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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Not applicable

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

@OHChristine wrote:

Through the app.


I did not manually download the update.


I clicked the button  "check for updates." And then followed the prompts.

But why check for updates?  Was your system working fine?


Following the prompts most likely required an approval click by you...??



When you did the initial install you were most likely on the most stable (as its called in here) firmware.  Just a guess...Smiley Happy



Message 26 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update



The firmware update is what brought me here to the forums. I'm not a "nework" person, but have enough experience in the IT world to get by good enough if I go slow and read.


I was hoping I could try updating the firmware to solve the problems. I saw the .40 version and searched the site for user experience with the new download. But I won't update.

Message 27 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Because it was a brand new out of the box router. No "system" was working to test against.


I assumed (I see now ASS-U-ME) and trusted Netgear to give me the most recent and best firmware. This was 3 weeks ago now. I can't remember what I had for breakfast let alone the exact systematic set of buttons I clicked. I checked for updates when I set up the system and said yes install when they told me there was an update.


But "why" I did it is not really the problem here. Blaming customers for updating the firmware of a device at the recommendation of the company is not logical. Giving me the option to revert to the company's own proclaimed "MOST STABLE VERSION" is.

Message 28 of 61
Not applicable

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Well I'm sorry you're having problems and I wish you well.


When I asked about 'was it working' I meant could you hit the web, as in go to a website?


I'm not blaming you or anyone in here for performing manual update or app clicking or whatever you want to call it.  I only offer (as I did in the previous posts) the method I've adopted.  It's not bullet proof for nothing is, but I'm stable at the moment.



Message 29 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Sorry. I'm exasperated and got defensive.


I  didn't even check at the time, I should have, in retrospect. Smiley Frustrated

Message 30 of 61
Not applicable

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

@OHChristine wrote:

Sorry. I'm exasperated and got defensive.


I  didn't even check at the time, I should have, in retrospect. Smiley Frustrated

No need to be be sorry.  The 'rest of the story' is I've actually done what you and others have done many times.  Over the years of working with routers, firmware, software, etc. I decided to leave well enough alone.  Then if it screws up, well I'll sleep better knowing I didn't do it.


I do hope you'll reconsider keeping your Orbi.  Once you get it stablized, it's a fine system with strong long range wifi that will serve you well.

Message 31 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

When either the Web UI or the Smartphone App pops-up an alert when you login to the router that a firmware update is available, it should only be for updates that fix bugs and/or add features.  Consumers should not be beta-testers for firmware updates unless they elect to do so,  The firmware releases are V2.X, not B2.X to indicate that it is a BETA release.


I bought my Orbi RBK53 from Costco in March.  The initial firmware on it was very broken, sorry I do not remember the shipped version number, but I was immediately prompted to upgrade to V2.2.1.212 and then V2.3.0.32 to get the router stable.  My first support tickets with NG was in May for the major DNS resolver issues seen with the V2.3.1.X releases (the local network unable to resolve hostnames for my local systems, including PCs, NAS, etc.), which was finally corrected in the V2.3.5.30 firmware release two months later.  The device naming was broken with the V2.3.5.30 release until I did a factory reset and reprogrammed the router, so apparently some database references in the firmware were causing issues with device naming until the system was factory reset.  Factory resets between minor revisions of firmware should not be required.  If a factory reset is required for a firmware update, then it should be a major version number change (i.e. V3.X).


Now in late October, login to my Orbi shows that another firmware update to V2.5.0.38 was recommended.  I performed the upgrade and found that my device names, types and descriptions were completely messed up. So I opened another ticket with NG support.  They suggested another factory reset, which I tried and it did not fix the issue.  They suggested rollback to V2.3.5.30, which I did, but the system automatically upgraded itself again to V2.5.0.38.  So this was apparently before NG removed V2.5.0.X from their autoupdate process.  I also tried the V2.5.0.40 hotfix and device names are still broken.  My ticket is still open with NG.  Yes I could do another factory reset and roll back to V2.3.5.30 to fix the device naming issue, but this will take hours to complete.  NG should instead be releasing yet another firmware update to fix the device naming issue, as it does not appear that their regression testing (if they did any regression testing of V2.5.X) did not catch the issue with the device naming.


