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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion


Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

can't say I have many issues with the orbi either (touch wood). The main issue I had to start with was when the DHCP lease expired, eveything would disconnect for a few minutes but I've changed it to last 999 days. I've also set most of the devices (inc the orbi router & satelite) to use static IPs on my existing router (orbi is in AP mode). Unfortunately the existing router can only support 10 IP reservations hence why I had to extend the DHCP lease timeout period. Not sure if this help anyone. 


the only annoying thing now is that all devices which are connected to orbi are coming up as unknown

Message 726 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion


  My observations thus far

  • So far for all my wireless devices (except my S8+ ) have worked well with the Orbi.
  • Finding the "sweet spot" distance between the main hub and Satellite is key for having wide coverage and not having the devices step on each other.
  • My S8+ drops all the time even after receiving Verizon's last update.
  • Wired devices connected to the Satellite have HORRBILE performance (>10mbs), so much so I had to resort to an AC Extender.
  • When performance becomes subpar you need to reboot the Orbi , which I now do weekly (would be nice to have a reboot scheduler)
  • Once you open a ticket the support team seems very responsive, but is reluctant to push you to level 2 without much back and forth

For completeness, my Orbi is in AP mode sitting behind an Untangled u25 router. I have gone through a complete refresh of the firmware including an nvram reset and I am running Firmware


My firmware requests

  • Ability to designate 2.4 from 5 ghz wireless networks (much like what is being offered in the Orbi Pro, same hardware different packaging)
  • Ability to turn down the 2.4 signal strength, it currently swamps the 5ghz at distances where 5ghz would perform better.
  • Ability to choose if you want to update to the next Firmware update
  • Ability to reboot devices on a schedule (would be better if you didn't have to reboot boot but this is consumer grade hardware)
  • Better monitoring tools in both web ui and phone apps
  • Stop dropping my Samsung S8+

I am hoping that support will send me the links to the new beta firmware that is to be released shortly so I can see if there is any improvement.


Also 90 days of Hardware support is ridiculously short for a device of this cost and that is provided with the current subpar firmware. 6 months would have been more appropriate since we are all, in essence,  beta testers at this point. 


I think what we are all experiencing here is a company trying to push out all their shiny new hardware before they have the supporting firmware fully baked. 

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 727 of 810
Not applicable

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

@jdpg2 wrote:


  My observations thus far

  • So far for all my wireless devices (except my S8+ ) have worked well with the Orbi.
  • Finding the "sweet spot" distance between the main hub and Satellite is key for having wide coverage and not having the devices step on each other.
  • My S8+ drops all the time even after receiving Verizon's last update.

I agree with all you've said, except my Chromecasts, Echos/Dots, Surface Pro (2017) and Surface Pro 3 all have had problems with the 1.11 and above firmware UNTIL the 2.00 beta.


Now, everything is back to rock solid, EXCEPT the S8+.  The Verizon update from Samsung had no effect on WIFI since nothing was included in the update that affects WIFI (this is verified by Samsung themselves).


So now, Orbi is back to being well behaved except for the S8+ as it was prior to 1.11.x.

Message 728 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

Both my Surface 4 Pro and Surface 3 Pro work without issue, so clearly there is some inconsistancy ... Can someone provide a link to the beta software?  I have been back and  forth with Negear support but now i have to wait another cycle to get to the lvl 2 support..  They are responsive but really want to have you go through some hoops to get to what you need.

Message 729 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

and all my devices connected to the sattelite just dropped off. Could not access the satelite using a PC connected via ethernet either. Seems like it died for about 10 minutes. As I'm still within the 30 day return period (5 days left) I'll be giving linksys velop a go as Netgear seem to be taking ages releasing v2. Best of luck ppl

Message 730 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

...and my satellite was disconnected again this morning. Sigh. I might have to give that beta firmware a shot...

Message 731 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

@bwherry wrote:

...and my satellite was disconnected again this morning. Sigh. I might have to give that beta firmware a shot...

I was having nothing but issues with the satelites disconnecting and my devices losing connection.  I had the beta firmware from the link when it was available and decided to pull the trigger on Saturday.  My devices have not lost internet access a single time where previously it would happen 5 times in 2 hours.


