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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
Thanks for your response.
Well, even I power off router/satellites and then power on all units to sync again. The color of Solid magenta is still in the router itself. Useless.
Is this issue coming from firmware ? Wondering ...
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
Hello ClintoKL
No way to stop the firmware updates they are automatic.
Are the units still working just a issue with the lights? If so could be a bug in the firmware on AP mode I will have to report that issue.
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
DarrenM :
All units are working good.
The only one problem is the color of router itself - It always shows solid magenta.
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Betreff: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
I have the same problem with the router. The strange behavior with my router in AP mode, after a few weeks the solid light goes off !?! If I than do a new firmware update or reset the solid light goes on again. There is no functional problem! Strange firmware bug in AP mode!!!
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
I am on the current version, in AP mode, have the solid magenta on the router. I cannot access the web UI. I have rebooted with no resolution.
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
same issue here. in AP mode solid magenta; wifi works just fine and satellite not complaining, but web UI not available (over wifi). Reboot and magenta stays off but comes back after 5 mins or so. I checked for firmware last night when in router mode and web ui said it was on the latest (didnt make a note of firmware version and havent got access to web ui since i changed it to AP). Will try connecting to router via LAN cable to see if UI is still available.
Update: After several attempts switching the cable (from router to orbi router) between the orbi router lan and wan ports, switching the orbi router off for a min everytime, the orbi satellite finally doesnt have the constant magenta light. Mind you its only been half an hour, but so far so good for Wifi. The Web UI is still unavailable though. Next step for web UI is to try a laptop connected locally to the orbi router (via lan port).
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
I'm having the same problem as everyone else here. I bought this RBR50 on 4/6/17. On 5/26, I found the router sitting with a solid magenta ring and no Internet connection. I had to power-cycle it to restore operation. It was fine after that until today (6/13) when the same thing happened. This time fter restarting the Orbi, it stayed up for a minute and then went back to solid magenta, dropping its connection to the Ineternet. I had to power-cycle it two more times before I could finally keep it connected to the Internet (light off).
My ISP gives me a dynamic IP, so setting a static IP is not an option. I'm running firmware v. I just checked for updates and it says no updates available. The Orbi is my only router and I don't have any satellites connected. This router replaced an old Netgear WPN824 that worked flawlessly for 13 years before its wireless radio died. I'm pretty unhappy to have my new router crash once a month and apparently from what I'm reading no solution forthcoming from Netgear. Is there any answer to this? Any help would be most appreciated.
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
Hello Michele31415
Do you check your modems connection when this happens does it still have a internet connection?
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
Thanks for the reply. Yes, oddly enough, the lights on the cable modem are blinking in their usual pattern. So it is not the case that the router is solid magenta because my ISP is down. It's like the router is continuing to talk to the Internet but isn't passing any packets on to the PC's connected to the router. Bothe the wired and wireless connections report "no internet".
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
When my Orbi was in router mode the satellite kept going magenta usually once a day, but would eventually correct itself. I got tired with it and set it to AP mode thats when the router started going magenta instead - however since correcting the wire order mentioned a few posts back, both router and satellite behaving itself, although I dont have access to the web ui over wireless.
In both instances in router and AP mode internet when the magenta circle of internet death comes on, I still have internet access from modem.
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
I bought yesterday (6/22) and router was magenta this AM – updated FW last night.
I'm in AP mode as well with 1 satellite connected. It seems to function ok, but a port scan didn't find the device (found the satellite) and couldn’t access via app or browser.
I am a little concerned as this has been out awhile and I had a super stable network (~4 years using 802.11 AC Time Capsule), but needed to extend the range and thought this would be the best route. I need this thing rock solid. I bought from Costco, so I will keep monitoring.

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Betreff: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
Dont expect a solition there will be none from netgear
I gave it up
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Betreff: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
I'd call Netgear myself but what are they going to do? The router is working fine right now. This problem pops up randomly about once a month. But clearly this is affecting a lot of people. Doesn't anyone from Netgear even bother reading their own customer forum?

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Betreff: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
I dealed with them 4 months and had to spent aprox 3 complete days Every week beta testing their ideas nothing worked and we all gave it up
Thats the state of this fu+#|,>ing 500 Euro issue
Netgear isnt yet able to Exchange their own devices, they offered me to exchange it against a USED device, so I had to beg amzon to take care of netgears duty.
All ridiculous...

