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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul


Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

@myrison You can absolutely have multiple wired APs with a single SDID. I have that now with Unifi APs but you can probably do it with other brands, including Netgear. 

Message 151 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

@st_shaw wrote:

@myrison You can absolutely have multiple wired APs with a single SDID. I have that now with Unifi APs but you can probably do it with other brands, including Netgear. 

@st_shaw - To clarify, I meant a single SSID across 2.4 and 5Ghz bands.  I've not had a lot of success with my clients doing that on a set of Asus access points, but I haven't tried for a couple of years now.  Maybe it's time to give it another whirl. Thanks for the suggestion.

Message 152 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

Clarifying more... I run 3 WAPs in my house all with the same ID for a 2.4Ghz band, and a second SSID for the 5GHz band.  I'll give it a whirl with one SSID across all of them.

Message 153 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

To clarify a few issues I've had/solved between AP's and mesh:


Access Points

To test my theory, I played a game on my iPhone (clash royale). I walked from one end of the house to the other on AP's. During the game, it lost connection for about 7-10 seconds switching access points, and then it reconnected and worked fine. Also, sometimes my laptop would get 'stuck' on an access point in another part of the house and not want to switch to the closer one.



I did the same test playing the same game and walked from one end of the house to the other (at the time, using the Orbi). The game switched units (I verified in the web console) without _ever_ losing connection in the game. Also, I do not have the problem of it getting 'stuck' on units further away. 


This is very edge case and probably something nobody really cares about - but for those that do - here you go.


And to clarify, I no longer use Orbi. It's sitting on my table about to go on eBay because of no wireless backhaul. I purchased the google mesh system ($270 for 3 units) and it works flawlessly. Easy to setup on my phone and I even fixed my plex server by setting up port forwarding with just a few clicks. I had to reserve an IP address for the host and everything and it took < 2 minutes.


Orbi has all kinds of great features and it would be great if it had a wireless backhaul. But not supporting a feature that I'd say *EVERY* other competitor provides, even OLDER units provide this functionality, is a bit of a trick on their customers to get the product to market faster. 


I waited plenty of time for a fix, but couldn't handle the terribly slow network any longer. I just hope they fix it for the person that buys my set of 3 on ebay and then shows up in this forum to read my post.


Message 154 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

I meant to say no WIRED backhaul, but I couldn't figure out how to edit my post, sorry about that. 😕

Message 155 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

@myrison wrote:

Clarifying more... I run 3 WAPs in my house all with the same ID for a 2.4Ghz band, and a second SSID for the 5GHz band.  I'll give it a whirl with one SSID across all of them.

I have two dual-band Unifi APs and use one SSID for 2.4GHz and 5GHz radios.  Four radios and one SSID. You can add as many APs as desired.  Devices roam seamlessly, prefer 5GHz, and will transition to 2.4GHz outside the house, where 5GHz becomes too weak.  Works beautifully.


It should work on ASUS also, but I can't be sure.


Use the same SSID for all radios, 2.4/5GHz.  Use the same security settings and password for every radio.  Use a different channel for each AP, or at least make sure neighboring APs are on different channels.  Set channels manually--don't use auto.  Use 20 Mhz bandwidth and only channels 1, 6, or 11 for the 2.4 GHz band.

Message 156 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

 Devices roam seamlessly, prefer 5GHz, and will transition to 2.4GHz outside the house


That's a nice feature about switching to 2.4 ghz for long distance. You will have a little bit of packet loss between switching access points, though, by definition of how that system works. It has to disconnect you from one and re-connect you to another. If it didn't have any packet loss at all, there would be no point in a mesh network in the first place. However, this does not matter for 99% of people unless you pace back and fourth and play competitive games on your phone. 🙂 



If anyone experiences issue with channels and doesn't want to deal with manually setting them (I 100% agree with this), check out the Portal (you can find it on amazon). They have a patented system that auto-selects the best channel for you (and it works beautifully). 


I have spent far too much time researching this topic. Sorry to bombard the rest of the Orbi users, I hope this information is helpful to someone.

Message 157 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

You might lose a few packets, but I've tested roaming between APs while on a Facetime WiFi call and had no significant issue.  Maybe a brief blip in the call, but nothing disruptive.

Message 158 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

Agree, definitely shouldn't be what makes or breaks the deal. 🙂   What breaks the deal is no ethernet backhaul. 😛

Message 159 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

lack of research and or reading before  buying a device leads to these sorts of threads , expectations lead to disapointment if due dilligance isnt followed and in this case the orbi never has suggested in any way , shape or form that it has ethernet backhaul 


if it not having ethernet backhaul is a deal breaker for you then so be it but the orbi claim to fame is whole home wifi via 5 gig backhaul 

Message 160 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

Do you feel better now after lecturing the Internet?  Kind of a harsh approach for a superuser/moderator, isn't it?  "Go away all you pesky commenters!"


How about if we actually did research, and we did know it didn't have backhaul, but counted on the fact that the device says it covers up to 5000 sq ft, so we decided to give it a try?  That's what I did, and unfortunately it doesn't quite get there for my house.


I realize every house is different, so there was only one way to find out.  But since this is a product/feature request thread, I decided to let Netgear know that if it had this feature, it'd work better for me.  In the meantime it works great for lots of other folks, and I'm happy for them.

