Samsung is getting for this issue and has anyone tried going that route...to net gear, have you been able to replicate the issue internally?

Message 98 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

I am not sure if this is a Android, Samsung or Snapdragon issue...


I tried my cousin Samsung S6, works great on my Orbi...


my current workaround: I use a Linksys RE7000 range extender to connect to the Orbi and I connect my Samsung S8+ and S7 to the RE7000. Works great.

Message 99 of 153

Re: Android devices keep getting thrown off the Orbi WiFi

"my current workaround: I use a Linksys RE7000 range extender to connect to the Orbi and I connect my Samsung S8+ and S7 to the RE7000. Works great."  Does the range extender have the same SSID?   Did you have to do do anything different in the Range Extender to configure it to find the Orbi?

Message 100 of 153
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