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Betreff: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
I think they will ultimately address this issue. Maybe high hopes on my part.
I assume Netgear believes most people use as a router (it would be challenging for me due to my network layout) and the router bugs have top priority. I assume they also think "well it still pretty much works...." My main concern is I left a very stable setup and it was stable from day 1, not one funny oddity. I think I only did 2-3 FW updates on the Time Capsule in the 3-4 years that I owned it and I couldn't tell you what they fixed because it was not obvious. I will play with it more when I get home. Someone mentioned going to a static IP helped. I was planning to do that anyway.
I think this must be a pretty good product or there would not be so many positive reviews in general. The only reason I replied and I hope others do as well as I want Netgear to know that many people are seeing and to address it.
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
I wouldn't hold your breath - there's no sign that Netgear is even reading these forums
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
go into advanced setup - router / ap mode and reselect then save. it will reboot. boom light gone
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
"go into advanced setup - router / ap mode and reselect then save"
I'm not sure I understand. If I navigate to Advanced Setup -> Router/AP Mode, there are two choices: Router Mode and AP Mode. Router Mode (which is what I need) is already selected.
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
Pressing a button that's already selected a second time does someting?? OK, the next time it goes magenta on me, I'll try that, though I don't see how that could do anything. In the meantime, I've noticed that the router auto-updated itself recently. It went from v. all the way to in one jump. Perhaps that will fix this problem. It only happens maybe once a month and the last time was two weeks ago so the jury is still out.
In the meantime, my solution was to get an automatic router rebooter (3GStore remote IP power switch UIS-522B). I plug in the modem and router, and connect it to the LAN. If it detects the WAN connection has been lost, it power-cycles the modem and then the router. We'll see if that fixes the problem.
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
Running latest firmware (July 2017). Similar issue to others in this thread. The system was running well for several weeks running Orbi as an access point (AP). Then, a solid Magenta light appears on the router but NOT satellite. Satellite is reachable via web interface but router (base station unit) is not reachable via the web interface. The base station also will not respond to pings. Read many of the messages posted here. Rebooted unit and network modem. Magenta light persists. Strangely entire wifi function still working well. Finally, I try one last thing. I had assigned a fixed IP address to the Orbi base station but NOT the Orbi satellite on my network modem/router. I removed the fixed IP address and allowed the Orbi base station to acquire IP via DHCP. The problem appears solved. It seems with this current firmware version, Orbi base station does not like having a fixed IP address assigned to it and running as an access point (AP)
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Re: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
Well once again, yesterday morning I awoke to find the Orbi base station solid magenta. My automatic network monitor had rebooted the modem and the router three times and that hadn't helped.
So here's a warning. I decided to call Netgear and had to use my phone to look up their number. Right at the top of the search results was listing called "Netgear Technical Support | 1-800893-1168" | Router | Wireless". In my hurry, I failed to notice that the associated URL wasn't netgear.com but some place called www.routersupport247.com. ** DO NOT CALL THIS NUMBER!! * It is a scam.
Their M.O. is to get you to open a remote desktop session. Then the guy opens a cmd window and gives a tree command. This lists your entire directory structure. While that's going on he's telling you he's "scanning your PC for malware". And then sure enough, at the very end pops up this line:
"C:\Documents and Settings\Owner> trojan found !! network error 17 devices".
So at this point it ought to be obvious what's going on. This "message" appears *after* the command prompt, and the cursor is sitting there blinking at the *end* of the line. So he just quickly pasted a pre-defined string with that text into the cmd window and says (do your best Bombay accent here) "Oh, you can see, you have a trojan!". In any case, "tree" isn't a malware scanner to begin with. That's where I accused him of being a scammer. He just hung up on me. The next step of course would be to get your credit card to pay for him to "remove" this (non-existent) trojan.
But the most annoying part is that during all this, the Orbi suddenly came back to life on its own. So now I had nothing to show the real Netgear support. I did notice though that now I'm now on firmware v.
I think this whole magenta business has to do with f/w upgrades. I need to find a way to stop this. Automatically chopping your Internet access to do an upgrade is totally obnoxious anyway. What if I was in the middle of recording a movie on my DVR? Or doing something really important like trying to place a trade with my broker?
So before I get out the trusty Wireshark, does anyone happen to know the IP of the mothership the Orbi phones home to check for upgrades? We need to block that. *I'll* decide when to take an upgrade, thank you very much.
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Re: Betreff: Orbi router solid magenta (not the satellite)
Hello Darren,
My configuration, One Router with two Satellites, is now already running for months without any problem.
After some firmware updates the problems were solved and I have seen no solid magenta lights anymore.
Not on the Satellites and also not on the Router.
So I am a satisfied customer of the Orbi system!
Kind regards for your support,
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