I joined this forum community and found that I am not the only one experiencing issues with the firmware.  This community seems to be more helpful than NG support does since they are more responsive to share their experience and suggestions/tips on how to resolve issues.  Not all users will see every issue, as they may only need the router for internet access.  The DNS resolver issues I experienced was for the intranet, not internet.  Users that do not have a complex intranet would not have seen these issues if they did not have any processes or applications reliant on local hostnames resolving on their local network.


I also saw where a user reported performance issues with the V2.5.0.38 release for his MacOS systems.  I do not have any Apple products, so I cannot duplicate his benchmarks.  Are there similar benchmark tools for Windows, Linux or Android systems that can likewise test WiFi performance that users here can recommend?


Model: RBK53|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System
Message 32 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

FYI, the FW updates seen in the UI or app are users choice to install, or not. It's just a notification of something is available. Users should review the release notes and if they are not confortable with the update, contact NG support or come to the forums and get additional help and information before making the choice to update. 


Historically, NG auto updated users systems, User had no choice in this. After users complained about this, NG finally stopped auto updating minor FW update and now gives users the choice to update or not. NG seems to hold the policy of auto updating users systems when they come out with MAJOR FW version builds. So be aware of this. v38 seems to be a minor FW version build thus NG is just letting you know thru the RBRs UI and Orbi app that it's there if you want to update. You don't have too. Smiley Wink

Message 33 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Well, my husband reminded me we purchased a "refurbished" Orbi set.


I'm returning the refurbished, buying a new version of the same (RBK50). I WON'T update the firmware this time!!!



Message 34 of 61
Not applicable

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Nice post.


Now if we could all just crack the code on what this means..."the FW updates seen in the UI or app are users choice to install, or not. It's just a notification of something is available."

Message 35 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Could have had a faulty system from the get go with a "referb'd" unit. 

Hopefully new will work better. Use it out of the box first and don't update it. 

There is a process of updating Orbi units if the ones new in box that come from retailers stock inventory which may be a bit old. The units work however v1.x version maybe seeing. There is a process to get it update to v2 or beyond. However, don't worry about that for now. Get a new in box set and see how it runs. 

@OHChristine wrote:

Well, my husband reminded me we purchased a "refurbished" Orbi set.


I'm returning the refurbished, buying a new version of the same (RBK50). I WON'T update the firmware this time!!!




Message 36 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Where are these "official" Netgear rules you keep quoting about installing firmware? 


What does it say about automatic updates in the user manual? My Aug 2019 Orbi manual mentions nothing about automatic updates in firmware updates (pages 89-91) or that it's not necessary to install minor updates.


Show me one set of Netgear firmware release notes that says these updates are minor & are not needed to be installed.


And as usual - Netgear support expires after the 1st 90 days.


@FURRYe38 wrote:

FYI, the FW updates seen in the UI or app are users choice to install, or not. It's just a notification of something is available. Users should review the release notes and if they are not confortable with the update, contact NG support or come to the forums and get additional help and information before making the choice to update. 


Historically, NG auto updated users systems, User had no choice in this. After users complained about this, NG finally stopped auto updating minor FW update and now gives users the choice to update or not. NG seems to hold the policy of auto updating users systems when they come out with MAJOR FW version builds. So be aware of this. v38 seems to be a minor FW version build thus NG is just letting you know thru the RBRs UI and Orbi app that it's there if you want to update. You don't have too. Smiley Wink


Model: RBR50|Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi Router
Message 37 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Our information comes from the NG forum moderators. I don't know why NG doesn't make this more public knowledge or post in a KB some place. Your free to ask the forum moderators for this information as well. 


Message 38 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Beta testers... Hmmmm...when I worked in Web Testing and there was little to no Regression or QA testing (because no one wants to ever pay for thorough testing) we called this the **T.I.P** method...
*Test In Production*


What a mess!

Message 39 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

I also had loads of issues with .38 (particularly, slow/dropping WiFi on iPad devices).  I have since downgraded to .30 and all those problems have gone away.


