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VPN between R8000 and EX7000
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02:04 AM
02:04 AM
VPN between R8000 and EX7000
I have two locations, each with fiber internet with fixed public ip. One location is with a router R8000 and the other one is with a EX7000 set as a wifi router (not as an extender). I would like to permanently link the 2 sites with a vpn so that I can access ressources from one location at the other location. Is it possible using those two netgear product? Otherwise if I have to buy something what would it be (i have FTTH so if it could also act as a fiber modem i could discard my Orange provider crappy box).
Regards et merci!
Model: r8000p|nighthawk x6s—ac4000 tri-band wifi router
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