As others have posted I am sure there are some issues outstanding but it has improved my experience to the point where I am totally satisfied and may unsubscribe from being notified of posts in this thread 🙂


For the record, I flashed, erased the NVRAM, factory defaulted and reconfigured everything from scratch.  I did NOT run the speed test.  I am a happy camper for the first time in a while 🙂

Message 732 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

^^ I'd be cautious, though. That's what everyone said about the .18 update (for those who don't know, we've been experiencing these dropouts widely since March this year--as more people buy Orbi, more people suffer and post here). 


It's like a merry-go-round of frustration: some people get off and ostensibly even more get on with the next firmware, even though most beta testers felt "really optimstic this one will really fix the disconnection issues". Somehow that didn't translate into actual stability in the final release.


I'm not counting any eggs until I see everyone with multi-manufacturer dropouts (i.e., the whole network, not a single device) state that the Orbi now performs as stably as a $400+ router should.

Message 733 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

@n4cho Have you rebooted the router since updating though? That's when the issues seem to resurface for a number of us. 


I thought the same thing, that the beta had sorted my issues, then I rebooted...

Message 734 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

I am a new Orbi owner (1 week) and have been following this thread.  Interestingly (knock wood), I have not had the stability issues mentioned.  I am running V1.12.0.18 for the router (RBR50) but for the satellites (RBS30), V1.12.0.4 is installed and shown as "no new firmware version available".  For some reason, V1.12.0.18 for the satellites never installed and I am not about to do a manual install given the problems mentioned here.


Just wanted to share my situation in hopes that it might help someone.

Message 735 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

I'm fortunate that I'm not having any issues with the current firmware, but I'm definitely eager to check out the v2 when it's released out of beta.


I have a feeling that one big reason that Netgear hasn't publicly released it yet is because they want to verify it more thoroughly with the official/public iOS 11 release (which should drop next week).

Message 736 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

Dudes, the beta firmware absolutely fixed everything for my system. iPhones, Nvidia shield, laptops, Google pixel, Ethernet all works no one drop for a week +. One guy in a previous post linked the post that had the beta firmware. Get it from there if you don't want to wait until the next update. I can tell u that I won't change the beta even with future updates. Do a clean install. Best luck. Orbi when working is by far the best out there and I tried the eero 2nd gen pro.
Message 737 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

@Pichontech wrote:
Dudes, the beta firmware absolutely fixed everything for my system. iPhones, Nvidia shield, laptops, Google pixel, Ethernet all works no one drop for a week +. One guy in a previous post linked the post that had the beta firmware. Get it from there if you don't want to wait until the next update. I can tell u that I won't change the beta even with future updates. Do a clean install. Best luck. Orbi when working is by far the best out there and I tried the eero 2nd gen pro.

Of course, your mileage may vary. I've been using current 1.12 firmware for a couple of months without any issues. What seems to work for one person here doesn't always work for all.

Message 738 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

@Pichontech wrote:
Dudes, the beta firmware absolutely fixed everything for my system. iPhones, Nvidia shield, laptops, Google pixel, Ethernet all works no one drop for a week +. One guy in a previous post linked the post that had the beta firmware. Get it from there if you don't want to wait until the next update. I can tell u that I won't change the beta even with future updates. Do a clean install. Best luck. Orbi when working is by far the best out there and I tried the eero 2nd gen pro.

Of course, your mileage may vary. I've been using current 1.12 firmware for a couple of months without any issues. What seems to work for one person here doesn't always work for all.

Message 739 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

@Pichontech wrote:
Dudes, the beta firmware absolutely fixed everything for my system. iPhones, Nvidia shield, laptops, Google pixel, Ethernet all works no one drop for a week +. One guy in a previous post linked the post that had the beta firmware. Get it from there if you don't want to wait until the next update. I can tell u that I won't change the beta even with future updates. Do a clean install. Best luck. Orbi when working is by far the best out there and I tried the eero 2nd gen pro.

I had linked the Beta but I believe one of the MODs deleted the link. Yes mine has been flawless with the Beta for over a week.

