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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38


Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

OK, I really don't get it. I can see some devices are STILL connected to the satellite and are in fact working without an issue. Yet, the management screens say it's disconnected? I don't know what to make of it but I guess I still am planning to drop and readd the satellite.

Message 26 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

Let us know it the REMOVE, reboot the RBR and then Add Satellite works to solve this. 

Message 27 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

Sorry but this is  just wrong (and being polite)


FAQ clearly states security fixes. Vague, yes... But, I see this..I apply the build that I am prompted for.


Like this user, is clearly broken. I had 5 drops like clockwork roughly every 30-60 minutes since applying. Did the factory reset (which I shouldn't have to do) and now I am stuck with a satelitte brick.  


What is worse..I look for last build of RBR50 and find some ancient version for download ? This is clearly not the last build.


I had a competitor router and extenders for 5+ years prior to this and 2 things remarkably differnt from this experience for past 3: 1. They answer support ticket even outside of warranty.  2. I never received a firmware that didn't work day 1. 


This has been an   ongoing saga with Netgear and Orbi and I think I am done. They have lousy support and firmware updates have all been brutal outside  1. There really haven't been that many for such an expensive piece of hardware since day 1  come to think of it..

Message 28 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

Oh please, before you go:  please tell us the name of the competitor...  What you say is what we all hope for in products we pay good money for.  Even if they don't answer me outside warranty, I expect the product to work reasonably and for new firmware updates to not make things worse!!!


From my couple years' experience with Orbi, applying updates is dangerous, and almost as bad as Windows 10 updates...!!!  I won't get into the horror stories with Orbi system administration but suffice it to say it's not pain-free!!!  😞   I have an Orbi Voice just sitting next to the router, waiting for me to have time to reset/debug/recover.


I'm tempted to give away the Orbi sytem for Halloween as a treat that's more of a trick!

Model: RBK53|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System
Message 29 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

I was able to add the satellite after rebooting both several times. My device list is still wonky. And I agree with you. If the update is released I should be able to apply it. That being said I have applied many since installing them and this is first time this has ever occurred.

Seems to be okay but maybe not. How would I know?

Message 30 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

Mines been online and up since around noon today. Have had zero issues with it since updating to v.38. 


Please perform a factory reset and setup from scratch. What I did. 


Good Luck. 

@goldbondx wrote:

Sorry but this is  just wrong (and being polite)


FAQ clearly states security fixes. Vague, yes... But, I see this..I apply the build that I am prompted for.


Like this user, is clearly broken. I had 5 drops like clockwork roughly every 30-60 minutes since applying. Did the factory reset (which I shouldn't have to do) and now I am stuck with a satelitte brick.  


What is worse..I look for last build of RBR50 and find some ancient version for download ? This is clearly not the last build.


I had a competitor router and extenders for 5+ years prior to this and 2 things remarkably differnt from this experience for past 3: 1. They answer support ticket even outside of warranty.  2. I never received a firmware that didn't work day 1. 


This has been an   ongoing saga with Netgear and Orbi and I think I am done. They have lousy support and firmware updates have all been brutal outside  1. There really haven't been that many for such an expensive piece of hardware since day 1  come to think of it..


Message 31 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

How close is your Orbi Voice to the Orbi RBR? 


I don't have Orbi Voice. After updating mine today, Been online since with zero issues. 

Give a factory reset a try...

Basic Infomation   CPU Load 10.7056%  

Memory Usage(Used/Total) 148MB/495MB  

Flash Usage(Used/Total) 2945MB/4096MB  

Network Session(Active/Total) 130/65536  

System Uptime



@naseerkhan wrote:

Oh please, before you go:  please tell us the name of the competitor...  What you say is what we all hope for in products we pay good money for.  Even if they don't answer me outside warranty, I expect the product to work reasonably and for new firmware updates to not make things worse!!!


From my couple years' experience with Orbi, applying updates is dangerous, and almost as bad as Windows 10 updates...!!!  I won't get into the horror stories with Orbi system administration but suffice it to say it's not pain-free!!!  😞   I have an Orbi Voice just sitting next to the router, waiting for me to have time to reset/debug/recover.


I'm tempted to give away the Orbi sytem for Halloween as a treat that's more of a trick!


Message 32 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

Sorry but I find that solution ridiculous. I don't want to spend an hour or whatever resetting up my entire network. If my server gets hosed I fix it I dont format the drive and reinstall everything. Now I know that I cant trust netgear next time an update is released. I'm not sure why they would release such a buggy version.
Message 33 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

I agree completely.  I've tried to live within this world of regular resets everytime a new firmware update occured.  Mostly avoided the router reset because that took my whole system down and required a good afternoon (with family not happy for the downtime, me neither!).  And I am crazy enough to try and maintain a ethernet backhaul setup for the satellites...!!!


I know that @FURRYe38 and others mean well when they say "give reset a try" but I know they are very far down the rabbit hole and I really don't want to settle for "reset early, reset often."  Already live with the way to handle PC troubles: "When I doubt, reboot!"

Message 34 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

The reset is a valid and last resort resolution to issue. It does help. I agree, users shouldn't have to resort to a reset. However due to changes in FW code and many various configurations, this leaves room for some odd issues to appear. Resets resolves most of this. Some users don't have to reset and have good experiences with there systems after a FW udpate. Some do no. 


Users need to understand as well that you can make a back up of the RBRs configuration and save it to file. Factory reset and setup from scratch to see if things work, or then apply the back up configuration from file. This saves time when working with Orbi and resets and configurations. 