Not getting NG anymore after this router. Smiley Indifferent

Message 40 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

@Wire1852 wrote:

Show me one set of Netgear firmware release notes that says these updates are minor & are not needed to be installed.


I doubt we will get that type of info in release notes.  Maybe we could learn a little bit of that from @Christian_R's post regarding major vs minor version FW.


Christian_R NETGEAR Moderator ‎2019-10-08
Re: Auto Update Policy

Auto updates are still pushed to Orbi units. Small revisions of firmware updates such as to will trigger notifications of a firmware update. Whereas, major revisions such as to will be auto updated.




One could derive that going from 2.3.x.x to 2.5.x.x (i.e., to would be a MAJOR firmware update.  Going from 2.5.0.x to 2.5.x.x (i.e., to would be MINOR firmware update.  So a previous STABLE firmware must have been  Well, if 2.3.x.x happens to crap on your setup, then 2.2.x.x would be your next stop, and so on...


If Orbi auto firmware update policy still holds, don't be surprise if your Orbi has been auto updated to v2.5.0.38.


FWIW, v2.5.0.38/40 has been up and running without major stability issue aside from the CPU hog due to net-scan/d2d processes that are updatig the new device database in the background.  If you don't care about the new fancy device feature/Sonos bug fix (x.38) or new https certificate (x.40), stay put at your current version.  If you chose to move forward with v2.5.x.x, please reboot your network/clients and give your Orbi setup time to settle down. i.e. 24 hours.

Message 41 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Has a factory reset and setup from scratch been performed since last FW update?


Try this to see if this helps with wifi issues. I haven't seen any thing like with on my RBK50...

@jinnyleaf wrote:

I also had loads of issues with .38 (particularly, slow/dropping WiFi on iPad devices).  I have since downgraded to .30 and all those problems have gone away.


Not getting NG anymore after this router. Smiley Indifferent


Message 42 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

...and one question that I'm often asked myself is when should I to do Factory Reset?


I always do a hard factory reset (nuclear option) on MAJOR firmware update (i.e., to, manually re-configure the Orbi setup from scratch.  I never save/restore config file from a previous major FW version.  For MINOR firmware update, the same config should continue to work as is, i.e., I don't do factory reset going from to  YMMV.

Message 43 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Just curious, are you now using v40? 

@SW_ wrote:

...and one question that I'm often asked myself is when should I to do Factory Reset?


I always do a hard factory reset (nuclear option) on MAJOR firmware update (i.e., to, manually re-configure the Orbi setup from scratch.  I never save/restore config file from a previous major FW version.  For MINOR firmware update, the same config should continue to work as is, i.e., I don't do factory reset going from to  YMMV.


Message 44 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Just curious, are you now using v40? 


Message 45 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Same here. Solid operation so far. 

Message 46 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

With the my satelites were obviously connected as the attached devices had internet connection, but in the router web UI they were not appearing, at all. It just said, number of satelites: 0.


So I first manually updated RBR50 to .40 after which the satelites were listed, but with 0 devices shown on them. This at least allowed me to update both satelites manually to .40 just to keep things on the same version. 


But I still don't see any devices shown as attached even though they are, since I have internet connection on them. It's a mix of AV receivers, Macbook Pros, iPhones, iPads, Apple TV etc.


Even more ludicrious is the attached screenshot, showing the satelites as disconnected while I'm typing this connected to one of them.


Message 47 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

@atanvarno , I had something very similar. All satellites and devices appeared when using -.38 firmware, updated firmware to Hotfix -.40 and no satellites/devices appear. I downgraded firmware to -.30 and everything appears again. I was having so many connectivity issues with my Ring Doorbells and version -.38 that I thought I'd go back to older firmware and test that out for a bit.

Message 48 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Guys, I wrote this earlier. I have spoken with Netgear support and they told me that they see .30 as the last stable firmware version. I downgraded and indeed, issues are gone. I also asked them when a safe, stable release will be announced but he could not reply to this. The .30 version does not have the naming issues etc.
Message 49 of 61

Re: Orbi Firmware Update

Message 50 of 61
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