Message 161 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

no its just plain fact and keeping it in perspective 


if the orbi doesnt cover your house with wifi then by all means you have a case to complain or return as you are not wanting anything but what is advertised , although you must have some very difficult local experimental conditions with regard to wifi propagation if that is the case , however complaining because the device doesnt have an "expected" feature and making it a deal breaker is not the fault of the device or its design 


yes it would be nice if it had it and yes its been asked for quite a lot as you have seen in this thread , will it ever have it ? who knows , it has been suggested it may be im the long term plan but i certainly wouldnt be waiting for it to eventuate 

Message 162 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

I had a garden variety wifi setup that looked exactly like the picture on the box. It didn't work as advertised.




I've purchased Netgear products for over a decade (almost exclusively for networking), and I was surprised that this feature did not exist. I don't think it's fair to define what the "perspective" should be in a thread titled "Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul". The customers returning the products and not saying a word about it seems like it would be worse for Netgear in the long run than people voicing their concerns and trying to hang on to the product in a box in the closet, waiting to see if they will fix it. 


I tried to help by contributing on this forum. I don't understand the moderation of this thread - I was attacked with "don't hold your breathe" about Netgear when I was positive and excited about them saying it might be coming, then I was attacked when I gave up on waiting - by the same person. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. 


Good luck to the rest of you out there! If you want a wireless/AP setup, scroll a few messages back and read about @st_shaw's setup - that's about as good as it gets. If you want a mesh system, checkout portal, google wifi, velop, Ubiquiti, eero. These are the competition, and 100% of them have ethernet backhaul.




Message 163 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

@truepudding - great post and thank you. I ordered 3 uniquiti APs today. They arrive Sunday. Looking forward to setting them up and experimenting. @st_shaw - thanks to you as well for the info and replies.
Message 164 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

@myrison No problem.  You will need to run a Unifi controller to setup those APs.  I use the CloudKey.  You can download the controller software for free to get started.  Strictly speaking you only need the controller for setup and making changes to the config.

Message 165 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

The lack of respect from the moderators in this thread tells me all I need to know as a prospective customer.  

Message 166 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

PLEASE follow through with this firmware release. It is even more urgent now that Ubiquiti released this exact firmware update for their Amplifi mesh network product! Thank you and good luck!

Message 167 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

@peteytesting Your responses on this topic come across as consistently insulting/demeaning to the multitude of customers who are asking for this feature. I'm surprised Netgear allows you to continue to moderate this forum - perhaps as one respondent indicated, this is representative of Netgear's disdain for their customer base.


Ethernet backhaul is a diffentiating feature that customers are making product decisions based on. The fact that your specific use case doesn't require it doesn't preclude its value in other use cases. You are correct that there are other alternatives - but they result in more complicated consumer decisions in both purchase and setup.


we all are simply looking for the option to take advantage of Ethernet backhaul in situations where better it addresses our needs, while garnering the advantage of a single vendor-single product solution.


i appreciate your suggestions for alternatives to consider (separate AP) but do not agree that adding this feature wouldn't be valuable for the consumer (more flexibility) and for Netbear (increased sales, fewer returns).

Message 168 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

im not a moderator , im an independent user , my comments are mine and mine alone and do not reflect on netgear


the simple fact here is it was never a feature of the orbi and although it has been said that it is activly being looked at but there is no word of anything else and this thread continues , yes it might be a good feature but its not what the orbi was designed for or had in mind when developed

Message 169 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

So you were in the original design meetings or worked on the product roadmap for Orbi?  What gives you the right to speak for the company and their intentions with the product?  You can't in one breath say your comments then don't reflect Netgear, then speak as if you are Netgear. 

Message 170 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

This thread has and SHOULD continue to grow to show support for ethernet backhaul. As a developer myself, I typically watch threads to see how many users are requesting features. When enough people ask for it, it validates (to Netgear) that their customers want this. If the thread goes dead, then nobody else wants it and they won't build the feature. I follow this thread and hope Netgear does eventually speak up or patch this, because I like their brand and their products.

Thank you Melliott716 - your comment validated how I felt as well.

@peteytesting if you don't care about this thread and you think it's a waste of time, that's fine. You don't have to follow and just say mean things - it doesn't add any value to the topic. Yes, I did expect the feature. As I said before, most other competitors (almost every) have this feature. If you get a burger at every restaurant and one doesn't have a bun, you will be disappointed even though it only said hamburger on the menu.
Message 171 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

@peteytesting apologies; however I'm not the first poster to interpret your post as coming from someone representing Netgear. Even your reply implies that you were involved in product decisions.


I'm not sure why you seem hell-bent on attacking every post asking for this feature. We all can read the thread and have heard your viewpoint. You (as far as I can tell) are a single individual trying to outshout a mulititude of others asking for the feature. I believe we all understand that there is NO commitment from Netgear on when, if ever, they might add this feature. But your continued posting every time an individual asks for this feature's inclusion in the product doesn't really add to the discussion. The various people who do ask for it do, by virtue of giving Netgear a picture of the potential demand, thus helping prioritize it within the development backlog.

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 172 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

just for info i got accepted on the original beta test for the orbi and have been doing so since , so i do have some knowledge when it comes to design and purpose , at the end of the day if it does eventuate that the orbi does get ethernet backhaul all well and good and i hope it does , but at this stage i wouldnt be holding my breath waiting

Message 173 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

This is a very curious posting:


" if it does eventuate that the orbi does get ethernet backhaul all well and good and i hope it does , but at this stage i wouldnt be holding my breath waiting"


Curious, because in a post by DarrenM only 2 weeks ago 2017-06-28 05:58 PM


"Ethernet backhaul is on the roadmap to be added at a later date "


Misleading, misinformed or uninformed ?

Message 174 of 252

Re: Feature Request: Orbi Satellite Ethernet Backhaul

I contacted Netgear on twitter asking for comment. They said no comment but "stay tuned". Crossing my fingers!
Message 175 of 252
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