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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40


Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Updated Verizon S8 today and working on main Network so far. Good luck everyone, let's hope this is the fix.
Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 176 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

I'm on the main network with the new verizon update, seems stable as well. Thank god!

Message 177 of 260
Not applicable

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Updated Verizon s8+ which according to the release notes contains no changes to wifi at all. Still periodic disconnects with all other devices previously mentioned.
Message 178 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Well, after a very understanding coversation with a manager at Best Buy, they graciously agreed to allow me to return my Orbi and purchase something else. I've now had 2 Samsung Connect Home Pro hubs hooked up for roughly 3 hours, zero disconnects so far.

Message 179 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

My S8+ is working rock-steady on the main non-Guest SSID now too after the Verizon update today!
Message 180 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

My VZ S8 seems stable on main network after that update. I cannot reproduce the issue anymore. Hope it will stay this way.

I'll keep monitoring but it's good news.
Message 181 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

On my Samsung Galaxy s8+ today I went into "Settings" then selected "System Update" it said new update available I downloaded and installed it and so far no drops yet in wifi on phone, will monitor only been a few hrs since update. Have verizon phone.

Message 182 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

I've had no problems with the S8 since the update yesterday. I wonder what they fixed?
Message 183 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

@spinkick good question no idea what they fixed the release notes are kind-of vague nothing explicitly points to wireless or wifi fix, it is one of them magical "fixes/enhancements" that Firmware addresses but no one knows exactly what it is...for me it is working now so happy it was really frustrating drops in wifi constantly on the phone...fingers crossed!

Message 184 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Good News....my Obri Network is now stable and keeping internet connections.  After the most recent Verizon update for the Galaxy S8+, I reset my WiFi connections on the Galaxy S8 and reconnected to my Orbi network.  I have now been connected since last evening without any internet connection problems. 

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 185 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Just updated to AQH3 on my US unlocked S8+. Since swapping out the Orbi with Samsung's mesh, the issue persisted prior to today's update. I'm on my way home now to test things now that Samsung has finally released an update.
Message 186 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Just received Verizon's update NRD90M.G950USQU1AQGL

WiFi seems to work like a peach. No more need for guest wifi.
Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 187 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Verizon update seems to have solved the problem.  that does not remove the issue that Netgear, Verizon and Samsung were aware of the problem and a solution was created weeks ago that Sprint and T mobile sent out.  Verizon could have sent out their update sooner. Netgear eventhough they claim this community is for users to communicate with each other and not their support could have communicated better with the owner of this produce.  I am sure they monitor the conversations I am also sure they have everyones  e mail that owns this device they could have  sent out an e mail to all owners of Orbi explaining the issue and what they are doing to solve the problem.  if there was nothing they could do and had to wait for an update from Samsung which it seems that is what they had to do..  They could have sent out an e mail stating  they are working with Samsung to solve the problem.  Once it was known the Sprint and T mobile update worked they could have sent another e mail that they are working with Verizon to have their update sent out as soon as possible.  They did not do any of this and Verizon waited weeks to send out a new update neither company was responsive to this issue

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 188 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

After my last update direct from Samsung, wifi remained connected to my primary network throughout the evening and into the early morning when I leave for work. To reiterate: this is now on the Samsung Connect Home Pro mesh setup, not Orbi. Given the nature of the problem, I'm more than confident this will resolve the issue for any other S8/+ users who are on the US unlocked variant.

Message 189 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Same issue on S8 on T-mobile. No update here yet 😞

Message 190 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

I've had the same problem as everyone else it seem s and switched my connection to guest mode just to see what would happen. It seems to work and has been holding without dropping connection for 2 days now which it has never done. I switched it back to the main network and almost immediately connection was lost. Orbi you need to get on this pronto. I freaked on samsung cause i thought it was them for 2 weeks. My bad Samsung.

Message 191 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Same here.
When is tmobile update coming out?
This has gone too long....
Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 192 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

in one of my previous post I stated T mobile sent an update I was wrong it was Sprint that did it weeks ago. and Verizon just this week

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 193 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Updated my S8+ on T-Mobile, seems to have fixed the issues as well, so far, so good!

Message 194 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Same here. Been working great all day. Finally!!
Message 195 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

When did you get a update from T-Mobile. Still nothing here.

Message 196 of 260
Not applicable

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Worth continuing to note that no changes were made to S8/S8+ WIFI behavior or driver by Samsung on any carrier for the August updates. Any change you're seeing is merely placebo affect.
Message 197 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Luckily that's an incorrect assumption. The update for August is fixing the s8 on all mesh style devices, check around the internet. It wasn't just An Orbi issue with the s8 and its absolutely solid now for most of us.

In fact, I had an rma s8 phone with an old firmware before the July update and it was stable too. Them July patch confirmed to wreck something, and then August patch its stable again.

Samsung often will make changes and not document them.
Message 198 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Placebo? Lol.


Like people can't distinguish badly broken network from a rock solid one 🙂

Message 199 of 260

Re: Samsung Galaxy S8 not working on Orbi RBR40

Yes when did you get a tmobile update?
What part of country?
Message 200 of 260
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