I just spend 30 mintutes reconfiguring my RBK50 for router mode from todays AP mode configuration. Since I know the configurations I need, and process to get it all up and running, it doesn't take me much time to manually configure things. I'll probaby do a backup configuration now that it's up and running in router mode for safe keeping. 


System IS up and running on v.38. 


Good Luck. 

Message 35 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

The thing is, i have around 70 device with manual ip assigned, and like 10 port forwards, and vpn configured.
I thing i have to spend like 4-6 hours to reconfigure if i have to do a factory reset, so that is not an option for me.

I knew what i did when i bought a netgear orbi, but i actually thought i was working ok since i read a lot of good reviews.

But this is not working for me, can't/wont do a factory reset after every update.

And yes, i always update my router when there is a new firmware, and will continue to do so.

Will go back to Asus or ubiquiti soon.

Message 36 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

I'm very sorry that some people are having problems with the update. Just for perspective, My RBR50 with two satellites updated smoothly. The only problem was the device list on the ios app was totally wrong (showed everything hardwired to the main Orbi, when that was clearly not the case). I closed the app and reopened and all fine. I understand completely that some people are having difficulties, but i wanted to add the perspective that for some others things are smooth and fine. Sometimes when you read the community postings you really think the world is on the brink of collapse - for those individuals who have problems, yes, it must seem that way. But it isn't necessarily a universal problem. 

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 37 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

All this could be fixed by NG just turning off auto updates...Simple as that, no if ands or buts.

Message 38 of 107
Not applicable

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

@kyleb88 wrote:

All this could be fixed by NG just turning off auto updates...Simple as that, no if ands or buts.

what would that do?  Leave you to decide what FW you install?  and...how would you do that?

Message 39 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

I do not see a link to download it anymore have a link?

Message 40 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

@JMU1998 wrote:

I do not see a link to download it anymore have a link?

Firmware is not yet available on the download site for manual installation...only by live update.

Message 41 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

@kyleb88 wrote:

All this could be fixed by NG just turning off auto updates...Simple as that, no if ands or buts.

This is not an "auto update".  User who go to the web interface or the Orbi "app" get a notice thta new firmware is available.  Everyone who is commenting on the new firmware chose to install it.  (Just as I have chosen to wait until a concensus appears about whether the update is on balance a "good thing" or a "bad thing.")

Message 42 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

NG forces my orbi to update to which kills my wifi. If I run my orbi runs rock solid. This update then says it fixes wifi stability. It does not fix my stability. I do not want to update from my 1.44 firmware.

Message 43 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

Sorry, I was confused by the title of this post: "Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38".

Message 44 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

Here we go with the choose thing again. I have been updating my routers firmware for 20 years. It's NOT an OS update. It's a router. You would think that when presented with the message, new firmware is available, that it should be safe to update. That being said, I know that it's not the end of the world when it goes bad but honestly, I can't remember this happening as of recent with any router I've owned in the past.


As far as waiting for consensus on whether a patch is good or not, I mean seriously? I have to check out Netgears forumn first to make sure the patch is okay before I put it on? A week, a month? How long?

Message 45 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

I have had the exact same issue. Firmware was updated. Satellites kept showing as disconnected. I ended up having to remove and resync them.


It is also resetting some of my settings every time ti configure them (enabling telnet, splitting the 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz networks into different SSIDs, reset my static IP address settings...). Every time I reconfigure it, within about 20 minutes, they all reset again.


Firmware updates on the orbi have been a crapshoot since I bought it. I end up spending over an hour each time. I can upgrade my nexus 9k/5k/2ks at work faster and more reliably than this thing.

Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 46 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

Geez.  I'm sorry.  OK, I'll stipulate up front, "Netgear is a sorry excuse for a company. Their products are s**t.  Support is non-existent. etc. etc. etc."  My point was that since this update is an option presented only to users who notice it, there is no harm in waiting to see what other users report.  My opinion is that the vast majority of Orbi owners never look at the management system and were blissfully unaware that their Orbi systems updated firmware in the past and are equally unaware that an update is available now.  I deliberately did not run out and purchase the WiFi6 model the first day it appeared.  I am happy to let others describe their experience first.

Message 47 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

Did you power OFF both RBR and RBS for 1 minuted then power ON the RBR then RBS to see if the RBS would re-sync on it's own after the FW was updated? 

Message 48 of 107

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

For what it is worth..I am back up after  5  hours of   time trying to solve.     I have not had a drop since  last night. I eventually got my satelitte working by hardwiring to my  to base, paperclip reset, and then attempting to add satellite again. It said failed while attempting to add..but it showed up anyway.     I have not tested to verify if the satelitte is even working correctly as of yet becauase I am still doing yoga and meditation to get over 1/2 my day being wasted yesterday...  


The story got better after this though so I thought I would share since ..

Near my witts end yesterday , I sent Netgear a FB  messenger asking where to get the last version of firmware.  Over a full day later, I get a broadcast "  A new firmware (2.50.38) was release on the update server ....."  ....They didn't even read my request. Perhaps canned...Netgear is still pushing this crap build.


Anyways, hope  this firmware holds up to Black Friday.

Message 49 of 107
Not applicable

Re: Latest Firmware V2.5.0.38

@CrimpOn wrote:

@kyleb88 wrote:

All this could be fixed by NG just turning off auto updates...Simple as that, no if ands or buts.

This is not an "auto update".  User who go to the web interface or the Orbi "app" get a notice thta new firmware is available.  Everyone who is commenting on the new firmware chose to install it.  (Just as I have chosen to wait until a concensus appears about whether the update is on balance a "good thing" or a "bad thing.")

That's what I was wondering.  After reading all these posts about the latest FW, I was wondering was it pushed (no action by user) or did the user go looking for trouble?



Message 50 of 107
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