Message 740 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

@Dustin278 wrote:

@Pichontech wrote:
Dudes, the beta firmware absolutely fixed everything for my system. iPhones, Nvidia shield, laptops, Google pixel, Ethernet all works no one drop for a week +. One guy in a previous post linked the post that had the beta firmware. Get it from there if you don't want to wait until the next update. I can tell u that I won't change the beta even with future updates. Do a clean install. Best luck. Orbi when working is by far the best out there and I tried the eero 2nd gen pro.

I had linked the Beta but I believe one of the MODs deleted the link. Yes mine has been flawless with the Beta for over a week.

Try rebooting your router and see if it's still flawless.

Message 741 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

My router has been rebooted 5+ times.. I've never had the speed problem that you always talk about
Message 742 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

I have cable internet and my speeds are also lower than yours.. I can only get 65mbps down and 6mbps up.. doesn't change and never have I messed with my nvram
Message 743 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

@Dustin278 wrote:
My router has been rebooted 5+ times.. I've never had the speed problem that you always talk about

Unless you have a gigbit internet connection, Orbi in router mode and possibly VLAN tagging involved, you may not experience the same issue as me. 65Mbps is less than 8% of my internet connection and roughly the same speed my Orbi maxes out at on the latest firmware.  So how do you know you're not experiencing the same issue?


You've rebooted your router 5+ times in the last week?

Message 744 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

Yes sir. I've moved my router a couple times which involves unplugging it, and I've needed to restart after a couple setting changes.. you can stop over and restart it if you want..
Message 745 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

And yes I'm not sure if I'm having the same problem as you.. as I stated above I don't have gigabit internet.. you asked if I've rebooted and I told you yes I have 5+ times
Message 746 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

Ha, that won't be necessary. It's probably quite a long flight from here.


I get 800+Mbps on Google WiFi or my old ASUS RT-66U, I get roughly 30-75Mbps via Orbi on v1.12 or the latest beta. I also get internet connection drops daily and sattelite diconnects occasionally.  I'd love to know what the differences are that mean it works great for some, but is a disaster for others. Are you in router or AP mode?

Message 747 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

@scornwell wrote:

Ha, that won't be necessary. It's probably quite a long flight from here.


I get 800+Mbps on Google WiFi or my old ASUS RT-66U, I get roughly 30-75Mbps via Orbi on v1.12 or the latest beta. I also get internet connection drops daily and sattelite diconnects occasionally.  I'd love to know what the differences are that mean it works great for some, but is a disaster for others. Are you in router or AP mode?

I am in router mode. Quick question if you go through Orbi's ethernet(hardwired) do you get 800+ Mbps? Then when you try wireless through multiple devices and run a speedtest.com you only get 30-75Mbps? Have you tried a speedtest when next to the router and running a speedtest next to the satellite with the same results?

Message 748 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

@Dustin278 wrote:

@scornwell wrote:

Ha, that won't be necessary. It's probably quite a long flight from here.


I get 800+Mbps on Google WiFi or my old ASUS RT-66U, I get roughly 30-75Mbps via Orbi on v1.12 or the latest beta. I also get internet connection drops daily and sattelite diconnects occasionally.  I'd love to know what the differences are that mean it works great for some, but is a disaster for others. Are you in router or AP mode?

I am in router mode. Quick question if you go through Orbi's ethernet(hardwired) do you get 800+ Mbps? Then when you try wireless through multiple devices and run a speedtest.com you only get 30-75Mbps? Have you tried a speedtest when next to the router and running a speedtest next to the satellite with the same results?

Those were all ethernet tests, at the router. On the previous firmware the speed was great, otherwise I would have returned the router early on. The frustrating this is after six weeks of back and forth with support they delivered me a beta firmware that does nothing to resolve the issue. There's another user here with exactly the same scenario as me (gigabit internet with VLAN tagging) and exactly the same problems. 


The weird thing is, with a factory reset, NVRAM wipe and manual reconfigure the Orbi works at full speed, even on V1.12, but as soon as it reboots the speed is crippled and the internet connection drops start.  

Message 749 of 810

Re: Firmware V1.12.0.18 Discussion

Curious if you've tried to isolate the reboot behavior by only bringing up the router and not the satellites?  Same situation connecting through the isolated router?

Message 750 of 810
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